Benin: Governance (public & private sector) Advisor

Organization: Options Consultancy Services
Country: Benin, Togo
Closing date: 06 Nov 2014

Role profile

We are seeking an experienced Governance Advisor for the upcoming DFID-funded programme ‘FP2020: monitoring and accountability at the national and local level’. The programme aims to ensure that country-level commitments made at the 2012 London Summit on Family Planning are met. It will do this by supporting strategic national and local accountability mechanisms that build the capacity of a) civil society to advocate for, and, where appropriate, b) the state and service providers to respond to civil society actions to ensure and accelerate the delivery of those commitments.

Key responsibilities

This role will be responsible for delivering the programme at country level. The Governance Advisor will work closely with the Accountability Lead to:

  • Support operationalisation of the country operational plan
  • Build government capacity to engage with civil society, communities and clients
  • Implement a range of supply-side accountability interventions at a national and local level to build the capacity of the state to respond to and foster social accountability through interactions with citizens
  • Identify and build consensus among key stakeholders
  • Enhance willingness and ability of political elites, state bureaucrats and service providers to interact with their citizens
  • Identify and support mechanisms within government that build demand for FP amongst the country population
  • Identify and facilitate the inputs of STTA and FP2020 Partners
  • Ensure robust monitoring and evaluation mechanisms are in place in line with those established for the programme
  • Link with AFP in the identified linking country to ensure effective coordination and lessons learned.
  • Oversee the technical delivery of any projects funded at country level through the “opportunities fund”

Qualifications and experience

The Governance Advisor will have substantial experience in mobilising and working with government within their respective countries and the skills and leadership required to oversee operations in focus countries that come under the umbrella of the hub. They will have had substantial experience in delivering programmes to a high level and oversight, monitoring and quality assurance of technical inputs from short term technical assistance and from partner organisations. They will have a deep understanding of accountability mechanisms and have successfully delivered programmes which seek to utilise both long and short route accountability mechanisms. They will have substantial experience of working effectively with teams at a distance and ideally within a multi-country programme. Experience of supporting capacity building of government at the national and sub-national level is essential.

How to apply:

Application process

To express your interest in the role, please send your CV with a summary note of your skills and experience to Kathy Samuel at before 6 November. Please note that CVs will be reviewed as they are received.

Sudan: Associate Director, Sudans and Horn of Africa, Enough Project

Organization: Center for American Progress
Country: Sudan, United States of America, South Sudan
Closing date: 31 Dec 2014


The Associate Director position requires deep policy knowledge of the region as well as experience in team leadership. The Associate Director will carry out and lead research and impact strategy on the conflict dynamics in the region and related U.S. government and international policy for Enough’s policy papers, briefings, and advocacy efforts. The Associate Director will be responsible for leading the Enough Project’s policy and advocacy work on political, economic, and conflict dynamics in Sudan, South Sudan, and the Horn of Africa in collaboration with the Founding Director and under the direction of the Director of Research and Publications/Editorial. This is a position requiring research and report-writing experience, a strong understanding of conflicts in the Horn of Africa, and an ability to lead and manage a team of policy researchers and writers. The Associate Director will also be expected to represent Enough in the media and with U.S. and international policymakers.


  • Conduct original research and policy analysis on the subject, both in Washington, D.C. and in the field.
  • Work collaboratively to lead the implementation of a research agenda for the subject.
  • Help formulate original policy recommendations and encourage adoption by senior policymakers within the U.S. government, the African Union, and the United Nations.
  • Work with the Founding Director and Director of Research and Editorial/Publications and other colleagues to implement the policy and research agenda for Enough’s work on subject and manage a team in its implementation.
  • Co-author, author, and edit policy reports, memos, and other policy documents on the subject.
  • Build relationships with officials in the U.S. government; international organizations such as the United Nations, European Union, and African Union; and other key players to gather timely—and, occasionally, rapid response—information for conflict analysis and report writing; expand Enough’s network of contacts within the policy community and deepen Enough’s relationships with policymakers and influential actors in the United States and overseas.
  • Work in consultation with Directors of Research and Publications/Editorial and Communications to plan, develop, and contribute regular content for the Enough communications and media that is dynamic, original, thoroughly grounded in policy expertise, and accessible to a broad audience.
  • Work collaboratively with the forensic investigation team focusing on Sudan and South Sudan and the broader region.
  • Assist the advocacy and impact strategies team to help shape subject-related campaign messaging.
  • Represent Enough at subject-related meetings and events, both in and outside Washington, D.C.
  • Participate in and inform the budget process.
  • Collaborate with the Development Director to inform and examine development and fundraising opportunities; review fundraising materials and reports to donors.
  • Work with the Director of Advocacy and Impact Strategies to inform and develop outreach and advocacy initiatives.
  • Supervise direct reports; work with Director of Research and Editorial/Publications and Managing Director to assure staff needs are met.
  • Regularly liaise with and manage subject area and field consultants for alignment with strategic and policy agenda, publications, and communications priorities; articulation of appropriate work plans and deliverables, assure timely receipt of deliverables, work with appropriate staff to assure contract administration.
  • Other duties as assigned.

Requirements and qualifications:

  • Master’s degree strongly preferred. Bachelor’s degree and at least five to seven years of post-college working experience conducting research in international relations, political science, or a related field required.
  • Demonstrated knowledge of the subject and ability to provide in-depth analysis and write professionally on the issue area.
  • Previous field experience in Sudan and South Sudan.
  • Strong understanding of the policymaking community and the potential implications of various advocacy and policy approaches.
  • Academic background or work experience in the prevention of atrocities, human rights, conflict prevention and resolution, and the responsibility to protect.
  • Demonstrated excellence in written and oral communication.
  • Adept team player with good interpersonal skills.
  • A strong commitment to human rights and conflict resolution and to Enough’s mission to end genocide and mass atrocities.
  • Superb organization and time-management skills, including the ability to manage numerous tasks simultaneously, work under pressure, and meet deadlines.
  • Strong staff management skills.
  • Knowledge of French or Arabic is an asset.
  • Ability to work independently and in a team setting.
  • Ability to keep calm and work in a fast-paced environment.
  • Good humor and general problem-solving skills.

American Progress provides a competitive compensation and benefits package.

American Progress is an equal opportunity employer; women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

How to apply:

E-mail your Word resume and cover letter attachments to:

Or you may write to: Center for American Progress, 1333 H St. NW, 10th Floor, Washington, D.C., 20005.

In your correspondence, please reference the exact title of the job you are applying for in the subject line. This announcement will remain posted until the position is filled. No phone calls please.

Please note that only those individuals whose qualifications match the current needs of this position will be considered applicants and will receive responses from American Progress.

Thank you for your interest in American Progress.

Ethiopia: Accountability Lead

Organization: Options Consultancy Services
Country: Ethiopia, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Closing date: 06 Nov 2014

Role profile

We are seeking an experienced Accountability Lead for the upcoming DFID-funded programme ‘FP2020: monitoring and accountability at the national and local level’. The programme aims to ensure that country-level commitments made at the 2012 London Summit on Family Planning are met. It will do this by supporting strategic national and local accountability mechanisms that build the capacity of a) civil society to advocate for, and, where appropriate, b) the state and service providers to respond to civil society actions to ensure and accelerate the delivery of those commitments.

Key responsibilities

  • This role will be responsible for directing and overseeing the work of one cluster of country programmes. The Accountability Lead will work closely with the implementation advisors to:
  • Provide overall leadership and management on the implementation of the FP2020 programmes to the countries that fall within their cluster.
  • They will facilitate the country teams to develop and operationalise the country operational plans
  • Ensure effective coordination between local and national level accountability mechanisms and ensure that the implementation advisors and country level are effectively linked into and mobilising the networks of the consortium partners and beyond.
  • Work with the Technical Support Unit Leads to identify and facilitate the inputs of STTA and FP2020 Partners
  • Develop and facilitate the delivery of any capacity building plans developed to support increased capacity of civil society, government or service providers within their cluster.
  • Oversee the Cluster M&E Leads to ensure robust monitoring and evaluation mechanisms are in place in line with those established for the programme
  • Link with AFP in the identified linking country to ensure effective coordination and lessons learned.
  • Oversee the technical delivery of any projects funded at country level through the “opportunities fund”

Qualifications and experience

The Accountability Lead will have substantial experience in management of multi country programmes and have the skills and leadership required to oversee operations in focus countries that fall within their cluster. They will have had substantial experience in delivering programmes to a high level and oversight, monitoring and quality assurance of technical inputs from short term technical assistance and from partner organisations. They will have a deep understanding of accountability mechanisms and have successfully delivered programmes which seek to utilise both long and short route accountability mechanisms operating on both demand and supply sides of accountability. They will have substantial experience of working effectively with teams at a distance and ideally within a multi-country programme. Experience of supporting capacity building of government and civil society at the national and sub-national level is essential.

