South Sudan: Cold Chain Specialist-P3- Juba, South Sudan

Organization: CANADEM
Country: South Sudan
Closing date: 15 Jan 2015

CANADEM is seeking Individuals with previous UN and international experience who are available for an immediate deployment to Juba, South Sudan with FAO for a 3 month contract ASAP

Title: Cold Chain Specialist

Level: P3

Duration: 03 months

Location: Juba, South Sudan


  • A national cold chain investment plan, including replacement plan for cold chain equipment.
  • A cold chain equipment procurement strategy and plan for FAO Country Office in South Sudan;
  • Training plan (management and technical aspects;
  • Technical specifications for cold chain equipment
  • Details of Standard Operational Procedures (SOPs) for cold chain and vaccine
  • Training guidelines for TOTs and cold chain operators in South Sudan
  • Details of exit strategy

Main duties and responsibilities

  • Analyze and map the current state and performance of South Sudan’s cold chain system and develop scenarios of what would be needed in terms of an operational and durable cold chain system to reach an acceptable vaccination coverage rate of the national herd.
  • Develop a national cold chain investment plan, including replacement plan for cold chain equipment for 2015-2017 to ensure safe supply of vaccines for animal health services in South Sudan. This includes development of a short and medium term strategic plans to strengthen the cold chain;
  • Develop a cold chain equipment procurement strategy and plan for FAO Country Office in South Sudan;
  • Prepare of technical specifications for cold chain equipment, based on identified needs and recommended procurement plan;
  • Identify technical and management training needs for specialized personnel at all levels and develop a training plan.
  • Develop Standard Operational Procedures (SOPs) for cold chain and vaccine handling in South Sudan
  • Design and implementation of a plan for training and orientation of technicians for management and maintenance of fridges and the cold chain system in South Sudan
  • Ensure installation of a solar backup for the central cold chain facilities at the MARF and the hubs in Wau, Rumbek and Torit.
  • Support the operationalization of the cold room in Wau and the cold chain facilities in Rumbek, Toerit.
  • Develop short training guidelines for TOTs and cold chain operators in South Sudan
  • Design an exit strategy in coordination with MARF

Reporting and Supervision

Overall supervision of the FAO Representative in South Sudan, direct supervision of Head of Programme, FAO South Sudan, and in close collaboration with Livestock Coordinator and the National Cold Chain Officer and relevant personnel/officials in the national Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Industry

Minimum requirements

  • Degree in refrigeration and electricity or related field.
  • 5+ years work experience in projects involving development of cold chain investment plan.
  • Experience in cold chain management with solar energy
  • Work experience in development organization
  • Ability and willingness to travel throughout South Sudan (as the security situation allows).

Other relevant information

Practical information – banking, access to ATMs, housing – private or compound, transport arrangements for after work, is there a car pool, access to drivers for afternoon/evening, will the seconded be allowed to use UN cars, can he/she use taxi’s, bus?

Security situation in Juba is volatile and UN staff is asked to leave inside UN compounds or is MOSS compliant private compounds.

There is one KCB bank and ATM inside UN House.

Transportation will be provided by FAO within times allowed (6am to 7pm).

It is no possible to drive UN/FAO cars and it is not allowed to use taxi.

How to apply:

If you see yourself in and have all of the above-mentioned skills, please register with CANADEM beforecontacting us. This can be done on our website at . Then send an email ASAP to with Subject Line: "**FAO-Cold Chain Specialist-P3- Juba,South Sudan**" together with an updated resume, citizenship, date of availability and your current location and a phone number where we can reach you. Please also forward blank referee questionnaire that can be found at to two of your references (recent supervisors preferred). Full instructions on how to complete the forms are included in the document; also please send us any evaluation report that you may have about your field work. We will be considering applications as they are received.

Liberia: Director - Health Systems Policy and Planning

Organization: Tiyatien Health
Country: Liberia
Closing date: 02 Mar 2015

Director, Health Systems Policy and Planning


Founded by survivors of Liberia’s civil war, Last Mile Health (LMH) (known in Liberia as Tiyatien Health) is committed to saving lives in the world’s most remote villages. Working in remote jungle communities cut off from even basic life-saving health services, LMH is building a health system that reaches everyone—by bringing health care to villagers’ doorsteps. LMH trains community members to be health practitioners for their villages and connects them with rural health clinics to offer every person access to the care they deserve. These Frontline Health Workers are able to prevent, diagnose, and treat the top ten most life-threatening health conditions. LMH plans to leverage this experience to help the Liberian government design, deploy and sustain a national network of community health workers that can have a transformative impact on maternal and child health outcomes across Liberia.

Over the past six months, an unprecedented Ebola outbreak has demonstrated that weak, inequitable health systems leave everyone vulnerable. To match a historic crisis with a historic response, LMH is launching a significant expansion of the organization’s rural healthcare model, integrated with a package of Ebola treatment and health facility strengthening efforts across the southeast. This project aims to deploy a comprehensive health system—from life-saving essential primary care services in remote communities to inpatient Ebola treatment and tertiary care in health facilities—and to work with the Liberian government to sustain that system and expand it to the rest of the country in the coming years.


LMH is building a health systems policy and planning team, based in Liberia’s Ministry of Health (MOH) in Monrovia. This team will provide technical support to the MOH to marshal a comprehensive Ebola outbreak and transition response that strengthens the overall health system in the long-term for everyone’s benefit – no matter where they live. LMH will help design and implement a nation-wide Community Health Worker program and ensure national health system improvements are realized at the community level. To achieve this, a health systems policy and planning team consisting of highly-motivated, diplomatic, and experienced specialists will provide technical advice to MOH officials, support the implementation of community health programs in coordination with other NGO and institutional partners, conduct focused capacity-building projects, and provide long-term analysis and thought leadership for the Liberian public health system.

The Director of the Health Systems Policy and Planning team will be a trusted advisor and the principal institutional liaison to senior MOHSW officials, as well as provide technical leadership and management to the team itself. The Director will help the MOHSW direct attention and resources towards national community health priorities outlined in the national Community Health Roadmap such as national deployment of community health workers. The Director will initiate and steer new projects, leverage the appropriate expertise within the Health Systems Policy and Planning team to ensure these priorities are featured in the government’s decisions ranging from health financing, human resources for health, and clinical protocols. The Director is also responsible for overseeing all aspects of program management activities, including but not limited to program planning, budgeting, staffing, qualitative and quantitative analysis and reporting.


Provide Strategic Support to MOHSW

  • Serve as a trusted advisor to MOH to ensure that major new and ongoing Ebola response efforts are designed and implemented to strengthen all levels of the public health system over the long-term.
  • Work alongside senior MOH officials to identify community health system strengthening initiatives and leverage the expertise of the appropriate health systems policy and planning specialists to support their implementation. This includes identifying technical assistance needs within MOH and with relevant partners such as the Clinton Health Access Initiative and the World Bank.
  • Actively participate in planning and coordination meetings among senior MOH officials and other stakeholders to identify and mobilize resources for community health priorities such as the expansion of a national community health worker program and other components of the national Community Health Roadmap.

Program Management

  • Along with the organization’s senior leadership, assist in setting the overall direction and goals of the Health Systems Policy and Planning team, defining targets, setting aggressive milestones and measuring program performance.
  • Manage the operational and administrative aspects of the Health Systems Policy and Planning team, including budgeting, human resources and internal and external reporting requirements.
  • Prepare team members’ workplans with clear objectives and achievement benchmarks, long-term and short-term priorities, implementation plans, financial projections and tools for evaluation.
  • Ensure work streams effectively address health system weaknesses at the community level and contribute to Liberia’s broader MDG progress and other health sector goals.
  • Hold weekly coordination meetings with the team and provide strategic guidance to individual team members.

