Angola: Program Coordinator - Angola

Organization: MENTOR Initiative
Country: Angola
Closing date: 10 Nov 2014

The MENTOR Initiative (MENTOR) is an international non-governmental organisation devoted to reducing death and suffering from malaria in humanitarian crises. The MENTOR Initiative is currently providing on going emergency support to the most vulnerable communities in Liberia, Angola, Kenya, the Central African Republic, South Sudan and Chad.

The Program Coordinator will lead malaria public health program in Uige. This role will be responsible for expanding and coordinating the activities related to two current malaria grants (World Learning and Exxon Mobile) in close collaboration with Mentor Medical Coordinator.

How to apply:

CV and letter of motivation to

Guinea: Coordonnateur préfectoral Communication de Développement, NO-1

Organization: UN Children's Fund
Country: Guinea
Closing date: 31 Oct 2014

Purpose of the Position

Le coordonnateur/trice préfectoral en communication développement (C4D) gérera la campagne Ebola dans une préfecture. Sous la supervision générale du superviseur, et en étroite collaboration avec le groupe de communication, le coordonnateur préfectoral C4D sera responsable pour le support technique et l’assistance dans la conception, la formulation, la gestion, l’exécution, le suivi et l’évaluation d’une stratégie de changement de comportement et de mobilisation sociale, ainsi qu#un plan d’activités et d’action appuyant le programme de prévention et de contrôle du virus Ebola.

Key Expected Results

  1. Stratégie de communication pour le développement et plan d’action stratégique élaborés, formulés avec une mise en oeuvre efficacement gérée, facilitée et exécutée pour un changement social et comportemental appuyant la bonne exécution des programmes.
  2. Conception, pré-test, et production de supports de communication pour le développement culturellement pertinents, produits à temps et répondant aux standards et normes de qualité.
  3. Développement et mise en valeur de solides partenariats avec des groupes communautaires, dirigeants et autres partenaires de la communauté et de la société civile pour la promotion de la participation aux changements sociaux et comportementaux en soutien aux objectifs des programmes.
  4. Développement de matériaux et activités de formation efficaces, organisés, et mis en oeuvre pour renforcer les capacités en communication participative et comportementale à différents niveaux de gouvernement.
  5. Appui technique efficacement fourni avec les homologues gouvernementaux dans le développement et l’utilisation efficace de la communication pour le développement social.
  6. Suivi et évaluation des activités de programme et préparation de rapports bien entrepris et en temps opportun. Les résultats, expériences, leçons apprises, meilleures pratiques et nouvelles méthodes effectivement partagées avec les responsables gouvernementaux, l’équipe des programmes, et d’autres partenaires.
  7. Budget bien planifié, surveillé et contrôlé, assurant que les fonds alloués soient utilisés de façon optimale.


Le candidat retenu se verra proposer un contrat d’une durée d’un an et devra être disponible à partir du 15 novembre 2014.

Cet avis de vacance n#est ouvert qu’aux ressortissants de la Guinée- Conakry.

UNICEF offre un régime de prestations concurrentiel, y compris congés annuels, allocation familiale, assurance médicale et dentaire, régime de retraite et autres avantages.

Cet avis de vacance groupe plusieurs positions à l’UNICEF Guinée. Les candidats retenus seront basés dans différents lieux d’affectations en Guinée

How to apply:

Pour soumettre votre candidature:

Link for external candidates

Link for internal candidates


Organization: Médecins du Monde - Belgique
Country: Niger
Closing date: 21 Nov 2014

Médecins du Monde Belgique (MdM BE) ouvre une mission au Niger, dans la région d’Agadez.

Le programme MdM a deux objectifs :

  • renforcer l’accès aux services de santé sexuelle et reproductive sur le district d’Agadez commune en faveur de la population locale ;
  • assurer l’accès aux soins médicaux et psychologi-ques pour les populations migrantes résidentes ou de transit.

Le programme appuiera les Soins Obstétricaux et Néonataux d’Urgence (SONU) au niveau du Centre Hospitalier de Référence (CHR), et au niveau de Centres de Santé Intégrés (CSI) sélectionnés. Il inclut une forte composante de santé communautaire ainsi qu’un volet plaidoyer.

Le programme est financé sur une durée de 3 ans (2014-2016 inclus) majoritairement par la Direction Générale Coopération au Développement belge (DGCD).

Médecins du Monde Belgique (MdM BE) ouvre une mission au Niger, dans la région d’Agadez.

Le programme MdM a deux objectifs :

  • renforcer l’accès aux services de santé sexuelle et reproductive sur le district d’Agadez commune en faveur de la population locale ;
  • assurer l’accès aux soins médicaux et psychologi-ques pour les populations migrantes résidentes ou de transit.

Le programme appuiera les Soins Obstétricaux et Néonataux d’Urgence (SONU) au niveau du Centre Hospitalier de Référence (CHR), et au niveau de Centres de Santé Intégrés (CSI) sélectionnés. Il inclut une forte composante de santé communautaire ainsi qu’un volet plaidoyer.

Le programme est financé sur une durée de 3 ans (2014-2016 inclus) majoritairement par la Direction Générale Coopération au Développement belge (DGCD).

Nous recherchons pour notre Mission au Niger, un coordinateur de programme (H/F) pour 12 mois :

Votre fonction :

Sous la responsabilité du Coordinateur Général, et en étroite collaboration avec l’équipe de coordination basée à Niamey, le coordinateur de programme sera responsable de la gestion du programme MdM BE à Agadez dans son ensemble.

La gestion du volet médical se fera en collaboration avec le responsable du volet SSR et du responsable du Volet Migrant.

Le coordinateur du programme Agadez travaillera en équipe avec le responsable du volet SSR (son binôme), le responsable du volet Migrants, le psychologue du projet, le responsable logistique de la base, le responsable administratif et financier (RAF).

Ses principales responsabilités sont de :

* Analyse du contexte sécuritaire et responsable de la gestion sécuritaire du programme;

* Gestion de programme (définition/orientation du programme, planification, atteinte des objectifs, suivi et analyse des indicateurs, respect des calendriers d’activités, suivi budgétaire, reporting des activités, etc.) ;

* Supervision de la gestion de l’administration et des ressources humaines du programme ;

* Supervision de la gestion logistique et financière ;

* Reporting, représentation/partenariat, communication et plaidoyer.

Votre profil :

Formation :

* Master en sciences politiques, Économie, Santé publique, Développement, Gestion.

Expérience :

* Minimum 3 ans en ONG dans des postes similaires (gestion de programme, gestion de projet) lors de missions en expatriation. Expérience en zone de conflit/insécurité et expérience d’ouverture de programme vivement apprécié.