How to apply:

Application process

To express your interest in the role, please send your CV with a summary note of your skills and experience to Kathy Samuel at before 6 November. Please note that CVs will be reviewed as they are received.

Chad: Responsable Finance Tchad

Organization: Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Country: Chad
Closing date: 31 Dec 2014


ACTED est une association de solidarité internationale française qui a pour vocation de soutenir les populations vulnérables de par le monde et de les accompagner dans la construction d’un futur meilleur en apportant une réponse adaptée à des besoins précis depuis 1993. ACTED vient en aide aux populations touchées par les crises grâce à une approche à la fois globale et locale, multidisciplinaire et adaptée à chaque contexte. Ses équipes (3300 personnes) interviennent dans 34 pays afin de faire face aux situations d’urgence, pour soutenir les projets de réhabilitations et accompagner les dynamiques de développement.

Pour ce faire nos équipes sur le terrain interviennent sur plus de 340 projets dans les secteurs suivants : aide humanitaire d’urgence, sécurité alimentaire, promotion de la santé, éducation et formation, développement économique, microfinance, soutien institutionnel et dialogue régional, promotion culturelle.

Forte de son expérience au plus près des besoins et des situations auprès des communautés vulnérables à travers le monde, ACTED contribue aujourd’hui à l’agenda international en faveur des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement, avec des campagnes de plaidoyer en France et en Europe.

II. Profil pays

Capital Office : N’Djamena

National Staff : 166

International Staff : 10

Areas : 4 (Batha, Abéché, Goz Beida, Goré)

On-going programmes : 18

Budget : 4.1 M €

ACTED est présente au Tchad depuis 2004 avec des interventions ciblées en matière de distribution, de protection de l’environnement et d’amélioration des infrastructures communautaires.

En 2011, ACTED au Tchad a poursuivi son objectif de soutien à la transition de l’urgence vers le développement. Ainsi, si des programmes d’urgence ont du être mis en œuvre pour répondre aux besoins des populations affectées par la crise nutritionnelle au Sahel, mais aussi à ceux de réfugiés des pays voisins, ou encore à ceux des travailleurs migrants retournés de Libye, la transition vers le développement a pu se poursuivre sur nos quatre zones d’intervention au centre, au nord, à l’est et au sud du pays, avec la mise en place de stratégies de sortie de l’urgence axées sur une transition fluide avec les institutions nationales.

En 2013 et 2014, ACTED poursuit sa stratégie visant à s’éloigner de l’urgence et de la post-urgence afin de laisser place à une phase d’accompagnement d’un développement durable. En réponse à la crise alimentaire dans la bande sahélienne, ACTED renforce ses interventions d’urgence dans les régions du Lac et du Batha afin d’assurer que les populations les plus vulnérables puissent accéder à une alimentation convenable pendant la période de soudure.

III. Profil de poste

Le Responsable financier pays est chargé de la gestion comptable et financière de la mission d’ACTED dans le pays d’affectation.

Il garantit le respect du cadre légal du pays, l’application des procédures définies par le siège et des règles spécifiques de la mission, dans le souci constant de la défense des intérêts de l’association et de la bonne utilisation des ressources.

1. Gestion comptable et financière

  • Gestion de la comptabilité :

Superviser les procédures comptables : classement des pièces, affectations comptables, enregistrement des écritures, rapprochements des soldes, etc. ;

Valider et compiler les comptabilités mensuelles de chaque base ;

Envoyer au siège la comptabilité mensuelle ainsi consolidée de la mission, en respectant la procédure et les échéances posées par SAGA ;

Gérer la présentation, la circulation, le classement et l’archivage des documents comptables et financiers, conformément à la procédure FLAT ;

  • Gestion de la trésorerie :

Procéder à l’ouverture/fermeture des comptes bancaires sur délégation de la Déléguée Générale ;

Assurer la gestion des comptes bancaires : suivi des mouvements, rapprochement des soldes, gestion des signatures autorisées ;

Assurer la gestion des coffres et des caisses : montants disponibles, contrôle des soldes, consignes de sécurité ;

Evaluer les besoins mensuels en trésorerie des projets et des bases et envoyer au siège les demandes de trésorerie (cash request) ;

Gérer les mouvements d’argent, les approvisionnements des bases et les montants en circulation, en définissant les procédures de paiement (virement bancaire, chèque, avance en liquide, etc.) ;

  • Validation de l’engagement des dépenses :

Mettre en place et formaliser les procédures d’engagement des dépenses, conformément à la procédure des achats d’ACTED : recueillir les modèles de signature des responsables, décliner les plafonds d’autorisation en monnaies locales, définir des modes et délais de règlement en fonction des pratiques locales ;

Veiller au respect des procédures d’engagement des dépenses, conformément à la procédure ;

S’assurer de la validité et de l’adéquation des justificatifs des dépenses (contrats, commandes, factures, bons de livraison, etc.) ;

2. Gestion budgétaire

  • Assurer le suivi budgétaire de la mission :

Elaborer des tableaux de bord nécessaires au pilotage financier et au suivi budgétaire de la mission ;

Analyser les écarts entre les prévisionnels budgétaires et les dépenses engagées ;

Anticiper les risques financiers ;

Calculer et contrôler le coût mensuel de chaque véhicule (consommation de carburant, réparations), en coordination avec le Logisticien Pays ;

Calculer et contrôler le coût mensuel de communication de chaque base (téléphones, e-mail, Internet), en coordination avec le Logisticien Pays ;

  • Elaborer les budgets des projets de la mission :

Elaborer les budgets des propositions de projet en fonction des besoins des projets et des contraintes des bailleurs de fonds ;

Elaborer les rapports financiers (rapports intermédiaires et rapports finaux) en respectant les échéances posées dans les contrats de financement ;

S’assurer du respect des procédures bailleurs pour chaque contrat de financement.

3. Gestion d’équipe

  • Gestion du département financier :

Mettre à jour l’organigramme et les TdR du département en fonction de l’évolution de la mission ;

Superviser l'équipe et procéder à l’évaluation des collaborateurs N-1 ;

Assurer la formation continue du personnel financier afin d’élever le niveau général de technicité et de compétences du département ;

  • Procédures et flux de l’information :

Elaborer des procédures de gestion d’équipe adaptées à la mission ;

Améliorer le flux d’information au sein du département et avec les autres départements administratifs et les projets ;

IV. Qualifications

· Bac +5 Finance, Comptabilité, contrôle de gestion

· Au moins 2 ans d’expérience en finance et si possible dans le milieu du développement et relations internationales

· Fortes compétences en Management

· Compétences rédactionnelles

· Expérience à l’étranger

· Expérience en management et formation

· Capacité à travailler dans des situations tendues et sous pression

IV. Conditions

· Salaire défini par la grille des salaires ACTED en fonction du niveau d’étude, de l’expertise, du niveau de sécurité et de la performance

· Living allowance mensuelle

· Logement et nourriture pris en charge par ACTED : Logement en guest house

· Billets d’avion pris en charge par ACTED

· Sécurité sociale, Mutuelle et rapatriement pris en charge par ACTED

VI. Pour postuler

Merci de nous faire parvenir votre candidature en français : CV, lettre de motivation et trois références à l’adresse suivante :jobs@acted.orgREF : CFM/TCH/SA

How to apply:

Merci de nous faire parvenir votre candidature en français : CV, lettre de motivation et trois références à l’adresse suivante


Niger: Responsable finance – Niger

Organization: Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Country: Niger
Closing date: 31 Dec 2014


ACTED est une ONG créée en 1993 dont l’objet est la mise en œuvre de programmes d’urgence, de ACTED est une association de solidarité internationale française qui a pour vocation de soutenir les populations vulnérables de par le monde et de les accompagner dans la construction d’un futur meilleur en apportant une réponse adaptée à des besoins précis depuis 1993. ACTED vient en aide aux populations touchées par les crises grâce à une approche à la fois globale et locale, multidisciplinaire et adaptée à chaque contexte. Ses équipes (3300 personnes) interviennent dans 34 pays afin de faire face aux situations d’urgence, pour soutenir les projets de réhabilitations et accompagner les dynamiques de développement.

Pour ce faire nos équipes sur le terrain interviennent sur plus de 340 projets dans les secteurs suivants: aide humanitaire d’urgence, sécurité alimentaire, promotion de la santé, éducation et formation, développement économique, microfinance, soutien institutionnel et dialogue régional, promotion culturelle.

Forte de son expérience au plus près des besoins et des situations auprès des communautés vulnérables à travers le monde, ACTED contribue aujourd’hui à l’agenda international en faveur des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement, avec des campagnes de plaidoyer en France et en Europe.

II. Profil pays

Capital Office : Niamey

National Staff : 67

International Staff : 4

Areas : 1

On-going programmes : 4

Budget : 1.2 M €

Au cours de la dernière décennie, trois crises alimentaires ont touché les zones pastorales et agro-pastorales du Niger, menant à une dégradation continue de l’économie des ménages.

