Somalia: Individual Consultant: Joint Review of the Annual Education Sector Plan for Somaliland

Organization: Government of Somalia
Country: Somalia
Closing date: 13 Feb 2015

Objective of the Consultancy

The objective of this consultancy is to review and assess the 2014 Education Action Plan and the Somaliland Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP) 2012-2016 to evaluate the performance of the education sector in improving access to quality education in Somaliland.

In particular, the consultancy is to assess the progress against the Annual Action Plan and Aide Memoire which ultimately links with the implementation of the Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP) 2012-2016 in cooperation and partnership with the Ministry of Education and Higher Studies (MoEHS) and the Education Sector Committee. The assessment will feed into a JRES workshop (March 2015) which will provide an opportunity for the MoEHS and partners to convene to jointly analyze the sector, drawing upon the assessments. The results will then feed into the development of an Education Action Plan 2015-2016 and an Aide Memoire.

Expected Results & Deliverables

A draft report and a powerpoint presentation on field visits carried out jointly with Somaliland authorities and implementing partners to public and private, formal and non-formal education institutions at primary, secondary and higher education levels, to vocational education and training institutions, as well as to central and decentralised Somaliland authorities supporting the education sector.

Assess the implementation and progress of the Education Action Plan 2014-2015 and the extent to which the recommendations in the Aide Memoire have been implemented

Review of the ESSP 2012-2016 and identification of achievements made so far as well as of remaining gaps.

Support to the MoEHS in Somaliland in undertaking the second annual JRES, including the preparation for and support during a workshop with wide sector participation.

Based on the analysis from the JRES preparation and workshop, the development of a costed Education Action Plan 2015-2016.

Aide Memoire that captures sector review preparations - including field visits -, discussions, key findings and recommendations developed.

Please download the ToR for further details.

How to apply:

Please send your Expression of Interest (EoI) with a cost estimation (which includes proposed daily fee, DSA, flight to/from Hargeisa and other miscellaneous costs) and a curriculum vitae, all in English, not later than 13th February 2015 at 1200hrs local time (GMT+3) to with copy to

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