* Expérience de travail avec des bailleurs de fonds, expérience dans les domaines de gestion telles que logistique, administration, finances, RH, vivement souhaité.

* Connaissance de la région sahélienne est un atout important.

Compétences et qualités :

* Etre autonome et avoir une bonne capacité d’organisation, être rigoureux et de bonne moralité, connaissance des procédures de sécurité, expérience et compétences en négociation, orienté(e) qualité, vision stratégique, diplomatie, patience, flexibilité, capacité à travailler sous pression, capacité de reporting rigoureux, capacité d’analyse, force de proposition ;

Informatique : Maîtrise du package MS Office

Langue : maîtrise du français.

Nous vous offrons :

* Un contrat à durée déterminée de 12 mois dans une ONG médicale reconnue, une entrée en fonction dès début décembre, il s’agit d’un poste non-accompagné.

* Un package salarial global basé sur l’expérience (perdiem, assurances),

* Une équipe dynamique et volontaire, qui œuvre pour améliorer l’accès aux soins.

How to apply:

Intéressé(e) ?

Merci d'envoyer votre CV et lettre de motivation, avant le 21 novembre 2014 à

Merci de spécifier l’intitulé du poste dans l’objet :

Coordinateur Programme Niamey (h/f).

MdM se réserve la possibilité de finaliser un recrutement avant la date de clôture de réception des candidatures. Merci de votre compréhension.

Liberia: Health Monitoring and Evaluation Manager

Organization: International Rescue Committee
Country: Liberia
Closing date: 23 Dec 2014

IRC has been operational in various counties throughout Liberia since 1996 and has developed a good reputation as a key partner of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoH&SW) in Liberia. The main focus of IRC's program in Liberia at present is supporting the MoH&SW) with the provision of Ebola outbreak response and restoration of essential package of health care services (EPHS). In the course of implementing its activities in Liberia, IRC supports 136 MoH&SW workers through incentives payments, and over 200 with training and supplies. IRC actively collaborates with the MoH&SW, UN agencies, local partner NGOs, and other INGOs.

IRC's activities include technical, capacity building and logistical support to the County Health and Social Welfare Teams (CH&SWTs) as well as capacity building health facility staff through training, mentoring and/or supervision to ensure improved quality of care in the supported facilities. In 2014 IRC is supporting 82 primary health care facilities in Grand Gedeh, Lofa and Maryland counties. IRC also has health; women's protection and empowerment; child, youth and program development teams which have mainstreamed Ebola outbreak response into all IRC projects as a cross-cutting theme. IRC is also working with local partners on various health issues such as Pentecostal Mission Unlimited in Lofa County.

IRC Liberia is working with the MoH&SW and CH&SWTs is each supported county to create a more coordinated strategy in line with the MoH&SW approaches in restoration of Essential Package for Health Services as well as Ebola response. IRC developed an ECHO funded proposal in collaboration with MDM and Save the Children for a more efficient and effective collaboration with the CH&SWTs in the delivery of health services and Ebola outbreak response in Grand Gedeh, Lofa, Maryland, and Monsterrado Counties.

Main purpose of the role

To coordinate and lead the development and implementation of standardised monitoring and evaluation systems which bring epidemiological information together. This would involve working with a number of different partners and sites from across the ECHO funded program and other IRC health intervention. The Health Monitoring and Evaluation Manager (HMEM) will help to review current system and design, effectively monitor project outputs to assist in project management, and also identify and monitor quality indicators to determine the impact of the projects on the livelihoods of the targeted populations in Liberia during outbreak and we move into restoration of EPHS. To train, supervise field health staff in the adopting appropriate indicators and support on designing monitoring and evaluation plans, oversee database monitoring by health coordinators. The HMEM will provide assistance to field staff (health managers and coordinators) in preparation of reports to donors. As an independent monitoring and evaluation role, HMEM will provide independent expert opinion on monitoring and evaluation activities in various counties for ECHO consortium partners including Save the Children and MDM and provide necessary recommendations to the Senior Health Coordinator consortium partners and IRC management.

Scope of work

Under the umbrella of IRC's global strategy, IRC Liberia's country strategies support Ebola response and restoration of EPHS, the main objectives of the HMEM will be to:

  • Design and implement standard monitoring and evaluation systems in coordination with IRC's program teams and ECHO consortium stakeholders in counties and districts
  • Provide guidance on approaches and methods for monitoring and evaluation of outcome and impacts of services delivered by IRC, Save the Children and MDM under ECHO funding
  • Support program teams in effective analysis of the evidence emerging from program monitoring and evaluation
  • Strengthen the quality and efficacy of the IRC and other ECHO consortium health programs by carrying out regular reviews of performance, documenting the impacts of the programs on the quality of health care provided in government health facilities
  • Review and strengthen existing health data collection tools and systems analysis in the timely manner for internal and donor reports
  • Supervise staff and build their capacity on monitoring and evaluation function

Specific responsibilities of HMEM include

  • Data collection and management: support ECHO consortium facility assessments, IRC surveys, health facility data management and integration into national database
  • Training and supervision of IRC and partners staff: Hold workshops for all ECHO consortium staff in all sites to train on monitoring evaluation tools, HMIS for project, give feedback on findings and make recommendations for program improvement
  • Data analysis and use: work with field staff to collate data, analyse periodically, provide feedback on performance through reviews and use of information for decision making
  • Report writing: support field teams in preparation of timely reports

Person specification (qualifications, experience and competences) Essential

  • Masters' degree in public health or health services research or equivalent experience
  • Knowledge and experience of using qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods, including knowledge of statistical packages
  • Extensive experience in development, design and implementation of monitoring and evaluation systems (guidelines, methodologies including tools) in public health programs
  • Experience working in a multi-cultural setting and in pereference in Africa
  • Consistent experience of collating and writing reports to donors
  • Strong strategic planning and organizational skills, ability of be innovative
  • Excellent interpretational, influencing and diplomatic skills
  • Strong communication skills, with excellent written and spoken English
  • Confident and proficient in the use of Microsoft office and data management


  • Understanding of health programming and issues of organizational accountability towards various stakeholders
  • Excellent facilitation skills and experience in the use of participatory methodologies
  • Excellent skills in facilitation skills, information management, including recording, analysis, reporting and review methods, gained in an international organization

How to apply:

Please follow this link to apply:

United Republic of Tanzania: Partnerships Specialist - NOD Level

Organization: UN Children's Fund
Country: United Republic of Tanzania
Closing date: 03 Nov 2014


UNICEF Tanzania is recruiting a Partnerships Specialist who, under the direct supervision of the Chief of Communication, Advocacy and Partnerships, will be responsible to support the coordination, planning, development management and implementation of the Country Office’s Private Sector Engagement Strategy to mobilise the corporate sector for child’s rights through corporate social responsibility engagement as well as to leverage and raise resources for the Country Programme, in close collaboration with relevant programme staff.