Suite aux mauvaises récoltes, la situation des ménages les plus vulnérables s’est encore dégradée en fin d’année 2011. En effet, en raison de la mauvaise pluviométrie et des attaques des ennemis des cultures au cours de la saison agricole 2011, plus de la moitié des villages (soit 6981 villages regroupant plus de 6 millions de personnes) font face à un déficit céréalier, estimé sur l’ensemble du Niger à 692 000 tonnes (soit plus de 15% des besoins alimentaires du Niger). En outre, les événements survenus au Nord-Mali depuis janvier 2012 ont poussé de nombreux Maliens à se réfugier au Niger, fragilisant d’autant plus une économie déjà très dégradée, en particulier dans la région de Tillabéri.

Présente au Niger depuis la crise de 2010, ACTED a permis, en 2011, d’apporter une réponse d’urgence aux ménages les plus vulnérables par des injections de liquidités et des distributions de vivres. En parallèle, ACTED a également mené des interventions visant à améliorer la situation à moyen terme de ces mêmes ménages grâce à des sensibilisations aux techniques agro-pastorales améliorées et aux bonnes pratiques en matière de nutrition, d’alimentation, d’hygiène et de santé.

Dans ce contexte, ACTEDrépond d’urgenceà la crise alimentaire qui frappe le Sahel et apporte un soutienaux réfugiés Maliens et retournés Nigériens à travers l’aménagement et la gestion du site de réfugiés d’Abala.

III. Profil de poste

Le Responsable financier pays est chargé de la gestion comptable et financière de la mission d’ACTED dans le pays d’affectation.

Il garantit le respect du cadre légal du pays, l’application des procédures définies par le siège et des règles spécifiques de la mission, dans le souci constant de la défense des intérêts de l’association et de la bonne utilisation des ressources.

1. Gestion comptable et financière

  • Gestion de la comptabilité :

Superviser les procédures comptables : classement des pièces, affectations comptables, enregistrement des écritures, rapprochements des soldes, etc. ;

Valider et compiler les comptabilités mensuelles de chaque base ;

Envoyer au siège la comptabilité mensuelle ainsi consolidée de la mission, en respectant la procédure et les échéances posées par SAGA ;

Gérer la présentation, la circulation, le classement et l’archivage des documents comptables et financiers, conformément à la procédure FLAT ;

  • Gestion de la trésorerie :

Procéder à l’ouverture/fermeture des comptes bancaires sur délégation de la Déléguée Générale ;

Assurer la gestion des comptes bancaires : suivi des mouvements, rapprochement des soldes, gestion des signatures autorisées ;

Assurer la gestion des coffres et des caisses : montants disponibles, contrôle des soldes, consignes de sécurité ;

Evaluer les besoins mensuels en trésorerie des projets et des bases et envoyer au siège les demandes de trésorerie (cash request) ;

Gérer les mouvements d’argent, les approvisionnements des bases et les montants en circulation, en définissant les procédures de paiement (virement bancaire, chèque, avance en liquide, etc.) ;

  • Validation de l’engagement des dépenses :

Mettre en place et formaliser les procédures d’engagement des dépenses, conformément à la procédure des achats d’ACTED : recueillir les modèles de signature des responsables, décliner les plafonds d’autorisation en monnaies locales, définir des modes et délais de règlement en fonction des pratiques locales ;

Veiller au respect des procédures d’engagement des dépenses, conformément à la procédure ;

S’assurer de la validité et de l’adéquation des justificatifs des dépenses (contrats, commandes, factures, bons de livraison, etc.) ;

2. Gestion budgétaire

  • Assurer le suivi budgétaire de la mission :

Elaborer des tableaux de bord nécessaires au pilotage financier et au suivi budgétaire de la mission ;

Analyser les écarts entre les prévisionnels budgétaires et les dépenses engagées ;

Anticiper les risques financiers ;

Calculer et contrôler le coût mensuel de chaque véhicule (consommation de carburant, réparations), en coordination avec le Logisticien Pays ;

Calculer et contrôler le coût mensuel de communication de chaque base (téléphones, e-mail, Internet), en coordination avec le Logisticien Pays ;

  • Elaborer les budgets des projets de la mission :

Elaborer les budgets des propositions de projet en fonction des besoins des projets et des contraintes des bailleurs de fonds ;

Elaborer les rapports financiers (rapports intermédiaires et rapports finaux) en respectant les échéances posées dans les contrats de financement ;

S’assurer du respect des procédures bailleurs pour chaque contrat de financement.

3. Gestion d’équipe

  • Gestion du département financier :

Mettre à jour l’organigramme et les TdR du département en fonction de l’évolution de la mission ;

Superviser l'équipe et procéder à l’évaluation des collaborateurs N-1 ;

Assurer la formation continue du personnel financier afin d’élever le niveau général de technicité et de compétences du département ;

  • Procédures et flux de l’information :

Elaborer des procédures de gestion d’équipe adaptées à la mission ;

Améliorer le flux d’information au sein du département et avec les autres départements administratifs et les projets ;

IV. Qualifications

· Bac +5 Finance, Comptabilité, contrôle de gestion

· Au moins 2 ans d’expérience en finance et si possible dans le milieu du développement et relations internationales

· Fortes compétences en Management

· Compétences rédactionnelles

· Expérience à l’étranger

· Expérience en management et formation

· Capacité à travailler dans des situations tendues et sous pression

V. Pour postuler:

Merci de nous faire parvenir votre candidature en français : CV, lettre de motivation et trois references à l’adresse suivante


How to apply:

Merci de nous faire parvenir votre candidature en français : CV, lettre de motivation et trois references à l’adresse suivante


Kenya: Team Leader: Kenya Horticulture Programme

Organization: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation
Country: Kenya
Closing date: 14 Nov 2014

Are you interested in joining an international organisation with a long-term commitment to fighting poverty? Would you like to work in a challenging environment to develop a career focused on shared values and lasting impact?

SNV Netherlands development Organisation is looking for:

Team Leader: Kenya Horticulture Programme(Re-advertisement)

Based in Nairobi, Kenya

(International contract)

SNV is a not-for-profit international development organisation. Founded in the Netherlands nearly 50 years ago, we have built a long-term, local presence in 38 of the poorest countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Our global teams of local and international advisors work with local partners to equip communities, businesses and organisations with the tools, knowledge and connections they need to increase their incomes and gain access to basic services – empowering them to break the cycle of poverty and guide their own development.

SNV Kenya provides capacity strengthening to local organizations (private, public or NGO) engage in work for poverty reduction. SNV Kenya is in the process of expanding its horticulture portfolio in Kenya, and is preparing to implement The Kenya Market-led Horticulture Program (KMHP) which is a 5 year program funded by the Netherlands Embassy in Nairobi as part of its food security and private sector development agenda. KMHP is implemented by a Consortium of Partners, headed by SNV Kenya . (The Consortium consists of SNV, HIVOS, Solidaridad, Wageninngen-WUR and DLV Plant).

For this project, SNV is looking to recruit an experienced and capable Team Leader who can operate at the intersection of private sector development in the horticulture sector between the Netherlands and Kenya. This project due to start in 2014.

Project Summary Kenya Market led Horticulture Programme

The new Kenya Market led Horticulture Programme consists of a number of market oriented Business Cases, implemented by Dutch and Kenyan entrepreneurs, producing vegetables for domestic or expert markets. Partners will make use of innovative, but proven, Dutch technologies and products as well as market linkages. KMHP focusses on entrepreneurial, small and medium sized farmers, who are able to pilot with and invest in new horticultural technologies and innovations. KMHP will build on experiences of ongoing and new, market oriented business cases (BCs). These BCs have to be economically viable and sustainable in the first place. KMHP will simultaneously address market inefficiencies and supply chain performance issues such as: food safety and pesticide usage, food losses and waste in vegetables supply chains and small farmers’ inclusive sourcing models for domestic and international markets. These cross cutting, more generic issues will be addressed at sector level in cooperation with Kenyan Government agencies and should simultaneously enhance the performance of the business cases / supply chain projects. KHMP activities are aligned with the Dutch Government “trade and development policy”. KMHP aims to facilitate Dutch and Kenyan companies and SME farmers in Kenya to produce and market better quality vegetables and creating improved access at domestic and export markets, through enhancing entrepreneurial skills.

The KMHP Team will consist of a core team of 4-6 advisors (who operate from the SNV Offices in Nairobi. The senior advisors are supported by Local Capacity Builders (LCBs) and consultants who operate in the field with clients on a day-to-day basis. SNV has successfully established a network in the Horticulture sector both in Kenya and in the Netherlands. The project works with a large number of local stakeholders and will facilitate linkages and partnerships between stakeholders in Kenya and Dutch private sector and knowledge institutes.