Relationship management and thought leadership

  • Engage and manage relationships with senior MOH leaders and key development partners to identify new opportunities to collaborate with partners to leverage expertise that benefits new and ongoing projects under the health systems policy and planning team.
  • Drawing on guidance from the LMH Programs team, and the expertise of the Health Systems Policy and Planning team, identify, articulate and advocate for specific opportunities to address health system weaknesses at the community level in senior government and partner forums.
  • Manage external relations by representing the project and the organization in the public and ensuring the distribution of information about project achievements and lesson learned among relevant actors and across departments within the organization.



WORKS DIRECTLY WITH: MOHS staff and officials, partners, and Liberia-based Programs team, including Medical, M&E, and Frontline Health Systems Directors

SUPERVISES: Health Systems Policy and Planning Specialists


  • A Master’s degree in business administration, public health, or related subject
  • Minimum of 5 years work experience, preferably in influencing health system policies alongside government counterparts
  • Demonstrated experience in project and operational management in complex and uncertain environments
  • Experience motivating and empowering multiple direct reports to achieve aggressive milestones
  • Ability to navigate complex government processes and negotiate and achieve consensus with multiple influencers
  • Demonstrated success in working with supporting high-level officials and stakeholders
  • Generosity of spirit, sensitivity/diplomacy, and willingness to make sacrifices in service of the mission
  • Commitment to health and social justice
  • Excellent verbal, visual and written communication skills
  • Experience working in a post-conflict or resource-poor setting
  • Flexibility and ability to handle multiple tasks at one time in time-sensitive manner
  • Comfort working with a casual but high-performing team
  • High degree of English fluency required


The successful Director of Health System Policy and Planning will exhibit excellent diplomatic and strategic skills to establish credibility and provide thoughtful guidance to senior MOHSW officials to affect positive change to Liberia’s health system. This individual will be a great mentor, manager, role model and team player who demonstrates exceptionally high performance and harnesses the same from a diverse, talented and dynamic Health Systems Policy and Planning team based in Monrovia.

Commitment: 40 hours/week, Minimum 12-month commitment (24 months preferred)

Location: Monrovia, Liberia

Compensation: Salary commensurate with experience; housing, R&R, and medical benefits available

How to apply:

Applications accepted on a rolling basis via Last Mile Health website

Central African Republic: Coordinateur Programme RCA (H/F)

Organization: Avocats Sans Frontières
Country: Central African Republic
Closing date: 31 Jan 2015
  • Lieu d'affectation : Bangui, RCA
  • Statut : Contrat national
  • Clôture des candidatures : 31 janvier 2015
  • Entrée en fonction : dès que possible


Créée en 1992, Avocats Sans Frontières est une ONG internationale, qui se donne pour mission de contribuer à la réalisation d’une société juste et équitable, dans laquelle le droit est au service des groupes et/ou populations les plus vulnérables. Son objectif principal est de contribuer à la mise en place d’institutions et de mécanismes permettant l’accès à une justice indépendante et impartiale, capable d’assurer la sécurité juridique et de garantir la protection et l’effectivité des droits fondamentaux.

Avocats Sans Frontières a des missions permanentes en RDC, en Ouganda, en Tunisie et au Népal, et développe des projets en Israël/Palestine, en Tanzanie, au Tchad et en Colombie. Elle met également en œuvre des projets transnationaux sur la justice pénale internationale, la protection des défenseurs des droits de l’Homme et l’accès aux droits économiques et sociaux, en étroite collaboration avec les avocats et la société civile.

Le contexte

Avocats Sans Frontières démarre un programme ayant pour objectif l’amélioration de l’accès à la justice des personnes en situation de vulnérabilité en République Centrafricaine. Il s’agit notamment d’améliorer l’exercice effectif des droits de la population et le soutien au développement de la fonctionnalité et de la qualité de l’accès à la justice.

Par ce programme, ASF entend également contribuer à l’émergence d’un Etat de Droit à travers une justice équitable,

Dans le cadre du développement de ce projet en RCA, ASF souhaite installer une mission permanente dans le pays.

Description des tâches

Le Coordinateur de Programmes travaille sous la supervision directe du Chef de Mission et en étroite collaboration avec les Experts Thématique.

Le Coordinateur de Programmes supervise la bonne mise en œuvre, la bonne gestion des budgets et la coordination de l’ensemble des projets et programmes de la mission. Il appui en outre, le développement de nouveaux programmes.

  • Appuie la planification des projets et s’assure de leur exécution au regard des résultats et des indicateurs définis dans les propositions de projet
  • S’assure de la qualité technique de l’intervention en faisant appel à l’expertise de l’expert thématique
  • Appui le système de suivi-évaluation
  • Collecte les leçons apprises et les partagé avec l’expert thématique pour les projets/programmes futurs
  • Appui le travail de coordonnateurs avec les partenaires d’ASF sur la planification et le suivi des activités et dépenses du programme
  • Appui la bonne analyse des budgets des programmes et projets, conjointement avec le CAFL de la mission
  • Intervient dans la préparation des prévisions programmatiques et de la planification des dépenses, du plan de trésorerie et des demandes de trésorerie quand nécessaire
  • Attire l’attention sur les ajustements budgétaires nécessaires aux projets, en collaboration avec le CAFL de la mission
  • Participe avec le CAFL à l’élaboration des avenants, après validation du Chef de Mission,
  • Appuie à la rédaction des rapports narratifs bailleurs dans les délais impartis
  • Collecte et appuie les rapports internes des projets et les présente pour validation au Chef de mission

Profil recherché


  • Expérience professionnelle de 5 ans dans un poste à responsabilité dans une ONG ou institution internationale
  • Expérience dans le développement et la gestion de programmes et dans l’accompagnement des équipes dans la mise en œuvre des projets juridique
  • Diplôme universitaire de niveau Master dans un domaine pertinent (Droit, Développement, Sciences Politiques, etc.)
  • Excellente maîtrise du français (écrit et oral)
  • Excellentes capacités rédactionnelles et d’analyse
  • Maîtrise de l’outil informatique, notamment les logiciels usuels
  • Rigueur, patience, persévérance, sens de la diplomatie et de la négociation
  • Flexibilité et capacité à gérer le stress
  • Nationalité centrafricaine (permis de travail en RCA)


  • Expérience dans la région
  • Juriste et /ou Expérience dans la gestion de programmes dans le secteur de la justice
  • Expérience du travail en partenariat avec associations de la société civile
  • Permis de conduire


  • CDD 1 an ; renouvelable
  • Salaire selon la grille salariale nationale

How to apply:

Merci d’envoyer vos CV, lettre de motivation et disponibilités à : au plus tard pour le 31 janvier 2015, en précisant «Coordo Progr RCA»en objet.

Pour des raisons de ressources humaines limitées, seuls les candidats présélectionnés seront contactés par ASF. Merci pour votre compréhension et votre intérêt pour la promotion des droits humains.


Organization: Médecins Sans Frontières
Country: Kenya
Closing date: 01 Feb 2015

Do you want to be in a challenging project with prospects and potential for personal growth in Médecins sans Frontières OCBA?

We want you on board! We want your expertise and your commitment towards MSF! We want your contributions to build an innovative and exciting project in which you can learn, develop and grow along with MSF OCBA (Operational Centre Barcelona-Athens**).**

What would your mission be?