Major Accountabilities

· Support the implementation of a Corporate Social Responsibility and Children’s Rights Agenda:

  • Help establish a network of alliances to support the CSR and Children’s Rights agenda, such as umbrella business bodies and networks of influential private sector individuals, focusing on promoting CSR in key child development and protection areas;
  • Develop relevant communication and programmatic materials to support the private sector in effectively implementing their CSR agenda promoting and protecting the rights of children.

· Establish and manage private sector Partnerships:

  • Support the establishment of partnerships with the private sector (identifying, approaching and negotiating) to advocate for children’s rights in Tanzania through the CSR agenda and to fundraise or leverage funds for children from the private sector;
  • Design/develop concepts for partnerships engagement activities in alignment with UNICEF Tanzania’s country programme;
  • Implement and manage the day-to-day activities with the private sector to achieve high-value results for children.

· Development of fundraising and communication tools:

  • Develop fundraising tools for the private sector (e.g. resource mobilisation kits, e-newletters, programme funding requirement documents, partners updates, annual report for donors, articles for UNICEF Tanzania website);
  • Develop tools to support private sector to effectively implement their CSR agenda for child development and protection.

· Advocacy and promotion of children’s well-being:

  • Establish a positive image of UNICEF and goodwill in Dar es Salaam, regions on the mainland and Zanzibar;
  • Establish and maintain contacts with key Ministries, local governments, decision-makers and influential civilians with the aim to promote UNIECF’s engagement with private sector and advocate for the well-being of women and children.

· Implementation of the Children’s Agenda Strategy:

  • Manage the CA Secretariat including organization and co-chairing of quarterly meetings in cooperation with MCDGC; and ensure regular and effective communication with relevant CA members on latest developments.
  • Coordinate the production and dissemination of advocacy tools
  • Coordinate the production and dissemination of CA annual reports
  • Manage the content of the CA webpage
  • Manage the content of the CA page on Tanzania Country Office Wiki ya Watoto /Intranet

Expected Qualification and Experience

Advanced university degree in international development, sustainable development, social sciences, business administration, marketing or management, or a related field.

Minimum 8 years of relevant and progressively responsible professional work experience working in the area of corporate engagement or interacting with the corporate sector on CSR, advocacy or social policy related matters. Knowledge of Corporate Social Responsibility is required. Experience of working in international organizations is an advantage.

Fluency in Swahili and English, spoken and written.

UNICEF Competencies Required

Core Competencies:Communication, Working with People, Drive for Results.Functional Competencies:Formulating Strategies and Concepts, Relating and Networking,Applying Technical Expertise, Planning and Organising, Persuading and influencing, Entrepreneurial thinking.

To Apply

If you meet the above profile, please submit your application along with a cover letter, an updated CV and a completed UN Personal History Form, indicating post title/vacancy number to

The Human Resources Manager, UNICEF Tanzania Country Office, Dar es Salaam, and send to

Email :

indicating clearly Vacancy No. 2014/09on or before the closing date of 3 November 2014.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

UNICEF is committed to Gender balance and diversity without distinction as to race,

gender or religion and without discrimination of persons with disabilities.

Qualified Female Candidates are encouraged to apply

UNICEF is a smoke-free environment

How to apply:

The Human Resources Manager, UNICEF Tanzania Country Office,

Dar es Salaam,

Côte d'Ivoire: Temporary Job Opening: 8 months - Medical Officer Disease Control and Prevention P-3

Organization: UN Operation in Côte d'Ivoire
Country: Côte d'Ivoire
Closing date: 07 Nov 2014

This position is located in Abidjan, in the Medical Section of the United Nations Mission in Cote d’Ivoire. The Medical Officer reports to the Chief Medical Officer.Responsibilities

Within delegated authority, the Medical Officer P-3 will be responsible for the following duties: (These duties are generic and may not be carried out by all Medical Officers.):

Clinical Duties:

• Undertakes day-to-day clinical duties, e.g. walk-in clinic, consult emergency patients,

• Undertake day-to-day occupational health duties: pre-placement and periodic medical examinations prepare UN staff for travelling providing immunizations, malaria prophylaxis, travel kits, etc.

• Refers staff to outside specialists as necessary

• Follows-up with outside specialists.

• Provides health education and health promotion programs.

• Participates in addressing work environment and occupational health issues.

Medico Administrative Duties:

• Liaises with UN-Military Medical Units in the mission and host-nation medical facilities.

• Follows the United Nations established policies and procedures regarding medical clearances, sick leave and medical evacuations/repatriations.

• Participates in drafting and implementation of business continuity and crises preparedness plans for the duty station/mission.

• Deputizes for a more senior Medical Officer during his/her absence.

Supervisory Administration:

• Manages day-to-day mission medical support operations by ensuring availability of medical supplies and proper functioning of medical equipment.

• Ensures appropriate training programs are implemented in order to maintain and develop the medical capabilities (e.g. health education, HIV/AIDS prevention, first aid and CPR).


• Performs other related duties as required.


Professionalism: Knowledge of clinical, occupational and tropical/travel medicine. Formal training in CPR and, preferably in BCLS and ACLS or equivalent emergency medical care. Shows pride in work and in achievements; demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; remains calm in stressful situations. Takes responsibility for incorporating gender perspectives and ensuring the equal participation of women and men in all areas of work.

• Teamwork: Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals; solicits input by genuinely valuing others’ ideas and expertise; is willing to learn from others; places team agenda before personal agenda; supports and acts in accordance with final group decision, even when such decisions may not entirely reflect own position; shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings.

• Planning & organizing: Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies; identifies priority activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required; allocates appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work; foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning; monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary; uses time efficiently.


Experience: A minimum of five years of progressively responsible clinical experience. Experience of working in the UN or an International organization especially in conflict areas and adverse living conditions is required.

Education: Doctorate (MD) with experience in infectious disease control and occupational medicine. ACLS/BCLS certification and /or certification in tropical and travel medicine is required.

Languages: English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For the position advertised, fluency in oral and written English and French is required.

How to apply:


Cover Letter Personal History Profile (visit to generate a PHP)

Proof of required academic credentials (for external applicants)

Employment verification letter from most recent employer (for external applicants)

Last two completed Performance Appraisal or two Reference Letters for external applicants


Contact Name:Fatima Coulibaly Email Address: Copy (cc): Stephanie Appell Email Address:

Sierra Leone: Finance and Accounts Officer (NO-2)

Organization: UN Children's Fund
Country: Sierra Leone
Closing date: 31 Oct 2014

Purposeof the Position

Under the general supervision of the Chief of Operations, the Finance and Accounts Officer assists in the area of accounting control, recording, reporting of assets, liabilities and income. Monitors the appropriate disbursements of funds and payments of accounts in accordance with the rules, regulations and established budgetary limits.