Key Responsibilities

  • Establish, organise and manage the KMHP support office
  • Coordination and supervision of local KMHP staff
  • Liaison with international and national experts in the Netherlands and Kenya
  • Identifying market oriented, commercial Vegetable Product Market Combinations (Business Cases), in close cooperation with stakeholders, in particular with traders, buyers and end users of vegetables in Kenya and abroad
  • Facilitate business matchmaking and market access: negotiate strategic alliances between partners; organize business meetings and facilitate meetings to discuss and develop Supply Chain Business Cases and to reach consensus between supply chain partners
  • Identify investment opportunities in supply chains and market development
  • Collect, organise and analyse market intelligence, information about markets and market partners and develop sustainable Supply Chain Business Cases in collaboration with commercial partners
  • Liaise with local, public and private knowledge and training providers to explore their potential contribution to the KMHP program
  • Organise and facilitate training activities with Kenyan and Netherlands’ partners
  • Conduct and supervise impact monitoring and evaluation activities
  • Provide input for various internal and external publications and reports in English
  • Network and represent the KMHP program at national / international level during fairs, seminars and other platforms in collaboration with the KMHP management team

Candidate Profile

  • At least an MSc / MA Degree in economics, business administration, agribusiness or marketing, or any other relevant discipline;
  • At least 15 years of professional experience in private sector development projects, including market facilitation and business development in the public as well as in the private sector;
  • At least 5 years of demonstrated, successful, professional experience as a Team Leader;
  • The Team Leader should have a broad knowledge base of project/programme management and hands-on experience with capacity building and institutional change as well as team leadership and good knowledge of aspects of fresh and processed agro-food sector, horticulture, or flowers, and agricultural supply chains in Kenya;
  • Experience in or exposure to project development and management at sector/systemic level, including horticultural/agricultural supply chain pilots and capacity building/institutional development;
  • Demonstrated experience in strategy development in terms of choice of interventions, clients and partnerships, in relation to market-led- and driving innovation
  • The Team Leader should be a strong relationship builder with sound experience and understanding of building and maintaining professional relationships with (senior) government officials as well as policy makers and industry leaders, both in the Netherlands and in Kenya;
  • Experience in partnership development, particularly at the sector level with Kenyan industry associations, policy makers and regulators. But preferably also with private sector partners / companies in the Netherlands and Kenya and programme partners
  • Good networks in the Kenya and Dutch horticulture sector is considered an asset;

Other requirements

  • Experience in establishing and management of a project office, and managing a professional team of international and national experts and support staff;
  • (People) management, training and coaching experience and skills
  • Demonstrated extensive work experience in Kenya; experience in the East African Community Countries is considered an asset; ,
  • Fluency in English is a prerequisite, Dutch and some knowledge of Kiwsahili is considered an asset;
  • Fully computer literate;
  • Demonstrated capacity to assure timely, quality, and compliant reporting, in correct professional English, in accordance with donor requirements;
  • Willingness to travel to project regions in Kenya

Contract Duration: 3 years with possibility of extension.

Desired start date:ASAP, within 2014

Duty station: Nairobi, Kenya

Working at SNV

SNV offers a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package. We offer a challenging work environment, opportunities to lead and innovate, and a commitment to growing your skills in a fulfilling and diverse working environment. For more information, please visit our website:

How to apply:

Please apply by clicking on and completing your application in our in-house recruitment system before 14th November, 2014 citing the position title as reference. Your application will consist of a cover letter and a CV (in English) including details for three referees.

Somalia: Open Local Tender: Drilling and Development of Water infrastructures

Organization: COOPI - Cooperazione Internazionale
Country: Somalia
Closing date: 17 Nov 2014

Tender is divided in Lots as follows:

  • Lot 1: Drilling and Development of Dasso and Dibayo Boreholes
  • Lot 2: Infrastructure development of Dasso Borehole (Construction of storage tank, water kiosk, Generator Room, livestock troughs, and installation of submersible pump and generator, etc)
  • Lot 3: Provision and installation chlorination system (Klorman) in Dasso Borehole
  • Lot 4: Provision of Operation and Maintenance (O&M) tools for Dasso Borehole
  • Lot 5: Infrastructure development of Dibayo Borehole (Construction of elevated tank, water kiosk, Generator Room, livestock troughs, and installation of submersible pump and generator etc)
  • Lot 6: Provision and installation chlorination system (Klorman) in Dibayo Borehole
  • Lot 7: Provision of Operation and Maintenance (O&M) tools for Dibayo Borehole

How to apply:

COOPI – Cooperazione Internazionale is advertising an Open Local Tender Procedure for drilling of no 2. new boreholes and construction of water infrastructures as detailed in the Tender Dossier attached to this letter.

Please find below the list of documents, which constitute the Tender Dossier:

Application should be delivered in one of the following address:

(i) COOPI Nairobi
Peponi Road, Hse No. 0039
PO Box 3857 – 00100 Nairobi
Kenya, Nairobi

(ii) NGO Consortium Office Mogadishu, kind attention of Mr.Ibrahim Ahmed Ibrahim

The envelopes must be handed in one of the above-mentioned Offices before 15:00 (EAT) on the 17th November 2014. This deadline has to be considered as a fix term and Coopi will not accept any delay justification even if due to the post service.

Any application received after this deadline will not be considered.

Costs incurred by the tenderer in preparing and submitting the tender proposals will not be reimbursed.

South Sudan: Contracts & Grants Manager

Organization: Theso
Country: South Sudan
Closing date: 14 Nov 2014

Title: Contracts & Grants Manager

Location: Juba

Closing date: November 14th 2014

Start Date: Immediate

Duration: 12 months

Position: One (1)

Report to: Programme Director

Only short-listed applicants will be contacted. Due to the urgency of this position, applications will be short listed on a regular basis and we may offer this post before the closing date.

Please note that this is an unaccompanied position


The Health Support Organization is a leading registered South Sudanese based international nongovernmental, nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering in the world’s poorest places. THESO respond with integrated healthcare, Nutrition, and WASH services, when people are overwhelmed by natural disaster, conflict or disease and in need of immediate help. We focus on rescuing those who are beyond the reach of existing routine services. In the crisis aftermath, THESO support the affected society to full recovery. Using our expertise, we support local workers and strengthen existing services. We build resilience by helping societies at risk of future disasters, to be better prepared.

Context and Background

THESO has been working in South Sudan since mid 2008, and currently runs 4 field programme offices across Africa. However the current South Sudan country strategic plan (2014 – 2018) includes expansion of its programme to all states, deepen its working relationship with host government partners at all levels, develop a gradual exit strategy to allow the smooth transfer of specific health facilities to MOH, and support affected people with emergency response, recovery and resilience programmes. The primary focus of THESO South Sudan programme is integrated health care, WASH, and community based and health facilities based management of malnutrition. The special emphasis is given to maternal and child health care services.

In 2013, THESO was awarded responsibility of health services provider for Gogrial East County under the DFID lead Health Pooled Fund mechanism. The main goal is to provide improved quality primary health care services to the population of the county in a two years period. THESO is working with national Ministry of Health, Warrap State Ministry of Health, Gogrial East County Health Department, County leadership, and host communities to consolidate programme quality, improve the community involvement in the programme planning and implementation through a revised community based approach, capacity building of county health department staffs and strengthen the capacity of local health system by increased engagement with the renowned partnership with MoH in regards to support, supervision, training and policy development. With this, THESO is seeking for a very competence abound individual to fill its vacant post of contracts and grants manager to be based in its Juba Head Office.

Missions and activities:

Administration and finance policy compliance

Ensure that the South Sudan office finance functions are in line with THESO global finance policy and established organizational practices

Ensure that donor rules and regulations are adhered to in finance management of specific projects

Establish and implement national specific administration and finance systems, and guidelines

Administration and finance staff Management

Supervise and oversee all administration and finance staff within country/field offices

Ensure regular training of the staff on compliance issues and monitor performance

Preparation of project budgets for donor grants

Preparation and revision of programme and grant proposals and budgets in line with donor guidelines, and THESO and donor formats

Guide finance and non-finance staff in preparation of grant budgets and review the same

Review and finalise partner grant budgets ensuring cost effectiveness, clarity of budgets

Establishing effective internal finance controls

Ensure that established internal control systems for THESO are in place.

Oversees the protection of the country’s assets (cash, inventory, NEP) through the enforcement of internal control policies and procedures.

Ensure that the authorization matrix for the programme is updated and approvals are in line with the matrix.

Field office support

Establish and implement practices to ensure efficient and seamless support and coordination with the field offices

Undertake regular field office visits in order to support, guide and monitor implementation of internal controls, identify support needs, and train finance and non-finance staff

Monitor programme activities in line with donor proposals and share observations with the concerned team members

Quality admin-finance reporting and documentation

Provide monthly admin-financial reports as stipulated with THESO Finance Manual- ensuring integrity of information and explanations, and timely submission

Prepare and submit donor reports as and when necessary- ensuring reporting in the due format of the donors, accuracy of information and timely submission

Analyse finance information to generate information on overall finance management issues

Perform accounting and finance management functions

In compliance with THESO policy, establish country policies regarding cash holding limits, cash movements and foreign currency holdings

Ensure the development and implementation of a plan to minimize the country’s foreign exchange exposure to currency gains and losses

Supervises all country’s office bank relations and bank account activities including negotiation of fees, interest and currency exchange rates.