The Head of the Operational Cell (RECO)is responsible for overseeing the different phases in the cycle of missions and projects in the field (opening, follow-up, orientation and closing) and ensures that quality standards are duly maintained and MSF’s humanitarian and deontological principles respected in the projects within his/her portfolio (4-6 mission countries), within the framework of Executive Plan, Operational Policy and operations annual orientations plan, in order to perform relevant, high-impact operations.

S/he is hierarchically under the Deputy Operational Director.

The Operational Cell (OC) is a matrix-like “team set-up” integrating members of the different services or departments of MSF OCBA as the basis for direct support and guidance to the missions within the Cell’s portfolio. The OC is made up of a person in charge of the Cell (RECO), one Medical Deputy RECO, one Logistics Advisor (TELOCO), one Operational Finance (FINOCO) and one Human Resources Advisor (REHUCO). The team Cell is hierarchically under the RECO, with the exception of the FINOCO that is hierarchically under the Head of Operational Finance Service. The team is supported by Humanitarian Affairs Advisors and receives assistance from the EAU staff.

For more information, please see the attached.

How to apply:

Applicants should send their curriculum vitae and cover motivation letter under the reference “Head of Operational Cell´´to:


MSF SPAIN, East Africa Unit

P.O. Box 60204-00200

Mayfair center, 4th Floor

Ralph Bunche Rd.


Central African Republic: Coordinateur Administration, Finance et Logistique RCA (H/F)

Organization: Avocats Sans Frontières
Country: Central African Republic
Closing date: 31 Jan 2015
  • Lieu d'affectation : Bangui, RCA
  • Statut : Contrat national
  • Clôture des candidatures : 31 janvier 2015
  • Entrée en fonction : Dès que possible


Créée en 1992, Avocats Sans Frontières est une ONG internationale, qui se donne pour mission de contribuer à la réalisation d’une société juste et équitable, dans laquelle le droit est au service des groupes et/ou populations les plus vulnérables. Son objectif principal est de contribuer à la mise en place d’institutions et de mécanismes permettant l’accès à une justice indépendante et impartiale, capable d’assurer la sécurité juridique et de garantir la protection et l’effectivité des droits fondamentaux.

Avocats Sans Frontières a des missions permanentes en RDC, en Ouganda, en Tunisie et au Népal, et développe des projets en Israël/Palestine, en Tanzanie, au Tchad et en Colombie. Elle met également en œuvre des projets transnationaux sur la justice pénale internationale, la protection des défenseurs des droits de l’Homme et l’accès aux droits économiques et sociaux, en étroite collaboration avec les avocats et la société civile.

Le contexte

Avocats Sans Frontières démarre un programme ayant pour objectif l’amélioration de l’accès à la justice des personnes en situation de vulnérabilité en République Centrafricaine. Il s’agit notamment d’améliorer l’exercice effectif des droits de la population et le soutien au développement de la fonctionnalité et de la qualité de l’accès à la justice.

Par ce programme, ASF entend également contribuer à l’émergence d’un Etat de Droit à travers une justice équitable,

Dans le cadre du développement de ce projet en RCA, ASF souhaite installer une mission permanente dans le pays.

Description des tâches

Le Coordinateur Administration Finances et Logistique (CAFL) est responsable de la mise en œuvre des politiques et procédures administratives, financières et logistiques d’ASF, du respect des lois, des règlements nationaux et des obligations contractuelles de la mission ainsi que de la coordination des services de support. Le CAFL travaille sous la supervision du Chef de Mission et rapporte fonctionnellement au Contrôleur de gestion siège, responsable du suivi de la mission.

  1. Gestion des Ressources Humaines
  2. Entreprend toutes les démarches liées aux recrutements du personnel national : publication des offres d’emploi et suivi des candidatures sous la supervision du chef de mission
  3. Assure le briefing des nouveaux collaborateurs
  4. Réalise le suivi administratif du personnel national : contrats, salaires, organisation du travail.
  5. Veille au respect de la législation sociale et fiscale nationale pour le staff local
  6. Assure la gestion administrative du personnel expatrié (renouvellement de visa….)
  7. Met en place/adapte les politiques et procédures RH en collaboration avec le coordinateur RH siège
  8. Gestion financière et budgétaire
  9. Supervise l’élaboration des budgets des projets et de la couverture budgétaire de la mission, et du suivi budgétaire des projets et de la mission.
  10. Assure la gestion financière des projets : contrôle des comptabilités et des pièces comptables, gestion de la trésorerie et des demandes de fonds mensuelles, contrôle de l’efficience des coûts (rapport qualité/prix), contrôle des paiements.
  11. Suit les obligations contractuelles des bailleurs de fonds, contrôle des rapports financiers et demandes d’avenant
  12. Gère les exemptions de taxes et des remboursements de TVA.
  13. Gestion administrative
  14. S’assure du respect par la mission des politiques et procédures administratives d’ASF
  15. Supervise la bonne gestion des contrats locaux (locations bureau, communication, électricité, assurances, etc.)
  16. S’assure qu’ASF respecte les obligations nationales en matière administrative
  17. Gestion logistique
  18. Supervise la planification des achats dans le respect des procédures ASF et bailleurs
  19. Supervise la logistique liée aux activités de la mission (procédures appliquées, choix des fournisseurs)
  20. Supervise et optimise la logistique de frais structurels de la mission (coût énergétique, consommation carburant…)
  21. Met à jour régulièrement les plans de sécurité, participe activement à la collecte d’informations sur la sécurité et met en œuvre pratique des mesures de sécurité
  22. Gestion sécuritaire
  23. Définit les politiques et procédures assurant la protection du personnel et des biens d’ASF selon la stratégie d’ASF en matière sécuritaire et s’assure de leur respect par tous,
  24. Met à jour régulièrement les plans sécurité en étroite collaboration avec les responsables de base et coordinateurs programmes terrain, ainsi qu’avec le comité de gestion de la sécurité,
  25. Organise l’accueil des visiteurs et s’assure que tout visiteur reçoit un kit et un briefing sécu,
  26. Suit l’évolution du contexte sécuritaire et en informe régulièrement le Chef de Mission.

Profil requis

  • Diplôme requis en lien avec la fonction proposée (gestion, finances,…)
  • Expérience pertinente de 5 ans en gestion financière, administrative et logistique, dont au moins 2 ans dans une fonction similaire en ONG humanitaire et/ou de coopération au développement
  • Connaissance approfondie des outils informatiques, en particulier Excel, d’internet et d’au moins un logiciel comptable. La connaissance du logiciel BOB constitue un atout
  • Bonne connaissance du contexte humanitaire
  • Intérêt pour le domaine de la justice et des droits de l’homme
  • Capacité à travailler de manière autonome et en équipe
  • Capacité d’organisation, de planification et rigueur
  • Résistance au stress
  • Facilité dans les relations humaines
  • Excellente connaissance du français
  • Permis de conduire indispensable.
  • Nationalité centrafricaine (permis de travail en RCA)


  • CDD 1 an ; renouvelable
  • Salaire selon grille salariale nationale

How to apply:

Merci d’envoyer vos CV, lettre de motivation et disponibilités à : au plus tard pour le 31 janvier 2015, en précisant «CAFL RCA»en objet.

Pour des raisons de ressources humaines limitées, seuls les candidats présélectionnés seront contactés par ASF. Merci pour votre compréhension et votre intérêt pour la promotion des droits humains.