Key Expected Results

  1. Controls and operates bank accounts in accordance with UN/UNICEF financial rules and regulations and local banking practices. Provides up-to-date information on the cash position or status of such accounts. Reconciles bank statements, keeps abreast of all procedures and regulations regarding the maintenance of bank accounts, exchange and interest rates, etc.
  2. Certifies the appropriate, accurate and timely processing and recording of disbursements and payments, (e.g., MIP, travel claims, pension fund, insurance, advances to government), in accordance with established rules, regulations and systems, and within budgetary limits. Also ensures recovery of advances and accounts receivable.
  3. Monitors financial transactions and accounting reports, and reconciliation of accounts, to ensure accurate and up-to-date financial information. Prepares required reports and statements for the Head of Office and HQ.
  4. Manages GFSS system, provides training and orientation to staff on its use and coordinates with EDP on technical adjustments or irregularities to meet local conditions. Supervises timely maintenance of computerized accounting and finance systems
  5. Controls petty cash fund, disbursements, recording and accounting.
  6. Reviews budget expenditures by codes against approved allotments, and verifies compliance with reports received from HQs.


  1. This vacancy announcement is only open to nationals of Sierra Leone.
  2. UNICEF offers competitive Benefits and Entitlements, including Annual leave, Dependency allowance, Medical and dental insurance, Pension scheme and other benefits.
  3. The successful candidate is expected to start on 15 November 2014

How to apply:

To apply visit:

Link for external candidates

Link for internal candidates

South Sudan: Deputy Director of Programs

Organization: International Rescue Committee
Country: South Sudan
Closing date: 23 Dec 2014

IRC began working in South Sudan in 1989. South Sudan declared independence in July 2011 following decades of brutal civil war rooted in disputes over religion, ethnicity, resources, governance and self-determination. In December 2013, a new armed conflict erupted and the security situation remains volatile and unpredictable; testing operational challenges abound. IRC South Sudan operates a country office in Juba along with programs in Central Equatoria, Lakes, Unity, Northern Bahr el Ghazal and Jonglei States across 14 field sites. IRC South Sudan implements emergency and longer-term programs in health, community case management, nutrition, environmental health, women's protection and empowerment and protection.


Based in Juba, the Deputy Director of Programs (DDP) provides overall leadership in the development, management, strategy, quality and managed growth of IRC's programming portfolio in South Sudan, with particular emphasis on responsiveness to needs, program quality and evidence of impact. In coordination with the Country Director, the DDP builds and sustains strong donor relationships. Reporting to the Country Director and a member of the Senior Management Team, the DDP directly supervises seven senior staff who are responsible for proposal development, program quality and grants management. This position has close working relationships with the Deputy Directors of Field Management, Deputy Director of Operations, Finance Controller, HR Coordinator as well as field-based staff. The DDP position is limited accompanied and requires extensive in-country and occasional regional travel.


  • Program Strategy, Design and Fundraising

  • Provide leadership to development and implementation of a needs-based strategy for the country program.

  • Ensure, with Coordinators, and HQ-based Technical Unit staff, that project design of projects reflects IRC program quality standards and industry best practices.
  • Lead efforts for sustainable program growth, proactively identifying opportunities for new programming initiatives and emphasizing multi-year funding to support them.
  • Provide leadership support to the programming and grants teams to develop competitive, evidence-based and cost-effective funding applications.
  • Provide guidance, strategies and tools to ensure that programming choices are based on needs assessment findings (primary & secondary data) and analysis, input from communities, a thorough understanding of context, technical best practices, and operational viability.
  • Formulate integrated programming initiatives so that technical sectors complement each other and promote mainstreaming of protection principles and gender-responsive approaches.

  • Program Management - Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Provide overall leadership and management of IRC South Sudan's programming portfolio, ensuring strategically coherent program direction, well-managed growth, and compliance with IRC and donor regulations.

  • Continually seek out ways to build the capacities of programming team members, individually and collectively.
  • Ensure that detailed, realistic and feasible project implementation plans are developed, and modified as needed, in collaboration with the Deputy Directors of Field Management.
  • Regularly travel to the field to visit projects.
  • Regularly review progress against indicators.
  • Coordinate with other members of Senior Management Team on appropriate management, compliance and performance standards, as well as effective systems for budget management, knowledge management and risk management.
  • Put accountability mechanisms in place for beneficiary feedback.
  • Support programming staff to collect, document and disseminate lessons learned and best practices, incorporating these into new project designs.
  • With programming staff, develop effective and appropriate M&E plans, including methodologies and tools to strengthen the quality of data collection, analysis and reporting.
  • Review M&E and accountability data with programming staff to identify and address areas for operational improvement.

  • Grant Financial Management

  • In coordination with finance and operations, oversee grants to ensure compliance with donor requirements.

  • In collaboration with finance and operations, contribute to the development and periodic reforecasting of the annual operating budget.
  • In collaboration with the Deputy Directors of Field Management, ensure that programming staff are well trained to properly manage project budgets.
  • Meet with programming, grants and finance staff regularly to review budget comparison reports.
  • Mitigate risk by collaborating with the Finance Department to ensure that programming staff fully understand financial and administrative processes involved in project budget cycles.
  • Ensure that risks limiting achievement of objectives are reported and rapidly addressed.

  • Staff Management and Development

  • Create a supervisory environment focused on the achievement of team and individual results that emphasizes the importance of learning, productivity, accountability and openness

  • Communicate regularly with staff and promote positive conflict resolution among team members.
  • Provide guidance and supervision to all programming Coordinators and Grants Coordinator; discuss job expectations, set objectives and provide appropriate and timely feedback on performance of direct reports, including timely implementation of performance management system.
  • Adhere to IRC's performance management system, providing regular, timely and thoughtful coaching, feedback, performance assessment, and professional development for all direct reports, while making sure that they do the same for their direct reports.
  • Build capacities of programming staff in key project management principles, tools and approaches and ensure that these new skills are utilized on the job.
  • Manage recruitment, hiring and development of high-performing national staff to assume greater levels of responsibility.
  • Provide leadership support for the successful implementation of and adherence to the IRC Global HR Operating Policies and Procedures.
  • Lead with commitment, integrity and accountability to the "IRC Way" - Global Standards for Professional Conduct.
  • Promote constructive, collegial teamwork between programming staff and operational support staff.

  • Representation and Communication

  • Enhance IRC South Sudan's profile among relevant stakeholders: donors, national and local government partners, international and national NGOs, etc.