Minimum 5 years of Previous experience in humanitarian work, including previous experiences as mission Finance/administrator

Experience with donor (DFID, USAID, ECHO, UN, SDC, CDC, CIDA etc) regulations, budgets and reporting requirements

Experience in overseeing budgets above USD 5million

Demonstrated experience in working with computerized accounting systems preferably in SAGA, Quick Books, standard spread sheet and database programme

Willingness and ability to undertake field travel to, and spend quality time monitoring operations

Must be a patient and excellent communicator who can function in an organizational environment involving a diversity of cultures, languages and background

Must be sincerely committed to staff coaching, training and mentorship, with demonstrated success in this area.

Knowledge and background of Region as well as Arabic will be a distinct advantage.

Priority will be given to qualified South Sudanese candidate

Terms and conditions:

Wages to be defined according to profile + per diem

12 months contract

2 days of paid vacation per month for international candidate only

Return ticket provided, at the beginning and at the end of the mission (only for the country of origin) Vacation period of one week, each three months (salary maintained) – only for qualified international candidate

How to apply:

Interested applicant can hand deliver her /his CV with covering letter and supporting documents to THESO Head Office near seminary off Gudele Road at Kosta Kosta Petrol Station addressing it to the human resource manager, Or send by email to: copying

THESO is an equal opportunity employer and women candidates are encouraged to apply

Kenya: Micro Retail Sector Lead

Organization: Adam Smith International
Country: Kenya
Closing date: 15 Nov 2014

The three-and-a-half year, DFID-funded Mombasa County Youth Employment Project, implemented by Adam Smith International, intends to address selected root causes of youth unemployment in Kenya’s second city, and thereby to encourage productive and sustainable job creation for Mombasa’s young men and women. It consists of a combination of skills development, market development, and policy and advocacy support. The project will be market-led, so that jobs and skills are focused on sectors of the economy that have long-term growth potential, and will align itself with the objectives and plans of the national and Mombasa County governments.

The Sector Leadwill be responsible for managing the project’s interventions in the micro retail sector. This is a full time position, resident in Mombasa, reporting to the project’s Market Development Component Manager and working closely with the rest of the project team.


The Sector Lead will:

  • Manage successful delivery of the project’s interventions in the micro retail sector, including:
  • Strengthening market intelligence capacity of major manufacturers and suppliers (predominantly large FMCG companies) to better identify opportunities for engaging with micro retail enterprises;
  • Supporting development of alternative route-to-market strategies and distribution models used by manufacturers and suppliers to more effectively target micro retailers;
  • Facilitating improved collaboration and coordination among micro retailers, for example to strengthen buying power; and
  • Stimulating development of support services (e.g. ice production, distribution services, etc.) to encourage micro retail outlet activation and enterprise growth.
  • Develop effective partnerships with a range of stakeholders (including private sector players active in Mombasa, the county government, trade associations, research organisations, other donor funded programmes, academia, etc.) to maximise the prospects for successful delivery of each intervention.
  • Proactively identify opportunities for additional sector research and analysis, as well as expansion of interventions within the sector.
  • Participate fully in the programme’s M&E function, attending meetings, submitting information as requested, proactively identifying impact as well as areas of strong and weak performance.
  • Lead the process of reporting on sector interventions, and in doing so to facilitate wider lesson learning (both within the programme and externally). In addition to progress updates, the Sector Lead is expected to proactively produce research papers designed to shape the dialogue on sector issues, produce impact case studies in collaboration with other team members, participate in sector workshops, conferences and meetings, etc.

Selection criteria

We are looking for dynamic and energetic team players with:

  • At least five years’ relevant sector experience, including development of relevant distribution models and market research initiatives. Private sector experience in an executive/managerial capacity at a top-tier FMCG player is desirable;
  • The ability to rapidly build strong credibility with key sector players active in Kenya, particularly large international FMCG companies and associated distributors/wholesalers;
  • Proven, in-depth knowledge of the challenges and opportunities in the micro retail sector;
  • Strong understanding of economic development principles, particularly relating to youth employment;
  • Undergraduate degree in a relevant field such as supply chain management, logistics, business management, etc. A postgraduate degree in a relevant field is desirable;
  • Excellent written and spoken English is essential. Fluency in Kiswahili is desirable;
  • Teamwork, enthusiasm and flexibility.

Duration and timing

The Sector Lead position is a full time role that will commence in November/December 2014. The selected candidate will be based in Mombasa.

How to apply:

Please send a CV and short cover email, highlighting relevant experience and expertise, and availability, to , with the subject line “Sector Lead, Micro Retail”. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

Mali: Responsable Finance Pays – Mali

Organization: Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Country: Mali
Closing date: 31 Dec 2014


ACTED est une association de solidarité internationale française qui a pour vocation de soutenir les populations vulnérables de par le monde et de les accompagner dans la construction d’un futur meilleur en apportant une réponse adaptée à des besoins précis depuis 1993. ACTED vient en aide aux populations touchées par les crises grâce à une approche à la fois globale et locale, multidisciplinaire et adaptée à chaque contexte. Ses équipes (3300 personnes) interviennent dans 34 pays afin de faire face aux situations d’urgence, pour soutenir les projets de réhabilitations et accompagner les dynamiques de développement.

Pour ce faire nos équipes sur le terrain interviennent sur plus de 340 projets dans les secteurs suivants : aide humanitaire d’urgence, sécurité alimentaire, promotion de la santé, éducation et formation, développement économique, microfinance, soutien institutionnel et dialogue régional, promotion culturelle.

Forte de son expérience au plus près des besoins et des situations auprès des communautés vulnérables à travers le monde, ACTED contribue aujourd’hui à l’agenda international en faveur des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement, avec des campagnes de plaidoyer en France et en Europe.

II. Présentation du Pays

Le Sahel vit une des plus grave crises que cette région est connue depuis en subissant de plein fouet deux crises en parallèle : l’urgence alimentaire liées aux déficits de la dernière saison agricole (8 à 10 millions de personnes touchées) et la crise malienne avec le déplacement de plus de 270 000 personnes sur les zones préalablement affectées par la crise sahélienne.

Le Mali est le pays le plus affecté, menacé par l’insécurité alimentaire, notamment dans le sud du pays, et qui connaît des tensions à travers le territoire

III. Profil de poste

Sous l’autorité du Directeur Pays et du Directeur Finance ACTED, le Responsable Finance Pays est responsable de la gestion comptable et financière d’ACTED dans son pays d’affectation. Il assure aussi le respect du cadre légal du pays et l’application des règles spécifiques de la mission. Ceci, dans le souci constant de la défense des intérêts de l’association et de la bonne utilisation des ressources.

1. Gestion comptable et financière

- Gestion de la comptabilité :

Superviser les procédures comptables : classement des pièces, affectations comptables, enregistrement des écritures, rapprochements des soldes, etc. ;

Valider et compiler les comptabilités mensuelles de chaque base ;

Envoyer au siège la comptabilité mensuelle ainsi consolidée de la mission, en respectant la procédure et les échéances posées par SAGA ;

Gérer la présentation, la circulation, le classement et l’archivage des documents comptables et financiers, conformément à la procédure FLAT ;

- Gestion de la trésorerie :

Procéder à l’ouverture/fermeture des comptes bancaires sur délégation de la Déléguée Générale ;

Assurer la gestion des comptes bancaires : suivi des mouvements, rapprochement des soldes, gestion des signatures autorisées ;

Assurer la gestion des coffres et des caisses : montants disponibles, contrôle des soldes, consignes de sécurité ;

Evaluer les besoins mensuels en trésorerie des projets et des bases et envoyer au siège les demandes de trésorerie (cash request) ;

Gérer les mouvements d’argent, les approvisionnements des bases et les montants en circulation, en définissant les procédures de paiement (virement bancaire, chèque, avance en liquide, etc.) ;

- Validation de l’engagement des dépenses :

Mettre en place et formaliser les procédures d’engagement des dépenses, conformément à la procédure des achats d’ACTED : recueillir les modèles de signature des responsables, décliner les plafonds d’autorisation en monnaies locales, définir des modes et délais de règlement en fonction des pratiques locales ;

Veiller au respect des procédures d’engagement des dépenses, conformément à la procédure ;

S’assurer de la validité et de l’adéquation des justificatifs des dépenses (contrats, commandes, factures, bons de livraison, etc.) ;

2. Gestion budgétaire

- Assurer le suivi budgétaire de la mission :

Elaborer des tableaux de bord nécessaires au pilotage financier et au suivi budgétaire de la mission ;

Analyser les écarts entre les prévisionnels budgétaires et les dépenses engagées ;

Anticiper les risques financiers ;

Calculer et contrôler le coût mensuel de chaque véhicule (consommation de carburant, réparations), en coordination avec le Logisticien Pays ;

Calculer et contrôler le coût mensuel de communication de chaque base (téléphones, e-mail, Internet), en coordination avec le Logisticien Pays ;

- Elaborer les budgets des projets de la mission :

Elaborer les budgets des propositions de projet en fonction des besoins des projets et des contraintes des bailleurs de fonds ;

Elaborer les rapports financiers (rapports intermédiaires et rapports finaux) en respectant les échéances posées dans les contrats de financement ;

S’assurer du respect des procédures bailleurs pour chaque contrat de financement.