Democratic Republic of the Congo: DRC WASH Consortium: Consultancy for operational research on training and support for Water Management Committees

Kenya: Counselor

Organization: Heshima Kenya
Country: Kenya
Closing date: 18 Jan 2015

Position Overview:

Heshima Kenya is a nonprofit organization based in Nairobi, Kenya dedicated to identifying, protecting refugee children and empowering unaccompanied and separated refugee children, especially adolescent girls, through our specialized shelter, education and advocacy programs. The Psychosocial Counselor will provide technical support and leadership required for the successful implementation of all psychosocial activities of the Child Protection Program funded by UNHCR. She/ he will provide one on one counseling and group counseling sessions for vulnerable children, children at risk and foster families to reduce the past trauma experienced. The Counselor will work closely with the Social workers on providing psychological support and report to the Child Protection Manager.


  • Participate in the development of professional, effective and appropriate psychosocial programming, including direct individual and group counseling support.
  • Provide professional and confidential services to SGBV and trauma survivors.
  • Assist in the development and provision of psychosocial activities within Heshima Kenya’s project areas within the Urban Refugee Program.
  • Supervise and provide training, mentorship, and other technical support to social workers directly involved with the psychosocial component of Heshima Kenya program.
  • Strengthen and maintain networks with community leaders, groups and service providers to ensure that survivors receive support from the community and to encourage greater communication, collaboration and coordination among partners (protection, health, legal, and psychosocial sectors).
  • Collect data on Child Protection issues including SGBV and monitor trends and emerging issues.
  • Assist with developing adequate project monitoring systems and help to ensure that community incentive workers utilize these systems correctly and consistently.
  • Assist with preparing all relevant reports regarding Heshima Kenya’s psychosocial activities.
  • Ensure timely implementation of psychosocial program activities.
  • Provide leadership and guidance regarding psychosocial activities to all community workers to ensure all programs activities meet required standards of operation.
  • Work in collaboration with Social workers to ensure ongoing needs assessments, monitoring and follow ups of children’s’ intervention activities are timely.
  • Lead awareness-raising and/or sensitization campaigns on the Heshima Kenya’s psychosocial activities and other SGBV related services in collaboration with the Social Workers and the Child Protection Manager.
  • Lead the team of Social Workers in the development of monthly outreach plans based on case trends and children’s needs.
  • Fulfill any other duties and responsibilities as assigned.

Required Qualifications:

  • Must be a Kenyan Citizen
  • Degree in counseling or psychology, Social Science from a reputable University recognized in Kenya.
  • Minimum 5 years experience of direct psychosocial/counseling experience with refugees and with a passion of helping vulnerable children; experience working with survivors of violence and trauma required.
  • Clear understanding of gender-based violence and issues regarding violence against children.
  • Able to maintain confidentiality, counseling ethics and respect for survivors.
  • Able to lead, train, supervise, facilitate and motivate Community Incentive Workers in their respective tasks in a professional, respectful and supportive manner.
  • Positive, highly motivated, innovative, with strong organizational and inter-personal skills.
  • Able to coordinate multiple tasks while maintaining attention to quality and detail.
  • Able to work as part of a team.
  • Strong knowledge of computer applications, including MS Word and Excel.
  • Fluency in English and Swahili. Any other language will be an added advantage.
  • Experience working in the field of Gender-based Violence.
  • Must be registered with Kenya counseling association.
  • Be proficient in report and proposal writing and sound knowledge of computers i.e. Ms Word, Excel and Outlook.
  • A flexible team player able to work in a diverse cultural working environment.

How to apply:

Send your application letter and a detailed CV with daytime telephone contact by email to:

The Country Director, Heshima Kenya. P.O Box 63192-00619. Nairobi / Email:

Deadline for applications is 18th January 2015

Mauritania: CHN/CVA Coordinateur - Poste reservé aux Mauritanieens

Organization: World Vision
Country: Mauritania
Closing date: 28 Jan 2015


Contribuer à l’atteinte des objectifs de développement du millénaire, réduire la mortalité infantile, améliorer la santé de la mère et combattre le VIH SIDA, le paludisme et autres pandémies.

Depuis le lancement de la champagne au sein du partenariat Le bureau Régional de l’Afrique de l’Ouest a commencé à en coordonner les activités au niveau Régional et progressivement des pays de la Région ont intégré la campagne dans les activités de leurs programmes. La Mauritanie comme les autres pays de la Région recherche une personne hautement qualifiée pour pouvoir implémenter la Campagne.


Le (la) titulaire de ce poste devra :

Etre détenteur d’un diplôme de Maitrise (Bac +4) en santé publique, ou autres sciences y relatives, sciences sociales

Justifier d’au moins 2 à 3 ans d’expérience pratique en plaidoyer et /ou en reformes de règlementations publiques

Justifier d’une expérience professionnelle avec des Organisations non gouvernementales multiculturelles

Exigences du poste :

Exigence des voyages à travers le pays.

Le tenant du poste doit être prêt à répondre aux urgences et etre capable de travailler dans un environnement multiculturel et sous pression

How to apply:


  • Une lettre de candidature (motivation) adressée à la DRH
  • Un curriculum vitae + liste de 3 Personnes de référence
  • En annexe : copies des diplômes, certificats et attestations de service rendus.
  • Les candidatures sont envoyées en ligne à l’adresserecrutement**avec mention ‘CHN/CVA’ du 13 au 28 Janvier 2015.**

ATTENTION: Tous les dossiers incomplets seront rejetés !!!

A compétences égales, les candidatures féminines sont fortement encouragées.

Liberia: Community Health Specialist - Health Systems Policy and Planning

Organization: Tiyatien Health
Country: Liberia
Closing date: 02 Mar 2015

Community Health Specialist - Health Systems Policy and Planning


Founded by survivors of Liberia’s civil war, Last Mile Health (LMH) (known in Liberia as Tiyatien Health) is committed to saving lives in the world’s most remote villages. Working in remote jungle communities cut off from even basic life-saving health services, LMH is building a health system that reaches everyone—by bringing health care to villagers’ doorsteps. LMH trains community members to be health practitioners for their villages and connects them with rural health clinics to offer every person access to the care they deserve. These Frontline Health Workers are able to prevent, diagnose, and treat the top ten most life-threatening health conditions. LMH plans to leverage this experience to help the Liberian government design, deploy and sustain a national network of community health workers that can have a transformative impact on maternal and child health outcomes in remote communities.

Over the past six months, an unprecedented Ebola outbreak has demonstrated that weak, inequitable health systems leave everyone vulnerable. To match a historic crisis with an historic response, LMH is launching a significant expansion of the organization’s rural healthcare model, integrated with a package of Ebola treatment and health facility strengthening efforts across the southeast. This project aims to deploy a comprehensive health system—from life-saving essential primary care services in remote communities to inpatient Ebola treatment and tertiary care in health facilities—and to work with the Liberian government to sustain that system and expand it to the rest of the country in the coming years.


LMH is building a health systems policy and planning team, based in Liberia’s Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOHSW) in Monrovia. This team will provide technical support to the MOHSW to marshal a comprehensive Ebola outbreak and transition response that strengthens the overall health system in the long-term for everyone’s benefit – no matter where they live. LMH will help the MOHSW rationalize funding from major international donors to ensure it benefits Liberians living in remote villages. LMH will help design and implement a nation-wide Community Health Worker program and ensure national health system improvements are realized at the community level. To achieve this, a health systems policy and planning team consisting of highly-motivated, diplomatic, and experienced specialists will provide technical advice to MOHSW officials, support the implementation of community health programs in coordination with other NGO and institutional partners, conduct focused capacity-building projects, and provide long-term analysis and thought leadership for the Liberian public health system.