  • Represent IRC South Sudan at NGO, interagency and governmental meetings.
  • Act as the focal point for program-related communication between IRC country programs in the region and worldwide offices.
  • Oversee programmatic inputs to advocacy efforts both in-country and globally


  • Education: Advanced degree in international relations, development studies or relevant discipline
  • Must have at least six years of progressively responsible international management experience, including technical staff supervision.
  • Proven ability to develop winning proposals to public and private-sector donors
  • Fluent English
  • Previous experience managing programs financed by US government agencies, DFID, EU, UN, foundations and private donors a must, with previous experience in competitive RFA/P environments a plus.
  • Proven ability to manage projects to completion on time, within budget, and with the anticipated results.
  • Demonstrated successful leadership experience with a multi-disciplinary team in a cross-cultural setting, including active mentoring and coaching.
  • Extensive experience with monitoring and evaluation tools and systems for complex programs
  • Ability to respond to multiple priorities in a timely manner, producing high-quality outcomes.
  • Ability to work and live in a sometimes insecure environment while maintaining a positive attitude.


Security level orange - The situation in most of the country is calm but remains tense and unpredictable; concerns include armed conflict and criminality. There is active conflict in some parts of the country and a possibility for further expansion of the conflict and violence into other areas and other states.

The position is based in Juba. Lodging is a private bedroom in private apartment building - with electricity, internet and satellite TV. Food is the individual's responsibility. Field office housing is more basic, i.e. in traditional huts or tents with separate shared latrines and showers.

How to apply:

Please follow this link to apply:

Guinea: Spécialiste de la Recherche (Socio anthropologue), NO-3

Organization: UN Children's Fund
Country: Guinea
Closing date: 31 Oct 2014

Purpose of the Position

Sous la supervision générale du superviseur, et en étroite collaboration avec le spécialiste en communication, le spécialiste en communication pour le développement (données sociales pour le changement de comportement) sera responsable de la conception, formulation, gestion, exécution, suivi et évaluation de la stratégie de changement comportemental et de mobilisation sociale ainsi que d’un plan d’action et d’appui au programme pays.

Key Expected Results

  1. Stratégie de communication pour le développement et plan d’action stratégique élaborés, formulés avec une mise en oeuvre efficacement gérée, facilitée et exécutée pour un changement social et comportemental appuyant la bonne exécution des programmes.
  2. Conception, pré-test, et production de supports de communication pour le développement culturellement pertinents, produits à temps et répondant aux standards et normes de qualité.
  3. Développement et mise en valeur de solides partenariats avec des groupes communautaires, dirigeants et autres partenaires de la communauté et de la société civile pour la promotion de la participation aux changements sociaux et comportementaux en soutien aux objectifs des programmes.
  4. Développement de matériaux et activités de formation efficaces, organisés, et mis en oeuvre pour renforcer les capacités en communication participative et comportementale à différents niveaux de gouvernement.
  5. Appui technique efficacement fourni avec les homologues gouvernementaux dans le développement et l’utilisation efficace de la communication pour le développement social.
  6. Suivi et évaluation des activités de programme et préparation de rapports bien entrepris et en temps opportun. Les résultats, expériences, leçons apprises, meilleures pratiques et nouvelles méthodes effectivement partagées avec les responsables gouvernementaux, l#équipe des programmes, et d’autres partenaires.
  7. Budget bien planifié, surveillé et contrôlé, assurant que les fonds alloués soient utilisés de façon optimale.


Le candidat retenu se verra proposer un contrat d#une durée d#un an et devra être disponible à partir du 15 novembre 2014.

Cet avis de vacance n#est ouvert qu#aux ressortissants de la Guinée- Conakry.

UNICEF offre un régime de prestations concurrentiel, y compris congés annuels, allocation familiale, assurance médicale et dentaire, régime de retraite et autres avantages.

How to apply:

Pour soumettre votre candidature:

Link for external candidates

Link for internal candidates

Chad: Logistics Coordinator

Organization: International Medical Corps
Country: Chad
Closing date: 24 Nov 2014

Position Summary & Responsibilities: International Medical Corps is a global, humanitarian, nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and relief and development programs.
Established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and nurses, International Medical Corps is a private, voluntary, nonpolitical, nonsectarian organization. Its mission is to improve the quality of life through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity in underserved communities worldwide. By offering training and health care to local populations and medical assistance to people at highest risk, and with the flexibility to respond rapidly to emergency situations, International Medical Corps rehabilitates devastated health care
systems and helps bring them back to self-reliance.
International Medical Corps has been operating in Chad since 2004, primarily in the East of the country close to the Darfur border.
International Medical Corps is mainly running nutritional activities in Chad where an emergency crisis is felt on the Sahel belt. International Medical Corps has also been supporting Sudanese refugee in Guereda and lriba (East of Chad). Currently, IMC is running 3 programs in Chad: one on the East (Guereda) assisting Sudanese refugees by providing primary and secondary health care and nutritional program within 2 camps, one in Abudeia providing nutritional assistance to residents, and one in lake region (Bagasola/Bol) providing primary health care and nutritional assistance (with a small Food Security component) to residents. As of 2014, International Medical Corps has planned to expand its areas of operation to include surgical activities in south of the country with the current crisis in CAR moving toward the Southern border of Chad (we are currently seeking for donors support).
Working under the direct supervision of the CD, the Logistics Coordinator is the senior logistics appointment in the Mission or Response and is responsible for, and accountable for, the delivery of all logistics and supply chain related activities in accordance with International Medical Corps Logistics policies and procedures. Fundamental to this role is the ability to manage and motivate your logistics team and engage with other mission or response staff, external contractors and organizations therefore you are required to have the skills to communicate clearly verbally and in writing, plan for and deliver quality presentations and training, and produce timely written reports. Also, the logistic coordinator must be pro-active buy anticipating supply shortage of logistic potential problems. He must try to find solution to logistic problem and make sure his team is delivering quality and fast services to the field.