3. Gestion d’équipe

- Gestion du département financier :

Mettre à jour l’organigramme et les TdR du département en fonction de l’évolution de la mission ;

Superviser l'équipe et procéder à l’évaluation des collaborateurs N-1 ;

Assurer la formation continue du personnel financier afin d’élever le niveau général de technicité et de compétences du département ;

- Procédures et flux de l’information :

Elaborer des procédures de gestion d’équipe adaptées à la mission ;

Améliorer le flux d’information au sein du département et avec les autres départements administratifs et les projets ;

III. Qualifications

- Niveau Master en Finance ou tout autre sujet en lien avec la mission

- 3 ans d’expérience en gestion financière, de préférence sur de grands programmes de développement

- Excellentes compétences financières et analytiques

- Excellentes compétences rédactionnelles et de communication pour tout la partie reporting, rédaction de rapports

- Capacité à manager des équipes

- Capacité à évaluer les compétences en finance du staff et à le former.

- Capacité à travailler dans un milieu interculturel et à faire preuve de flexibilité

- La connaissance de la zone d’affectation est un plus

- Maîtrise totale du Pack Office

IV. Conditions

· Salaire défini en fonction de la grille des salaries ACTED

· Living allowance mensuelle

· Logement et nourriture pris en charge par ACTED : Logement en guest house ou housing allowance (en fonction de la durée du contrat et du pays)

· Billets d’avion pris en charge par ACTED

· Sécurité sociale, Mutuelle et rapatriement pris en charge par ACTED

V. Pour postuler

Merci de nous faire parvenir votre candidature en français : CV, lettre de motivation et trois références à l’adresse suivante


How to apply:

Merci de nous faire parvenir votre candidature en français : CV, lettre de motivation et trois références à l’adresse suivante


Ethiopia: Governance (public & private sector) Advisor

Organization: Options Consultancy Services
Country: Ethiopia
Closing date: 06 Nov 2014

Role profile

We are seeking an experienced Governance Advisor for the upcoming DFID-funded programme ‘FP2020: monitoring and accountability at the national and local level’. The programme aims to ensure that country-level commitments made at the 2012 London Summit on Family Planning are met. It will do this by supporting strategic national and local accountability mechanisms that build the capacity of a) civil society to advocate for, and, where appropriate, b) the state and service providers to respond to civil society actions to ensure and accelerate the delivery of those commitments.

Key responsibilities

This role will be responsible for delivering the programme at country level. The Governance Advisor will work closely with the Accountability Lead to:

  • Support operationalisation of the country operational plan
  • Build government capacity to engage with civil society, communities and clients
  • Implement a range of supply-side accountability interventions at a national and local level to build the capacity of the state to respond to and foster social accountability through interactions with citizens
  • Identify and build consensus among key stakeholders
  • Enhance willingness and ability of political elites, state bureaucrats and service providers to interact with their citizens
  • Identify and support mechanisms within government that build demand for FP amongst the country population
  • Identify and facilitate the inputs of STTA and FP2020 Partners
  • Ensure robust monitoring and evaluation mechanisms are in place in line with those established for the programme
  • Link with AFP in the identified linking country to ensure effective coordination and lessons learned.
  • Oversee the technical delivery of any projects funded at country level through the “opportunities fund”

Qualifications and experience

The Governance Advisor will have substantial experience in mobilising and working with government within their respective countries and the skills and leadership required to oversee operations in focus countries that come under the umbrella of the hub. They will have had substantial experience in delivering programmes to a high level and oversight, monitoring and quality assurance of technical inputs from short term technical assistance and from partner organisations. They will have a deep understanding of accountability mechanisms and have successfully delivered programmes which seek to utilise both long and short route accountability mechanisms. They will have substantial experience of working effectively with teams at a distance and ideally within a multi-country programme. Experience of supporting capacity building of government at the national and sub-national level is essential.

How to apply:

Application process

To express your interest in the role, please send your CV with a summary note of your skills and experience to Kathy Samuel at before 6 November. Please note that CVs will be reviewed as they are received.

Central African Republic: ALIMA - RCA - Coordinateur de Projet

Organization: ALIMA
Country: Central African Republic
Closing date: 30 Nov 2014

ALIMA recrute un(e) Coordinateur (rice) de Projet pour son programme de réponse à l’urgence en Centrafrique.

Pour visualiser le profil de poste, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous:

How to apply:

Pour postuler, merci d’envoyer votre CV ainsi qu’une lettre de motivation à, en précisant dans l’objet du message la référence «Coordinateur de Projet BODA » avant le 30 novembre 2014.

United Republic of Tanzania: Project Assistant Child Protection - Mtwara

Organization: Terre des hommes
Country: United Republic of Tanzania
Closing date: 14 Nov 2014

Objective of the position

To support the implementation of the Child Protection project in Mtwara and to support Mtwara CP project partners to deliver effective and efficient services to vulnerable children, in line with TdH Netherlands (TdH) strategy, policies and procedures.

Position within the organisation

Reports hierarchically to the Project Coordinator Child Protection Mtwara.

Responsibilities and Results

Mtwara Project support functions

1.Contribution to the development and implementation of Mtwara Project strategies/plans

  • As part of a team translate developments and situation specific information into Mtwara Regional strategies for child protection.
  • Give input to an operational plan/ strategy for Mtwara and/ or interventions.
  • Generate an individual implementation work-plan in line with agreed-on project.

Result:Improved quality and effective and efficient implementation of Mtwara strategies/ plans.

2.Programme results for the assigned part of the Mtwara Project portfolio

  • Support implementation and monitoring of Mtwara Child Protection Programmes, including working with corporate sector, unions and large multinational companies as well as government ministries
  • Support logistics and agendas for the training, meetings and learning processes with relevant stakeholders in Mtwara
  • Maintain clear files and support the development of reports concerning results achieved and activities implemented, as per the TDH guidelines and in close cooperation with the Project Coordinator and Finance Officer in Mtwara.
  • Support and monitor the programme and project partners through regular communications and programme visits and ensure that programme commitments as per partner agreements are being fulfilled.
  • Support the Project Coordinator in the development of case studies, marketing communication information and materials, e.g. for the newsletters, radio programme and progress reports.
  • Maintain the project database and regularly update project documentation, contact details, files for reference by all concerned.

Result: Improved quality of programmes, maximum results at beneficiary level andsufficient quality information to the donors.

3.Contribution to networking and fundraising

  • Support the project coordinator where he/she is representing Terre des Hommes e.g. in official events, launch of the programme and other communications.
  • Assist the project coordinator in participating in relevant meetings and networks adding value to project functions.
  • Support and advice on partnerships and networking with relevant similar INGO/organisations, government departments and local partners.

Result: Improved quality of project implementation, increased visibility of Terre des Hommes and increased knowledge on relevant themes.

Project partner support functions

4.Supportive partnership environment

  • Work on and maintain a good working relationship with project partners.
  • Enhance mutual understanding, cooperation and respect for respective responsibilities without compromising on supervisory responsibilities.

Result: A supportive partnership environment which can be the basis for capacity building.

5.Support capacity building of partners for assigned part of partner and programme portfolio

  • Apply TdH tools in organisational assessment, M&E and capacity building.
  • Identify together with project partners areas for further improvement on management and/ or programme quality and define frameworks, procedures and indicators oriented towards improved project management.
  • Support the capacity building training in line with the desired outputs and sustainability of results of the Mtwara project.
  • Inform the project coordinator on project quality by maintaining an overview of supported projects and monitoring/evaluating the quality of work and results. Ensure that project partners follow the terms and conditions of the signed agreements; facilitate them to keep track of key factors in project management, implementation and monitoring of results.

Result: Improved quality of projects and assistance to beneficiaries,efficiency, effectiveness of the desired outputs and sustainability of results.

6.Other responsibilities

  • When requested, perform other duties as deemed relevant by the project coordinator for the programmes department.
  • Perform other duties as relevant for the Mtwara project in consultation with the project coordinator.

Result: Contribute to improve quality in programme development and management.