The Community Health Specialist is an experienced and thoughtful public health expert with an intimate understanding of health system challenges at the community level, as well as the benefits and limits of greater decentralization of care. This individual will play a pivotal role in partnering with senior MOHSW decision-makers and key stakeholders on the effective implementation of community health priorities, particularly the opportunity to recruit and deploy 16,000 new community health workers in Liberia.


Accompany MOHSW officials

  • With members of the Health Systems Policy and Planning team, work alongside officials within the MOHSW’s Community Health Services Division to provide support for ongoing implementation and monitoring of the National Community Health Road Map.
  • Provide technical expertise to the MOHSW, with the support of other Last Mile Health teams, to design policies and implement national general Community Health Volunteer (gCHV) training programs, and ensure the national iCCM plan is underway.
  • With closely with the MOHSW to define a national gCHV curriculum, and design the national supervision package that includes tools and training for improved community health care delivery.
  • Work closely with officials within the MOHSW’s Community Health Services Division to launch a national incentives structure.

Support the MOHSW in coordinating with key stakeholders

  • Support the MOHSW in conducting coordination and planning meetings, developing implementation standards and supporting the MOHSW in establishing needed buy-in among partners.
  • Work with key stakeholders within the MOHSW to map and coordinate the work of NGO and technical partners within Liberia through active support and coordination of the Community Health Technical Working Group.
  • Participate in gCHV mapping activities and coordinate data collection within LMH and across partners in order to process and analyze the results.
  • Support the Incident Management System (IMS) and the national Ebola response as-needed.

Analysis and thought leadership

  • Provide the Health Systems Policy and Planning team with technical expertise and analysis to support advocacy efforts to direct funding towards the deployment of a national community health worker program and other key components of the Community Health Road Map.
  • Drawing on guidance from the Last Mile Health program and project implementation teams, conduct analysis of key outstanding key community health priorities, particularly those protecting gains made on MDGs and present findings to MOHSW colleagues via presentations, position papers, and other communications.


REPORTS DIRECTLY TO: Director of Health Systems Policy and Planning

WORKS DIRECTLY WITH: Programs team, including Medical, M&E, and Frontline Health Systems Directors, MOHSW staff and officials


  • MPH or MIA/MPA or similar degree required
  • 3-5 years experience in global health and development programs; experience in community-level health systems in developing countries preferred
  • Significant program design experience
  • Demonstrated success and experience working with government officials, preferably providing capacity building or accompaniment services
  • Successful and proven negotiation, communication and organization skills.
  • Generosity of spirit, sensitivity/diplomacy, and willingness to make sacrifices in service of the mission
  • Commitment to health and social justice
  • Excellent writing and communication skills, including across cultures and backgrounds
  • Experience working closely with employees recruited in a post-conflict or resource-poor setting
  • Flexibility and ability to handle multiple tasks at one time in time-sensitive manner
  • Comfort working with a casual but high-performing team
  • High degree of English fluency required


The successful Health System Planning Specialist will be an excellent communicator and supporter of government health officials, able to assist the MOHSW in its effort to strengthen remote and rural health systems by sharing the lessons and experiences reflected in the Last Mile Health program model. The specialist must be diplomatic, collaborative, and able to provide technical expertise and guidance through a wide range of relationships and projects.

Commitment: 40 hours/week, Minimum 12-month commitment (24 months preferred)

Location: Monrovia, Liberia

Compensation: Salary commensurate with experience; housing, R&R, and medical benefits available

How to apply:

Applications accepted on a rolling basis via Last Mile Health website

Democratic Republic of the Congo: Results Based Financing Specialist

Organization: International Business & Technical Consultants, Inc.
Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Closing date: 31 Mar 2015




International Business & Technical Consultants, Inc. (IBTCI), a U.S. based international development consulting company established in 1987, has worked in over one hundred countries and has implemented over two hundred projects. IBTCI has served governments, private sector companies and several donor agencies in the practice area of Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) across many sectors including health, education, environment & economic development and crisis, conflict & governance.


IBTCI is currently seeking candidates for a Results Based Financing (RBF) Specialist to coordinate field data collection on an endline evaluation in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The endline study mainly involves two surveys: a household and a health facility—collecting data at the intervention and comparison RBF sites in the provinces of East Kasai, West Kasai, Katanga, and South Kivu. The ideal candidate should possess a successful track record as a field study coordinator, implementing and managing data collection. The RBF Specialist will oversee a team of supervisors and will be in charge of large teams of interviewers and data collectors. Therefore, careful management of personnel and logistics in the field is required. S/he must be available from March 2015 – September 2015.


· Conduct trainings of survey personnel on study data collection and management tools and methods.

· Oversee supervisors, interviewers and data collectors during endline data collection for the RBF impact evaluation.

· Oversee periodic data management tasks during the survey, including but not limited to data cleaning, verification checks, and ad hoc calculations.

· Provide survey logistics and management support in the field throughout the data collection phase. Maintain and regularly update the Field Implementation Plan.

· Conduct routine data quality control checks.

· Conduct key informant interviews with key stakeholders at Kinshasa and provincial levels.

· Analyze and identify significant interview findings, especially vis-à-vis the costing data.

· Collaborate with the Impact Evaluation Specialist on the empirical analysis of survey results to estimate the impacts of RBF services. Conduct the necessary sub-group analyses to answer key RBF impact evaluations listed in the contract SOW.


· A master’s degree in economics, international development, or public health (or an advanced degree in a relevant field).

· At least five years prior experience in RBF research and evaluation in DRC.

· Proficiency in mobile phone based data collection and management system e.g. Datadyne/Magpi; computer skills in word processing and data analysis tools such as SPSS, MS Excel or STATA.

· Familiarity working in rural DRC, specifically in the Kasais, Katanga, and South Kivu

· Native fluency in French and working knowledge of English (both written and oral) are required.

· DRC nationals highly preferred; will consider non-national current DRC residents of other nationalities.

· Experience and willingness to work under harsh conditions in remote areas.

How to apply:


Please go to to apply. Only final candidates will be contacted. IBTCI is an equal opportunity employer.

Kenya: Finance Assistant

Organization: Heshima Kenya
Country: Kenya
Closing date: 18 Jan 2015

Position Description:

Heshima Kenya is a nonprofit organization based in Nairobi, Kenya dedicated to identifying, protecting and empowering Refugee Children, unaccompanied and separated refugee children, especially adolescent girls, through our specialized shelter, education and advocacy programs. The Child Protection Program is a UNHCR funded program with operations in the Urban Refugee Program. The Finance Assistant will manage funds for the Child Protection Program in Nairobi and other urban areas and report directly to the Director of Financial Operations.

Primary Responsibilities:

  • Prepare and maintain relevant books of accounts.
  • Prepare monthly reconciliation of program bank account.
  • Send monthly ledger statement, Quick Books (QB) file and general queries to the Director of Financial Operations by the 10th of every month.
  • Processing payroll and submit monthly tax filings to KRA, NSSF, and NHIF by expected due dates.
  • Manage the program petty cash.
  • Ensure payment requests are properly supported and are in accordance with relevant financial rules, regulations and procedures with adequate Budget Provisions.
  • Process for the signature of the authorized officers, the relevant documentations to effect payment while ensuring accuracy and completeness of the processed transactions.
  • Maintain relevant hard and electronic records and files related to the finance function.
  • Acknowledge bank and account for receipts.
  • Participate in the preparation of both monthly and other regular financial reports.
  • Serve as a member of the procurement team.
  • Support annual field audit preparation.
  • Perform any other related duties as may be assigned from time to time by management.