  1. Logistics Operations
    • Provide the technical oversight, input and supervision to coordinate the staff support to, delivery of, and implementation of, all logistics support systems according to IMC Logistics policies and procedures.
    • Provide planning support and advice to those making a procurement request, then process and manage the procurement process (either locally or internationally) in accordance with IMC policies and procedures, in a transparent, accountable, efficient and cost effective manner (make sure procurement plan are in place everywhere and followed, that delivery to the field is fast and that feed-back to the field regarding stock shortage or delay are done)
    • Ensure that local market surveys are regularly carried out, to ensure a full knowledge of the availability and price of local items. Ensure that all procurements are tracked and recorded to identify items that should be part of a pre-approved tender process, and ensure that open
    and free competition for procurements is adhered too.
    • Actively engage with freight forwarding agencies, freight handling/clearance agents, and local Customs, to ensure that cargo is managed at all points of the supply chain, and that all tracking and reporting deadlines are met.
    • Proactively coordinate and direct the management and tracking of all medical supplies,equipment, materiel and food in transit, through its receipt, storage, and onward distribution to include the locating and negotiating contracting for storage/warehousing that is secure, well maintained, and meets health and safe working practice requirements.
    • Capture pipeline information, and coordinate the management of the supply chain ensuring that Program staff are well-informed and well-prepared for incoming goods and materiel. Ensure timely reporting on stock status, to help Program staff with planning of stock replenishment and that tracking through to end-user has occurred. And/or advise
    and support Program staff to verify that distribution has occurred according to the intentions and plans of the donors, IMC, and project partners
    • Supervise and coordinate all matters logistics relating to transport and fuel management, to ensure that vehicles are insured, asset managed correctly, being driven safely, maintained Updated: March 2008 appropriately, damages are reported, and ensure that vehicles internal equipment (tools, comms etc) are complete and serviceable; and that usage of fuel is correctly supervised, and logged and recorded. Liaise with security personnel on security-related transport issues, such as booking in/out, satcomms, radios etc.
    • Supervise and coordinate all matters logistics regarding satellite communications and radio communications to ensure that equipments are insured, asset managed diligently, operated in the most cost efficient manner, and maintained appropriately.
    • Supervise and coordinate all matters logistics regarding GPS tracking for IMC vehicle.
    • Capture, plan and regularly update preparedness reporting for the logistic systems in place at your mission to include a current Logistic Concept of Operations. Plan to ensure that logistic systems are robust and flexible enough to cope if a crisis occurs by making thorough assessments of airports, transport available, warehousing, access routes, fuel availability, field comms issues, staffing challenges, training required etc. Raising issues though senior management as required.
    • Maintain accurate filing systems, with documented and supported records of action for audit purposes, and submit weekly and monthly logistics reports to the in-country management team, and Global logistics pursuant with IMC policies and procedures.
    • Be flexible and manage your time accordingly, to be prepared to tackle other tasks commensurate with your role, and level of experience, at short notice.
  2. Compliance
    • Ensure compliance with IMC policies and procedures, donor regulations and local laws.
    • Ensure that the procurement and disposal of commodities, especially those subject to US Export Compliance regulations, are in line with applicable licenses and are properly documented.
    • Ensure that vendor eligibility screening is carried out in a timely fashion, updated regularly, and, recorded appropriately.
  3. Human Resources
    • Manage all staff within your department with integrity and foresight, and in accordance with HR procedures and policies to ensure that they maintain the highest standards of accountability and professionalism.
    • Make frequent site visits to where staff supervised by you are working, to ensure that the appropriate care and support is being offered. Ensure that staff supervised by you are evaluated regularly, trained and/or mentored in a structured accountable manner, and written records of such are retained.
    • Oversee the recruitment, selection and performance of logistics staff, as required.
  4. Training/ Capacity Building
    • Advocate and plan for professional development for expat and national staff
    •Determine training needs for staff supervised by you.
    • Coordinate the delivery of training for national staff to increase their responsibilities in order to build capacity, and ensure sustainability of programs
    • Be part of the process of identifying key staff (in the area of logistic) to give them a chance of evolution/promotion (in the goal of having a logco deputy in the future)
  5. Working Relationships
    • Proactively engage with the Country Director and key staff (Program manager, FAD,Medical director, field coordinator) on all logistic matters to ensure that programmatic and project planning incorporates sufficient funding for logistical staff and logistical support mechanisms.
    • Proactively engage on a regular basis with regional IMC logistics teams, and logistics coordinators from other organizations to ensure appropriate links for interagency logistics
    • Proactively engage with donors, local government, project partners, UN agencies and other nongovernmental organizations in order to plan, organize, and schedule distribution of goods and materiel as, well as to ensure adequate information sharing, address common concerns/problems and seek solutions.
  6. Representation
    • Represent IMC in a positive and professional manner contributing to the creation of a positive image and overall credibility of the organization, notably through the application of IMC's mandate, ethics, values and stand-point with regard to other actors
  7. Security
    • Ensure the application of, and compliance with, security protocols and policies of you and your supervised staff.
    • Logistic coordinator is the security focal point in Chad who refer to the CD. He is in charge of writing the weekly security report and send it to the HQ. He also help the CD to update SRA, Security SOP, Relocation plan .
  8. Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
    •Actively promote PSEA (Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) standards within International Medical Corps and amongst beneficiaries served by International Medical Corps. Skills & Requirements: • Evidence of practical experience in logistics management within the field of supply chain management (procurement, tendering, contracting, clearance, transport, warehousing, etc.) fleet management and asset management, distribution support.
    • Proven record of experience of the management of logistics at a coordination level.
    • A humanitarian experience in the logistic field with Ngos of at least 6 years
    • Knowledge in vehicles mechanics and building work is a real advantage as there is not such a knowledge in IMC chad office
    • Evidence of the ability to plan for, and conduct training in all areas of logistics for national and international staff (suitable to staff knowledge level).
    • Ability to works to find solutions to problems by working with other departments. Strong organizational and problem-solving skills with analytic approach
    • Plan and organizes work and is able to deal with unexpected delays and demands.
    • Show commitment and demonstrated skills to build national staff capacity in the areas of logistics, management, supervision and monitoring
    • Strong interpersonal, management and leadership skills
    • Ability to integrate and work well within multiethnic and multicultural teams
    • Ability to work in harsh conditions, often in remote areas.
    • Strong negotiation, interpersonal and organization skills
    • It will be a very appreciated advantage if the candidate already have at least one working experience with a medical NGO.
    • Proficiency with MS Word and Excel (minimum requirement).
    • It is an advantage that experience is supported by academic study Other Relevant Information (if applicable):
    Language Skills:
    • Fluent in French (it is a pre-condition to get the job)
    • Ability to read, write, and speak

How to apply:

Mali: Procurement and Contracts Specialist P3 (Temporary Appointment)

Organization: UN Children's Fund
Country: Mali
Closing date: 07 Nov 2014

Purpose of the assignment

Under the direct guidance of the Supply and Logistics Manager the incumbent will manage all aspects of UNICEF Procurement and Institutional contracts of Mali Country Office and provide solutions to complex procurement related issues.

The Procurement and Contracts Specialist will

· supervise and lead the procurement staff of the unit.

· work with all sections to ensure the capacity building of staff.

This post will require advanced professional technical experience in support of operations and programme objectives while being accountable for full compliance of procurement activities with UNICEF rules, regulations, policies and strategies.