Knowledge and experience

  • Knowledge of child rights and child protection.
  • Three years of experience in a similar position in a similar project.
  • Knowledge of and experience in project planning, project cycle management and logical framework
  • Experience with Child Rights programmes / child protection systems
  • Knowledge of the political, religious and social structures of the respective country/ region and the relevant languages
  • Excellent writing skills in English, an additional language is an asset

This position requires frequent travel within Mtwara region.

How to apply:

Application procedure (refer to code PA CP/TZ/Mtwara for this position)

Terre des Hommes Netherlands offers the selected candidate a competitive package of Secondary benefits entailing a monthly gross salary based on existing salary scales. Candidates are invited to send their application letter (including your motivation), resume and at least two professional references by e-mail to: E-mail Address:

Applications open to National staff only

Only short-listed applicants will be contacted within a week after the closing date.

South Sudan: Nutrition Manager

Organization: Theso
Country: South Sudan
Closing date: 14 Nov 2014

Title: Nutrition Manager

Location: Kuajok

Closing date: November 14th 2014

Start Date: Immediate

Duration: 12 months

Position: One (1)

Report to: Programme Director

Only short-listed applicants will be contacted. Due to the urgency of this position, applications will be short listed on a regular basis and we may offer this post before the closing date.

Please note that this is an unaccompanied position


The Health Support Organization is a leading registered South Sudanese based international nongovernmental, nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering in the world’s poorest places. THESO respond with integrated healthcare, Nutrition, and WASH services, when people are overwhelmed by natural disaster, conflict or disease and in need of immediate help. We focus on rescuing those who are beyond the reach of existing routine services. In the crisis aftermath, THESO support the affected society to full recovery. Using our expertise, we support local workers and strengthen existing services. We build resilience by helping societies at risk of future disasters, to be better prepared.

Context and Background

THESO has been working in South Sudan since mid 2008, and currently runs 4 field programme offices across Africa. However the current South Sudan country strategic plan (2014 – 2018) includes expansion of its programme to all states, deepen its working relationship with host government partners at all levels, develop a gradual exit strategy to allow the smooth transfer of specific health facilities to MOH, and support affected people with emergency response, recovery and resilience programmes. The primary focus of THESO South Sudan programme is integrated health care, WASH, and community based and health facilities based management of malnutrition. The special emphasis is given to maternal and child health care services.

In 2014, THESO in a Consortium with World Vision International was pledged a two years grants by the European Union (EU) which is scheduled to start in December 2014. THESO planned to implement this 2 years Community based Nutrition project with focus on Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) using Positive Deviance (PD) heard groups in five counties of Twic, Gogrial East, Gogrial West, Tonj North and Tonj East. The Project aims to improve food utilization by pregnant and lactating women to support IYCF. THESO is therefore seeking a qualified South Sudanese national to fill the position of Nutrition Manager to based in Kuajok – Warrap State:

Position summary

To provide overall technical guidance and leadership on the timely implementation of IYCF as a key component of community Nutrition to support pregnant and lactating women (PLWs) through adequate food utilization to enhance optimal breading practices among pregnant and lactating women. The Nutrition Manager will be part of THESO dynamic team and work closely with the County Nutritionists while building their capacity. In addition, the incumbent will work in collaboration with World Vision and partners at the SMoH and Counties to ensure that the project activities and targets are well implemented achieved and reported effectively

Specific Roles and responsibilities

  • Under the direct guidance of the Programme Director, prepare work plans and activity budgets and implement project activities on a timely manner
  • Actively participates in identify capacity gaps and training of counties Nutritionists
  • Conduct regular supportive supervisions to project sites, identify capacity gaps and administer conduct appropriate trainings including onsite mentoring and coaching
  • Identify project implementation gaps and recommend remedial actions
  • Prepare and submit quality project progress reports including weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual reports using the recommended data collection and reporting tools
  • In close collaboration with World Vision and the project team participate in Nutrition assessment and surveys
  • Timely Plan, implement and monitor community mobilization activities including screening, referral and IYCF counseling and sensitization
  • Represent THESO in nutrition cluster meetings and technical discussions
  • In collaboration with the project team, actively participates in nutrition and health project proposal development

Essential requirements

  • Degree in Nutrition and or Public Health or Human Medicine, with strong relevant experiences in Nutrition programming/IYCF
  • Minimum of 3 years working experiences in Managing nutrition programme in both development and emergency context with NGOs /UN Agencies
  • Must have sound knowledge and skills on IYCF with strong competencies in working with PD heard groups
  • Strong ability and experiences in training Nutrition staff on relevant topics such CMAM, ICYF
  • Fluent in spoken and written English, Arabic and local context language is and added advantage
  • Excellent communication skills (Oral and written)
  • Proficient in computer applications (Words processing and Excel)
  • Strong sense of responsibility and leadership, organizational, coordination and time management skills
  • Team player, flexibility and willingness to work in remote, hardship and culturally diverse environment

Skills and Experience

· Experience of implementing Nutrition.

· Clear interest in, and work experience in Nutrition programing

· Ability and flexibility y to understand the cultural and political environment and to work well with the local health representatives.

· Proficient training skills in the area of CMAM/ IYCF counseling.

· Ability to have positive and promoting input towards breastfeeding

· Excellent Communication skills, good spoken and written English of concise reports.

· Fluency in Arabic and Dinka Languages is required.

· Proficient in computer applications (MS word, excels, power point, Internet, etc.)

· Able to work in remote and complex situations.


NOTE: Only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Attach ONLY photocopies of your documents and originals will be presented at interview.

How to apply:

Interested applicants should submit a CV with 3 references and a copy of their national ID and certificate to: The Human Resource Officer; THESO Juba Office, Gudelle 1 Rd 200m towards seminary gate from Kosta Kosta petrol station; Off Gudele Road.

Or Email: copying

Due to the urgency of the position, applications will be shortlisted as they come in.


Central African Republic: Policy Analyst, Central African Republic, Enough Project

Organization: Center for American Progress
Country: Central African Republic, United States of America
Closing date: 31 Dec 2014


Reporting to the Director of Research and Editorial and working in collaboration with staff and contractors on the Central African Republic, or CAR, the Policy Analyst on the Central African Republic will be responsible for researching and writing about the drivers of conflict in CAR and the surrounding region, including the war economy and sources of financing for the conflicting parties. The Policy Analyst will also focus on related U.S. government, corporate, and international policy for the Enough Project’s policy papers, briefings, communications, and advocacy efforts. This is a position requiring three main areas of expertise: deep, field-based knowledge about the economic, security, and political dynamics in CAR and the region, including on conflict resources such as diamonds, gold, and ivory that are smuggled to international markets to fund armed groups; policy acumen, particularly regarding U.S. policy in Africa; and a demonstrated ability to write concise policy reports and briefing papers. Fluency in French is required.


  • Conduct original research and policy analysis on the dynamics of conflict and peace in the Central African Republic, including on conflict resources such as diamonds, gold, ivory, and other illicit natural resource trade, as well as regional political and security dynamics. The research will take place in CAR, neighboring countries, trade hubs for illicit resource trading such as Dubai, and policy capitals including Washington, New York, Paris, and elsewhere.
  • Work collaboratively to set a research agenda for the subject.
  • Author, co-author, and edit policy reports, memos, op-eds, and other documents on the subject.
  • Help formulate original policy recommendations and encourage adoption by senior policymakers within the U.S. government, other influential governments, the African Union, and the United Nations.
  • Build relationships with officials in the U.S. government, international organizations such as the United Nations, European Union, African Union, and other key players to gather timely—and occasionally, rapid-response—information for conflict analysis and report writing; expand Enough’s network of contacts within the policy community and deepen Enough’s relationships with policymakers and influential actors in the United States and overseas.
  • Work in consultation with the head of the CAR team and the Directors of Research and Editorial and Communications to plan, develop, and contribute regular content that is dynamic, original, thoroughly grounded in policy expertise, and accessible to a broad audience.
  • Liaise with field staff, consultants, and policy teams.
  • Assist the advocacy team to help shape subject-related campaign messaging.
  • Contribute dynamic, original, and accessible content for op-eds for outside publications, the Enough blog, and websites on a regular basis.
  • Represent Enough in the media through interviews and regular publication of op-eds and occasional articles in publications of note.
  • Represent Enough at subject-related meetings and events, both inside and outside Washington, D.C.
  • Review fundraising materials and reports to donors.
  • Other duties as assigned.