  • A degree in Finance/Accounting and minimum of CPA II qualification.
  • Proficiency in Quick Books.
  • Knowledge and a minimum of three years experience with NGO accounting legal requirements, guidelines, fiscal responsibility, and reporting in Kenya with specialty in NGO guidelines and compliance.
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office, including intermediate skill level in Excel.
  • Excellent inter-personal skills, can work independently and with teams.
  • Must have high organizational skills.
  • Knowledge and experience with donor accounting requirements, guidelines, fiscal responsibility and reporting standards.
  • Excellent attention to detail. Proven track record of being above reproach in character in terms of accountability, transparency and integrity.

How to apply:

Send your application letter and a detailed CV with daytime telephone contact by email to:

The Country Director, Heshima Kenya. P.O Box 63192-00619. Nairobi/ Email:

Deadline for applications is 18th January 2015

Nigeria: Senior Newborn Health Adviser, Abuja Nigeria

Organization: Save the Children
Country: Nigeria
Closing date: 26 Jan 2015


The overall aim of the position is to provide technical leadership for the implementation of the newborn health component of the Maternal and Child Survival Program (MCSP). The position will support and supervise the work of the two MCSP Newborn Health Advisers located and working in Kogi and Ebonyi states. The adviser will also support Federal Ministry of Health, National Primary Health Care Development Agency, and State Ministries of Health and partner organizations to improve the quality of care for pregnant women, mothers and newborn infants within the framework of the National Integrated Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (IMNH) strategy, the child survival call to action road map in the context of the Saving One Million Lives Initiative of the government, Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment Program (SURE-P) and the Midwifery Service Scheme, providing technical inputs with respect to maternal & newborn health and technical leadership on this work for the MCSP Program Nigeria. S/he will provide technical support and work closely with the Pediatric Association of Nigeria (PAN) and the Nigeria Society of Neonatal Medicine (NISONM) in the two States – Ebonyi and Kogi -- and when appropriate in other states in Nigeria where the Helping 100,000 Babies Survive and Thrive Initiative have activities. Also to work with other provisional associations including Nigeria Association of Nurses and Midwives, and the Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics of Nigeria (SOGON) and other implementing parthers to improve policy environment for the implementation of maternal & newborn health interventions ; galvanise partner support for policy change for women and children in areas where there may be gap/s.


  • Medical qualification (MD or M.B.B.S.) with a post graduate qualification in paediatrics with public health , neonatology/newborn health or related field.
  • Substantial experience in a clinical, managerial, administrative and advisory capacity.
  • Experience in providing technical support to partners and in particular government at senior levels.
  • Superior interpersonal skills with the ability to communicate and negotiate clearly and effectively at all levels. Presentation and training skills, along with tact and diplomacy are essential.
  • Proven capacity to deliver results against objectives, reporting schedules and workplans.
  • Excellent analytical and conceptual skills and the proven ability to translate these into concise high quality reports and lessons learnt documents,
  • Confidence in using word processing and spreadsheet computer packages
  • Fluency in written and spoken English and ability to make compelling technical presentations.
  • Commitment to and understanding of Save the Children’s values and mission.
  • Intimate knowledge of the policy and programme context of Nigeria. Demonstrated capacity to develop a network of contacts with key players from amongst government, donors, international agencies and NGOs, to maintain these relationships over time and to support mobilization of significant funding from donors.


  • Experience in health systems development and primary health care management.
  • Technical expertise in newborn health
  • Proven capacity in strategic planning and long term positioning.

How to apply:

Kindly send your C.V and qualifying statements on or before 26th January 2015explaining why you are suitable to . State position clearly in the subject field as applications without appropriate subject will be disqualified. Also, applications received after the deadline will not be considered. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Please note that applications will be treated as they are received and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

In order to apply for more great opportunities, please visit our website

For more information and to support our work, please visit our website

Our selection processes reflect our commitment to safeguard children from abuse. Our people are as diverse as the challenges we face.


South Africa: District Manager- Kwazulu-Natal Pinetown

Organization: mothers2mothers
Country: South Africa
Closing date: 31 Jan 2015

To oversee implementation of quality ****m2m**** Mentor Mother peer education and psychosocial support services to pregnant women and new mothers at ****m2m****sites in selected areas in the Kwazulu Natal Province; supervise all Site Co-ordinators and Mentor Mothers; monitor and ensure quality improvement of m2mservices.

The District Manager will report to the Programme Manager: Mentor Mother Programme.

How to apply:

****TO APPLY:****

Interested applicants should submit their Curriculum Vitae to the Recruitment Specialist, ****mothers2mothers****via email to by 31 January 2015.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted – should you not hear from us by 28 February 2013, you may consider your application unsuccessful.

Kenya: Social Worker

Organization: Heshima Kenya
Country: Kenya
Closing date: 18 Jan 2015

Position Description:

Heshima Kenya is a nonprofit organization based in Nairobi, Kenya dedicated to identifying, protecting refugee children and empowering unaccompanied and separated refugee children especially adolescent girls, through our specialized shelter, education and advocacy programs. The Social Worker will carry out Child protection program activities within the urban refugee program funded by UNHCR. The Social Worker will be responsible for the management, planning, assessing and implementing of the Child Protection Program activities and will report to Child Protection Manager.


  • Responsible for the management, planning, assessing and implementing of all the child protection activities.
  • Support in the design and implementation of program activities.
  • To coordinate the daily and weekly activities and prepare weekly, monthly and quarterly reports.
  • Conduct Best Interest Assessment and Best Interest Determination interviews and prepare reports for all identified children.
  • Conduct home visits and referrals to check programs.
  • Identify and initiate alternative care arrangement for vulnerable children and children at risk.
  • Provide case management services to identified children and foster families.
  • Identify alternative care arrangement for identified children and children at risk.
  • Ensure that all protection issues are effectively handled; communicate relevant and urgent details to the Child Protection Manager and the Country Director.
  • Work closely and collaborate with relevant program staff on a weekly basis about specific cases, progress, and follow-up for referrals.
  • Oversee case management services, i.e. counseling, social support, educational and training programs, home visits, family tracing, and reunification activities and ensure follow up is conducted in a timely manner.
  • Maintain accurate and timely case records of activities and plans, Write detailed and highly accurate summaries and report.
  • Conduct outreach with the respective refugee communities regarding Heshima Kenya’s services, foster good relationships with communities with the goal of strengthening community referral structures, care and support services within the community.
  • Effectively meet all program goals and targets. Report any challenges or difficulties in meeting program goals immediately to the Child protection Manager.
  • Complete reports accurately and on time and submit to the Child Protection Manager and relevant partners as required.
  • Assist in strengthening of Heshima Kenya’s referral network.
  • Attend weekly staff meetings and contribute to feedback and ideas.
  • Perform other duties as assigned in the implementation of program activities.
  • Learn and understand thoroughly Heshima Kenya’s mission, vision, programs and goals.
  • Represent Heshima Kenya in a highly professional and dignified manner.


  • Degree in Social Work, Community Development, International Relation or Humanitarian Affairs and /or Psychology.
  • 3-5 years of professional experience, preferably working with refugee populations and/or with refugee children.
  • 2-4 years working at the program management level, including leading or assisting with designing, implementing and managing projects.
  • Extensive experience in implementing culturally appropriate social work and mental health interventions for people who have suffered trauma and torture.
  • Must be a Kenyan citizen; preference to female candidates; knowledge of refugee language desirable (Somali, Amharic, or Oromo ).
  • Must have a certificate of good conduct.
  • Skilled at carrying out program needs assessments and program development.
  • Excellent oral and written communication and reporting skills.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and ready to work as a team.
  • Able to work independently and as a team.
  • Must be highly organized, creative, detail oriented and work effectively under pressure with competing priorities.
  • Excellent research, data-collection, organizational and time management skills.
  • Strong knowledge of Nairobi, especially refugee-based areas, clinics, primary schools and social service providers and knowledge of refugee communities.
  • Strong working knowledge of Microsoft Word and the internet.