1.Main activities and outcomes

The incumbent will work on 6 specific objectives:

Objective 1:Manage and lead the Procurement Staff under his/her supervision including staff development

Objective 2:Establish sourcing strategy from planning to pre-selection of suppliers to meet UNICEF standards of goods and services.

Objective 3:Elaboration and implementation contract strategy including tendering process and evaluation, management of contracts, legal considerations, payment conditions and risk assessments

Objective 4:Ensure efficient management of procurement, including contracting, process for the Country Office as per established guidelines, procedures and systems (SAP, IPSAS), from planning and including sourcing, selection and evaluation of suppliers, quality management and performance measurement

Objective 5:Active contribution within the Supply Unit to improve the overall Supply Chain

Objective 6:Contribute to capacity building efforts of internal parties to transmit to the Supply Unit preparing complete and coherent purchase requisitions

Place of work

Based in Bamako with field visits to zonal offices.

3.Supervision, Feedback and Reporting

The incumbent will be based in the Supply and Logistics Unit in Bamako, under the direct supervision of the Supply and Logistics Manager. As a member of the Supply and Logistics unit, he/she will attend the unit meetings and report regularly on work plan progress. The incumbent will work in close daily cooperation with the relevant programme staff.

4.Key qualifications and required skills

Education & Work Experience

  • University degree in directly related areas of specialization, including credited courses in procurement/contracting.

A relevant combination of qualifications and experience may be accepted in lieu of the university degree.

  • Five years of professional work experience in Supply with a focus on procurement/contracting
  • At least two years’ experience in UN agencies in the field of procurement
  • Practical experience with performance monitoring tools.


  • Good knowledge of ERP system required
  • Excellent knowledge of public procurement rules
  • Excellent working knowledge of computers particularly in Excel
  • Ability to express clearly and concisely ideas in written and oral form and to produce reports in a timely manner.
  • Ability to work independently as well as with a team in an international, multicultural and interdisciplinary environment and establish harmonious and effective working relationships both within and outside the organization.
  • Organizational skills including the ability to keep up to date and accurate records in different formats

Language Proficiency

Fluency in English and French

4. Competency Profile(For details on competencies please refer to the UNICEF Professional Competency Profiles.)

i) Core Values (Required)

• Commitment

• Diversity and Inclusion

• Integrity

ii) Core Competencies (Required)

• Communication [II]

• Drive for Result [II]

• Working With People [II]

iii) Functional Competencies (Required)

• Applying Technical Expertise [II]

• Deciding and Initiating Actions [II]

• Following Instructions and Procedures [II]

• Leading and Supervising [II]

• Planning and Organizing [II]

How to apply:

Interested candidates should send a cover letter, an updated P11 and a resume to:

Guinea: Conseiller en sécurité, NO-1,

Organization: UN Children's Fund
Country: Guinea
Closing date: 31 Oct 2014

Purpose of the Position

Sous la supervision générale de l’agent de sécurité, le titulaire du poste est responsable de toutes les fonctions de sécurité liées aux programmes de l’UNICEF en Guinée.

Key Expected Results

  • Relevant directement de l’agent de sécurité, coordonner les fonctions liées à la sécurité en Guinée. Se conformer aux obligations MOSS et s#assurer que le plan de sécurité soit strictement observé et que toutes les listes de personnel, les rapports de situation, cartes, plans des gardes et données du personnel soient correctement maintenus.
  • Effectuer une évaluation approfondie du risque quant à la sécurité et entreprendre les enquêtes de sécurité nécessaires et fournissant des conseils de sécurité sur les mesures de sécurité relatives au personnel et biens de l’UNICEF.S’assurer que l’équipement MOSS soit bien entretenu, disponible et régulièrement testé.
  • Assurer la liaison avec l’UNDSS et participer à la cellule de sécurité de la zone. Nouer des relations professionnelles efficaces visant à assurer la réalisation effective de la mission de l’UNICEF. Veiller à ce que toutes les procédures d’évacuation / réinstallation soient en place et régulièrement pratiquées.
  • Veiller à ce que le processus d’autorisation de sécurité et les missions de sécurité soient gérés efficacement.
  • Rédiger et établir des rapports relatifs à la sécurité. S#assurer que le personnel de l’UNICEF soit effectivement informé et reçoive rapidement les avis de sécurité. En coopération avec l’UNDSS et SIOC s’assurer que l’information soit correctement acquise et diffusée.
  • Selon les besoins, effectuer des missions sur le terrain.
  • Selon les directives, s’acquitter d’autres tâches liées à la sécurité.


Le candidat retenu se verra proposer un contrat d#une durée d#un an et devra être disponible à partir du 15 novembre 2014.

Cet avis de vacance n#est ouvert qu#aux ressortissants de la Guinée- Conakry.

UNICEF offre un régime de prestations concurrentiel, y compris congés annuels, allocation familiale, assurance médicale et dentaire, régime de retraite et autres avantages.

How to apply:

Pour soumettre votre candidature:

Link for external candidates

Link for internal candidates

Sierra Leone: Administrative Services Officer (NO-1)

Organization: UN Children's Fund
Country: Sierra Leone
Closing date: 31 Oct 2014

Purpose of the Position

As focal point of administrative management services in a country or sub-country office, the Administrative Services Officer is accountable for delivery of efficient and cost effective administrative support services, providing guidance for operations of administrative support services and management of administrative staff. Ensures the office’s administrative operations and services are in compliance with the organization’s administrative policy, procedures, rules and regulations.

Key Expected Results

  1. Appropriate interpretation and application of administrative policy and procedures are timely implemented to support operations at the country and sub-country levels.
  2. The budget preparation and implementation are properly administered, monitored and controlled in the area of administrative management and services.
  3. Management and operations of delivery and improvement in administrative support services are timely and effectively provided, and security arrangements are well established for enhanced safety and security.
  4. Property management of administrative supplies, office equipment, vehicles and other properties are effectively performed.
  5. All administrative transactions and arrangements of contracts satisfy the requirements as stipulated and are in compliance with the applicable policies, procedures, rules and regulations.
  6. Staff capacity is enhanced through active staff learning/development programmes in the area of administrative management and services.
  7. Effective working relations are maintained with other agencies, local authorities and implementing partners. UNDG administrative harmonized policies and processes including on joint offices, commons premises and common services are effectively implemented


  1. This vacancy announcement is only open to nationals of Sierra Leone.
  2. UNICEF offers competitive Benefits and Entitlements, including Annual leave, Dependency allowance, Medical and dental insurance, Pension scheme and other benefits.
  3. The successful candidate is expected to start on 15 November 2014.