Requirements and qualifications:

  • Four to six years’ experience working on CAR and the region, including demonstrated knowledge of political, economic, and security dynamics in CAR and the region and an ability to provide concise in-depth analysis and write professionally on the issue area.
  • Proven ability to conduct policy research and a strong understanding of policymaking issues and the policy community and the implications of various advocacy and policy approaches, particularly U.S. government policy.
  • Master’s degree strongly preferred. Bachelor’s degree and four to six years of post-college working experience.
  • Previous field experience in central Africa a major plus.
  • Strong academic background or work experience in the prevention of atrocities, human rights, illicit natural resource trade, conflict prevention and resolution, and the responsibility to protect.
  • Demonstrated excellence in written and oral communication.
  • Adept team player with good interpersonal skills.
  • A strong commitment to human rights and conflict resolution and to Enough’s mission to end genocide and mass atrocities.
  • Superb organization and time-management skills, including the ability to manage numerous tasks simultaneously, work under pressure, and meet deadlines.
  • Ability to work independently and in a team setting.
  • Ability to keep calm and work in a fast-paced environment.
  • Good humor and general problem-solving skills.
  • Fluency in French required.

American Progress provides a competitive compensation and benefits package.

American Progress is an equal opportunity employer; women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

For more information on the Center for American Progress, please go to

For more information on the Center for American Progress Action Fund, please go to

How to apply:

E-mail your Word resume and cover letter attachments to:

Or you may write to: Center for American Progress, 1333 H St. NW, 10th Floor, Washington, D.C., 20005.

In your correspondence, please reference the exact title of the job you are applying for in the subject line. This announcement will remain posted until the position is filled. No phone calls please.

Please note that only those individuals whose qualifications match the current needs of this position will be considered applicants and will receive responses from American Progress.

Thank you for your interest in American Progress.

Uganda: Chief of party

Organization: Chemonics
Country: Uganda
Closing date: 07 Nov 2014

Chemonics seeks a chief of party for the anticipated five-year,? USAID-funded Malaria Action Program for Districts Activity in Uganda. Based in Kampala, the program aims to establish effective malaria prevention programs; improve malaria diagnosis and treatment; and build the capacity of the National Malaria Control Program, regional performance monitoring and reporting teams, and district health management teams. We are looking for individuals who have a passion for making a difference in the lives of people around the world.

Responsibilities include:

  • ?Provide overall program leadership, management, and technical direction
  • Serve as key liaison with USAID, government counterparts, and local partners
  • Manage and supervise the work of program personnel and subcontractors
  • Ensure that all program assistance is technically sound and appropriate
  • Collaboratively create and implement a strategic, long-term programmatic vision
  • Oversee program work planning, performance management, and strategic communications


  • ?Master's degree in public health or a related field required
  • Minimum 10 years of experience in public health working with U.S. government-supported projects
  • Strong technical, health program, and financial management background, and ability to negotiate, collaborate, and coordinate with a range of stakeholders in a context of complex and shifting priorities
  • Excellent organizational, analytical, supervisory, and team-building skills
  • Minimum five years of experience in developing activity work plans and budgets, and managing implementation, staff, and short-term specialists
  • Demonstrated? leadership, versatility, and integrity

How to apply:

Send electronic submissions to by November 7, 2014. Please include "Chief of Party" in the subject line. No telephone inquiries, please. Finalists will be contacted.

In addition, please download and complete Chemonics’ equal employment opportunity self-identification formand submit it separately to EEOselfidentify@chemonics.comwith only "Chief of Party-Uganda Malaria" in the subject line. If you prefer not to disclose your sex, race, or ethnicity, you may check “I do not wish to complete the information requested.” Thank you for completing the form and supporting our equal employment opportunity reporting requirements.

????Chemonics is an equal opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, protected veteran status, genetic information, age, or other legally protected characteristics.?

Sudan: Country Director for Sudan

Organization: Muslim Aid
Country: Sudan
Closing date: 23 Nov 2014

Muslim Aid is an international humanitarian relief & development agency looking to employ professional individuals, who will be highly committed to our mission, vision and values. Muslim Aid is committed to having a workforce that is representative of the wide community it serves at all levels of the organisation. We therefore welcome applications from all backgrounds and all sections of the community.

You will be leading the Muslim Aid Field Office in Sudan, providing strategic leadership and management to the country team. You will ensure that all aspects of the programme are managed effectively. You will be expected to develop the country office and contribute to raising the profile of Muslim Aid in Sudan and in the region.

You must have a proven experience of senior leadership and management within a development context. You will be able to attract and manage significant donor funds, and have experience in growing programmes. You will be experienced in building personal networks at a senior level, resulting in securing new opportunities for the organisation

Due to the expected high response to this vacancy we reserve the right to close this campaign once we have a suitable pool of applicants, which could be prior to the published application closing date.

How to apply:

For application form and job description visit

For enquires email
We are an equal opportunities employer and welcome all applications regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, faith or disability.

Mali: Chief of party

Organization: Chemonics
Country: Mali
Closing date: 15 Nov 2014

Chemonics seeks a long-term chief of party for an anticipated USAID-funded global climate change project in Mali. The project aims to improve resilience to climate variability and change by increasing the use of effective climate information. It will work with national and local government entities and civil society organizations to increase their capacity to effectively use climate information and increase adoption of local solutions in climate change adaptation. We are looking for individuals who have a passion for making a difference in the lives of people around the world.

Responsibilities Include:

  • ?Provide technical leadership and management oversight
  • Serve as the project's key liaison with USAID, Malian meteorological and climate agencies, and counterparts and implementing partners
  • Ensure an integrated vision among different project components and actors, with a focus on achieving the project's targeted results and timely completion of deliverables
  • Identify issues and risks related to project implementation in a timely manner, suggesting appropriate program adjustments


  • ?Master's degree in environmental studies, environmental science, natural resource management, international relations, or other relevant field required
  • Minimum 10 years of management, supervisory, and technical experience working with multimillion-dollar USAID-funded programs of a similar technical scope
  • Experience managing large-scale activities, strategic planning, and implementation
  • Thorough knowledge of and experience working in Mali and/or the Sahel region
  • Ability to lead multidisciplinary teams in a challenging environment
  • Experience building institutional capacity of national and local-level government counterparts preferred
  • Experience in climate change adaptation program design and implementation in dry lands, and especially the Sahel, preferred
  • Demonstrated leadership, versatility, and integrity
  • Professional fluency in English and French

How to apply:

Send electronic submissions to by November 15, 2014. Please include "Chief of Party" in the subject line. No telephone inquiries, please. Finalists will be contacted.

In addition, please download and complete Chemonics’ equal employment opportunity self-identification formand submit it separately to EEOselfidentify@chemonics.comwith only "Chief of Party-Mali GCC" in the subject line. If you prefer not to disclose your sex, race, or ethnicity, you may check “I do not wish to complete the information requested.” Thank you for completing the form and supporting our equal employment opportunity reporting requirements.

????Chemonics is an equal opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability, protected veteran status, genetic information, age, or other legally protected characteristics.??

Iraq: Finance Intern - Middle East & Northern Africa

Organization: Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
Country: Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, occupied Palestinian territory, Turkey, Yemen
Closing date: 31 Dec 2014

I. Background on ACTED

ACTED is a French humanitarian NGO, founded in 1993, which supports vulnerable populations, affected by humanitarian crises worldwide. ACTED provides continued support to vulnerable communities by ensuring the sustainability of post-crisis interventions and engaging long-term challenges facing our target populations, in order to break the poverty cycle, foster development and reduce vulnerability to disasters. Our interventions seek to cover the multiple aspects of humanitarian and development crises through a multidisciplinary approach which is both global and local, and adapted to each context. Our 3,300 staff is committed in to responding to emergencies worldwide, to supporting recovery and rehabilitation, towards sustainable development.

Our teams in the field implement some 340 projects in 34 countries covering the following sectors emergency relief, food security, access to health, education and training, economic development, microfinance, advocacy, institutional support, and regional dialogue, cultural promotion.

Based on considerable experience addressing the needs and situations of vulnerable communities, ACTED contributes to the international agenda towards reaching the Millennium Development Goals, through a wide range of partnerships, innovative initiatives, and campaigns.

II. Country Profile

Many positions opened in the following countries:

  • Iraqi Kurdistan
  • Turkey
  • Yemen
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Palestine

To get more information about our programs in each country, feel free to visit our website:

III. Position Profile

The finance intern works under the supervision of the Finance Officer and/or Country Finance Manager

His/Her responsibilities will be as followed:

• Control that operations respect existing financial procedures and manage accounting files for the Country Office;

• Analyze financial data and create management indicators;

• Support Country Coordination through analysis of project running costs, follow-up on resource allocation, and finance training

IV. Qualifications

• Msc in Administration, Business Management or equivalent.
• Finance and accounting skills required
• Willingness to undertake serious responsibility and manage stress efficiently
• Excellent communication skills, including advanced written and oral English

V. Conditions:

Field Intern benefits include: a 300 USD per month living allowance, coverage of all accommodation, food, and travel costs, a luggage allowance of 50 kg., and the provision of medical, repatriation, and life insurance.

VI. Submission of applications

Please send, in English, your cover letter, CV, and three references to with the job offer reference as object of your email.


How to apply:

Please send, in English, your cover letter, CV, and three references to with the job offer reference as object of your email.