How to apply:

Send your application letter and a detailed CV with daytime telephone contact by email to:

The Country Director, Heshima Kenya. P.O Box 63192-00619. Nairobi/ Email:

Deadline for applications is 18th January 2015

Somalia: Monitoring and Evaluation and Control of Activities in Somalia for the Norwegian Embassy

Organization: Transtec
Country: Somalia
Closing date: 31 Jan 2015


  • Team Leader experience (optional);
  • Experience in East Africa
  • Results-based management experience.

The main tasks to be completed are:

  • using interviews and document review, develop a labour market analysis to judge the relevance of the training programme to the area;
  • conducting group interviews with elders, trainees, training centre staff, business owners etc;
  • carry out classroom observations;
  • assess the quality of training materials and curricula against international standards;
  • develop methodology and questionnaires for a baseline/endline survey to assess the impact of training on employment outcomes etc.
    Candidatures will be reviewed upon reception until the best match is identified. So the sooner you send your CV the better.

How to apply:

To apply kindly register your profile via our website and send your updated CV by e-mail to:****

Senegal: Consultant

Organization: UN Women
Country: Senegal
Closing date: 20 Jan 2015

Dans le cadre de son plan stratégique 2014-2017, le Bureau Régional pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest d’ONU FEMMES met à jour sa base de données de consultants concernant les domaines suivants :

1- Leadership et Participation Politique des Femmes

2- Autonomisation économiques de Femmes

3- Lutte contre les Violences faites aux Femmes et aux Filles

4- Genre, Paix et Sécurité

5- Intégration du Genre dans les processus de Planification et de Budgétisation, aux niveaux national et local.

6- Traduction Anglais /Français

7- Traduction Français /Anglais

8- Interprétation simultanée /Français -Anglais

As part of its Strategic Plan 2014-2017, the Regional Office for West Africa ONU FEMMES updates its consultant’s database regarding the following areas:

1- Leader ship and Women's Political Participation

2- Women’s Economic Empowerment

3- Ending Violence against Women and Girls

  1. Gender, Peace and Security
  2. Gender Mainstreaming in Planning and Budgeting process at national and local levels.

6- Translation English / French

7- Translation French / English

8 Simultaneous Interpretation / French -English

How to apply:

Si vous avez une expérience d’au moins 2 ans dans l’un des axes d’intervention susmentionnés, merci de remplir le formulaire ci-joint et d’envoyer également votre CV à avec en objet : « Manifestation d’Intérêt / CONSULTANT ».

Les candidatures féminines sont vivement encouragées.

If you have experience of at least 2 years in any of the above areas of intervention, please complete the attached form and send your application to with the subject line: "Expression of Interest / CONSULTANT".

Women applications are highly encouraged.

Cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous pour télécharger le formulaire :

Kenya: Child Protection Manager

Organization: Heshima Kenya
Country: Kenya
Closing date: 18 Jan 2015

Position Description:

Heshima Kenya is a nonprofit organization based in Nairobi, Kenya dedicated to identifying, protecting refugee children and empowering unaccompanied and separated refugee children, especially adolescent girls, through our specialized shelter, education and advocacy programs. The Child Protection Manager will carry out Child Protection program activities within the urban refugee programs funded by UNHCR. The officer will be responsible for the overall management, planning, assessing and implementing of the Program and will report directly to the Senior Program Manager.


  • Oversee overall management, planning, implementation and monitoring of Heshima Kenya’s Child Protection activities in the urban areas.
  • Prioritize child protection issues and design prevention and response initiatives.
  • Provide technical guidance and direction for effective planning, implementation and monitoring of Child Protection activities including the psychosocial support and legal support to vulnerable children and their families.
  • Develop monitoring and reporting mechanisms i.e. formal data collection for advocacy, qualitative and quantitative data for program development and information for donor reports.
  • Represent Heshima Kenya in meetings with UNHCR, Government of Kenya official meetings, Children’s Department, Department of Refugee Affairs, Technical working group meetings and with other stakeholders.
  • Develop training tools and materials for child protection interventions and assist in capacity building for staff and partners, in priority areas such as Child Rights, Prevention of Violence against Children, SGBV, Psychosocial support, family tracing and family re-unification and care for unaccompanied and separated children.
  • Ensure implementation of quality Rights-based Child Protection activities.
  • Implement result -based approaches.
  • Ensure child-friendly procedures are mainstreamed in all programmatic interventions related to SGBV and other protection programs.
  • Support grant writing process and identify new funding opportunities and new technical partnerships.
  • Develop multilayer strategic planning for the Child Protection program.
  • Develop effective systems for supervision and monitoring of children and community structures.
  • Prepare and compile program reports bi -weekly, monthly and quarterly and submit to the Senior Program Manager.
  • Lead a team of staff in the child protection department across multiple site locations in various urban areas.


  • Degree in Humanitarian Affairs, social sciences, Development Studies or Counseling Psychology.
  • At least three years professional experience working with vulnerable children, refugee minors, or children at-risk.
  • Three years management experience required.
  • Able to effectively and respectfully handle conflicts, excellent communicator.
  • Knowledge of refugee related issues in Kenya, especially children.
  • Fluent in English and Swahili.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills; can work independently and as part of a team.
  • Must be highly organized, creative, detail oriented and work effectively under pressure with competing priorities.
  • Excellent data-collection, organizational and time management skills.
  • Experience in implementation and monitoring of programs.
  • Ability to identifying gaps in child protection services and within the given context informs a holistic protection response for children.
  • Strong cross-cultural communication and resilience skills are very important.
  • Experience in supervising and mentoring other staff.
  • Able to establish and maintain effective working relations with people of different cultural backgrounds and be a team player.
  • Proven experience in writing reports.
  • Proven experience in proposal writing.
  • Proficient in Microsoft office Software and using the internet as a resource.
  • Have Certificate of Good Conduct.
  • Must be a Kenyan citizen.
  • Previous experience working with Refugees and children.

How to apply:

Send your application letter and a detailed CV with daytime telephone contact by email to:

The Country Director, Heshima Kenya. P.O Box 63192-00619. Nairobi/ Email:

Deadline for applications is 18th January 2015

Senegal: Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Response Manager

Organization: World Vision
Country: Senegal
Closing date: 29 Jan 2015

Use your background in response management to be part of a leading organisation dedicated to improving the lives of children living in poverty.

World Vision (WV) is a global network of people committed to enhance the well-being of children everywhere by empowering families and communities to overcome the challenges of poverty and injustice.

The Ebola Virus Disease Response Manager (RM) will manage and coordinate the implementation of WV’s response to the Ebola Virus Disease – EVD - pandemic in the West Africa region in accordance with response plans and commitments to meet international and WV standards. This position will be responsible for leading the emergency response phase and rehabilitation and recovery phase in West Africa, ensuring that programmes and project activities are implemented as planned. The Response Manager will work closely with the National Directors of the two affected countries – Sierra Leone and Mali – and support preparedness in at-risk countries in West Africa region. Has strong understanding of National Offices and Regional Office operations. Effectively integrates emergency response programming with existing National Offices programming. Meets desired objectives and goals while being well coordinated and integrated with other programs in the overall EVD Response. In addition, they will provide technical assistance in planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the project in close coordination with technical sector teams.

We are looking for a visionary leader who can combine strong business disciplines with inspirational spiritual leadership skills in line with our values and ethos. You will have a passionate desire to help others, especially children.


  • Coordinate WV Ebola Virus Disease response in Sierra Leone, Mali and neighboring “at risk” NOs from Dakar, Senegal. Regular calls with WVSL and WVM ND & SMT.
  • Mobilize and coordinate key WARO, GC and SO functions such as Health, HEA, Communications, Advocacy, etc. for their technical inputs and supports to the response.
  • Coordinate development and/or review and adaptation of response tools and materials, messages such as CoH, psycho-spiritual counselling and sensitization materials, etc.
  • Establish and maintain effective working relationships with humanitarian and government representatives, donors and World Vision stakeholders. Coordinate with UN Agencies, other iNGOs and other stakeholders involved in the EVD response both regional and international to ensure synergy and alignment to WHO recommendations. Represent WVI at regular INGO coordination meetings in Dakar.


  • University degree or qualification in a relevant subject with a focus on team management, project management, Public Health or other relevant skills.
  • 10 years of proven experience with International NGOs/UN in emergency relief projects, rehabilitation projects or related field.
  • Experience in program management and implementation of multi sectoral emergency response projects.
  • Previous experience working in complex emergency/rehabilitation settings.
  • Good management and collaboration skills with host government, donors and field staff.
  • A demonstrated ability to manage cross-cultural dynamics.
  • Strong communication skills (oral and written) with ability to express ideas and concepts clearly and persuasively with senior internal and external stakeholders.

How to apply:

Could you fulfill this vital, challenging and rewarding role and be part of this life-enriching experience?

For specific details regarding the position, please refer to the full description and apply online by the closing date 29 Jan 2015. For more information on World Vision International, please visit our World Vision is an equal opportunity employer.

Kenya: BID Coordinator

Organization: Heshima Kenya
Country: Kenya
Closing date: 18 Jan 2015

Position Overview:

Heshima Kenya is a nonprofit organization based in Nairobi, Kenya dedicated to identifying, protecting and empowering refugee children and unaccompanied and separated refugee children, especially adolescent girls, through our specialized shelter, education and advocacy programs. The Best Interest Determination Coordinator will carry out program goals and objectives associated with all Child Protection activities. The Officer will be responsible for the Best Interest Assessment and Determination process for all identified children and will report to the Child Protection Manager.


  • Overall management of the Best Interest Assessment and Best Interest Determination process of all identified children and finding durable solutions.
  • Work closely with the Child Protection Manager to ensure effective management of the assessment and documentation process of the Refugee Children.
  • Support conducting and follow ups of BIA/ BID interviews for case management.
  • Support the preparation of BID reports, review and presentation of reports to the UNHCR and other BID panel partners.
  • Submit BID cases with findings and recommendations bi- weekly and on a monthly basis to the Child Protection Manager.
  • Prepare Field Site progress reports and follow up reports.
  • Support and foster inter-partnership coordination on child protection.
  • Coordinate closely with other partners and the District Children’s Officer, ensuring compliance with the Children’s Act of Kenya, and other legal and institutional frameworks, and promote the sustainability of initiatives undertaken.
  • Represent Heshima Kenya at external meetings as may be requested by the Child Protection.
  • Be a strong advocate for children’s best interest in all care arrangements and wider discussions affecting children’s welfare.
  • Coach, mentor, and support opportunities for continual staff development in the program.
  • Support Organizational compliance of the Child Protection Policy.

Qualifications and Experience

  • Degree in Social work, Diploma in Community Development or Counseling.
  • Previous practical experience in the BID process; minimum of 3 years relevant work experience in Child Protection Programs.
  • Demonstrate experience in Child rights & protection issues in the Kenyan context including knowledge of international and national legislation and policies.
  • Solid knowledge of UNHCR BID Guidelines and Field Handbook for the Implementation of UNHCR BID Guidelines.
  • Solid knowledge of Alternative Care in Emergencies toolkit and the Kenya’s National Guidelines on Alternative Care.
  • Experience in designing and conducting trainings for a variety of actors.
  • Strong self-starter with demonstrable ability to adapt to changing program priorities and emergency priorities that may arise.
  • Excellent analytical and report writing skills.
  • Ability to work successfully within deadline requirements.
  • Fluent in written and spoken English; Somali language skills a major advantage.
  • Positive attitude towards community work with emphasis on the ability to learn from communities and support participatory, innovative approaches to problem solving.
  • Excellent communication skills and ability to be respectful, kind, sensitive and empathetic with all children;
  • Willingness and capacity to be flexible and accommodating when faced with challenges.
  • Commitment to upholding Heshima Kenya’s Child Protection Policy, other Partners and Kenyan Government Policies.

How to apply:

Send your application letter and a detailed CV with daytime telephone contact by email to:

The Country Director, Heshima Kenya. P.O Box 63192-00619. Nairobi/ Email:

Deadline for applications is 18th January 2015

Kenya: Incentive Worker

Organization: Heshima Kenya
Country: Kenya
Closing date: 18 Jan 2015

Position Overview:

Heshima Kenya is a nonprofit organization based in Nairobi Kenya dedicated to identifying, protecting refugee children and empowering unaccompanied and separated refugee children, especially adolescent girls, through our specialized shelter, education and advocacy programs. The incentive worker will carry out program goals and objectives associated with all child protection programs and be responsible for the implementing of Heshima Kenya’s Child Protection program in the urban areas with support from the social workers and counselors. The incentive worker will ensure the best interests of the children as priority. The incentive worker will report to the Child Protection Manager.

Primary responsibilities

  • Support all outreach activities, mobilizing of refugees, distributing of brochures and in identifying of vulnerable children and Unaccompanied and Separated refugee children.
  • Provide knowledge and support to the children in the community to empower them with information and create awareness about the different organizational mandates and services.
  • Responsible for providing information and updates of events taking place in the community and sharing of key information with the child protection staff.
  • Ensure smooth running of program activities and timely reporting.
  • Support the Social workers and counselors to identify foster care families for vulnerable children.
  • Conduct home visits on a weekly basis. During home visits, interact with children and accurately assess questionable situations to identify suspected child protection incidents while also building rapport and trust with parents in the community, and using it as a basis for inquiring as to the well-being of children living in the community.
  • Provide case summaries of identified children on a weekly basis, and provide detailed written monthly reports outlining issues identified and referrals made during visits.
  • Ability to establish trusting and positive relationships with children of all ages.
  • Coordinate closely with other partners and the District Children’s Officer and other legal and institutional frameworks and promote the sustainability of initiatives undertaken.
  • Represent Heshima Kenya at external meetings as may be requested by the Child Protection Manager.
  • Be a strong advocate for children’s best interest in all care arrangements and wider discussions affecting children’s rights and welfare.
  • Support compliance to the Child Protection Policy.
  • Perform other duties as required.

Qualifications and Experience


  • Secondary certificate or preferable a certificate in community development and social work. Trained in Community Mobilization, SGBV, FGM, Refugee Rights and Community Services etc.

Skills and Competencies

  • Computer literacy a must: excellent working knowledge with WORD and EXCEL.
  • Good knowledge of human rights framework and working experience in counseling.
  • Experience in capacity building including facilitation of community-based training and awareness rising.
  • Good knowledge of child rights and prevention and response to SGBV issues.
  • Good knowledge of Nairobi and its environs.
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Proficiency in English and Swahili. and preferable a Somali, Congolese speaking.

How to apply:

Send your application letter and a detailed CV with daytime telephone contact by email to:

The Country Director, Heshima Kenya. P.O Box 63192-00619. Nairobi/ Email:

Deadline for applications is 18th January 2015