How to apply:

To apply, please visit:

Link for external candidates

Link for internal candidates

Kenya: Gender and Diversity Coordinator

Organization: International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies
Country: Kenya
Closing date: 07 Nov 2014

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world's largest humanitarian organization, with 189 member National Societies. As part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, our work is guided by seven fundamental principles; humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity and universality. Organizational Context

The Secretariat of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is organized into four Business Groups in Geneva and five Business Groups in the field, namely the Zone Offices for Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, and Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The Africa Zone Business Group is organized through regional representations covering the National Societies in Eastern Africa, Southern Africa, West Coast, Sahel and Central Africa as well as country representations in Ethiopia, Sudan, Republic of South Sudan, Chad, Niger, Somalia and Zimbabwe.

Job Purpose

The Secretariat of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is organized into four Business Groups in Geneva and five Business Groups in the field, namely the Zone Offices for Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, and Middle East and North Africa (MENA).
The Africa Zone Business Group is organized through regional representations covering the National Societies in Eastern Africa, Southern Africa, West Coast, Sahel and Central Africa as well as country representations in Ethiopia, Sudan, Republic of South Sudan, Chad, Niger, Somalia and Zimbabwe.

Job Duties and Responsibilities

The Gender and Diversity Coordinator will report to the Head of Programme Support and Corporate Services and has a technical reporting line to the Senior Officer, Gender & Diversity, IFRC, Programme Services Division, Geneva.

The Gender and Diversity Coordinator will work closely with the IFRC’s global Gender & Diversity Senior Officer in Geneva and counterparts in all other Zone Offices to share successes, strategies and resources in order to offer the most appropriate and culturally contextualised support to the National Societies on gender, diversity and violence prevention issues.

The Gender and Diversity Coordinator will work in conjunction with the Federation’s Global Gender Network, the Nordic+ (‘plus’) Gender Group, and the global IFRC Gender and Diversity Senior Officer in the Secretariat), and other Gender and Diversity Advisors/Coordinators and focal persons in other Zones.

A. The position holder shall support targeted and mainstreamed gender and diversity action, hereinafter understood to include violence (more specifically GBV) prevention, mitigation andresponse* in collaboration with National Societies by providing guidance to the implementation of the Strategic Framework on Gender & Diversity and Strategy on Violence Prevention, Mitigation & Response by:

  1. Raising awareness and commitment on gender and diversity in the International Federation and National Societies in the Africa Zone.
  2. Mainstreaming gender and diversity in programmes and programme services, including assessments, tools, trainings, appeal, plans of action, including monitoring, etc.
  3. Providing technical support to IFRC staff in mainstreaming gender and diversity in all programmes and services zone-wide.
  4. Assisting and supporting the National Societies in developing gender and diversity policies and associated action plans and to incorporate gender and diversity systematically into all programmes, develop systems, procedures and tools to monitor progress and to support in increasing capacity of IFRC and National Societies to reduce gender inequality, gender discrimination, discrimination based on difference and GBV.
  5. Ensuring a sustainable long-term plan for gender and diversity mainstreaming in the Africa Zone.
  6. Providing assistance and advice that is designed to add value and improve effectiveness of the IFRC Africa Zone, assisting National Societies on all issues related to gender and diversity.
  7. Targeted gender and diversity action will ensure that Africa Zone National Societies develop overall gender and diversity awareness among board members, members, staff and volunteers.
  8. Ensuring that all beneficiaries' needs have been assessed and considered when developing programme plans by using existing gender and diversity mainstreaming tools including the IFRC Strategic Framework on Gender & Diversity Issues 2013 – 2020 and Explanatory Note, the Strategy on Violence Prevention, Mitigation and Response (2011 – 2020), as well as other relevant tools to be developed subsequently.

B. Aligned to the Strategic Framework on Gender & Diversity Issues, develop a gender and diversity strategy for the Africa Zone for the period 2014-17 with concrete indicators for its fulfilment in consultation with existing and to be established Gender Network and the focal points in the National Societies.

C. In conjunction with the Africa Zone Office Units, National RC/RC Societies and partners, present timely funding proposals to donors in order to work toward the implementation of the strategy.

D. Provide technical support to Africa National Societies’ focal points on gender and diversity, all relevant programme units and regional and country offices.

E. Activate and provide technical support to existing or yet to be established Africa Zone Gender & Diversity Networks, consolidating their role through a clearly defined ToR adapted to each national context and Plan of Action and selected regional focal points to improve the programme planning process of relevant National Societies using updated gender and diversity profiles in each National Societies and reflecting gender and diversity and violence prevention awareness and mainstreaming actions; both based on analysis of gaps/capacities.

F. Provide support to the technical departments in the zone in mainstreaming of gender and diversity and violence prevention into community-based programmes on substantive areas on gender and diversity, undertaking specific research, organisation of events and facilitation of meetings and workshops.


Master’s degree or equivalent in gender studies, social sciences, public health, political science or international relations.


Five years’ experience in mainstreaming gender and/or diversity in the design, implementation and evaluation of programmes in an international environment, specifically in a development or conflict-affected context; or working on gender and/or diversity, including violence prevention specific programmes.

Demonstrated experience using gender, diversity and violence prevention analysis and planning tools.

Experience in the provision of high-quality technical advice to stakeholders at all levels of organizational hierarchy.

Experience in an advocacy role in negotiating support and involvement from beneficiaries, partner organizations, donors and government.

Experience in working for a humanitarian aid organization, in a developing country and/or working with displaced and or vulnerable communities.

Experience in working in a team environment, with remote team members. Knowledge, skills and languages

Knowledge of the IFRC Strategic Framework on Gender & Diversity Issues, the IFRC Strategy on Violence Prevention, Mitigation and Response and their alignment with Strategy 2020.

The ability to communicate effectively and sensitively with people from diverse cultural backgrounds

Ability to establish partnership and maintain working relationship within the organisation and with external partners.

Ability to gather, analyse, and evaluate facts and prepare and present concise oral and written reports.

Computer skills - competency in the use of relevant software and other applications, such as word processing, spreadsheets, internal databases, Internet, etc.

Fluent in spoken and written English. Another local language (French, Arabic) preferred.

Competencies and values




Building trust

Empowering others




The Federation is an equal opportunity employer.

How to apply:

Use this link-

Kenya: TOR Loss and Grief Training

Organization: Jesuit Refugee Service
Country: Kenya
Closing date: 05 Nov 2014


Jesuit Refugee Service Kakuma, Counseling Department it seeking a qualified facilitator to conduct a 6-day capacity building training for loss and grief Facilitation to be delivered to 42 Refugee Community Counselors. The aim of the training is to empower Community Counselors with appropriate knowledge and skills on conducting professional counselling seasons to undergoing through any form of loss and be able to deliver effective therapeutic sessions to refugees in Kakuma suffering from emotional distress .The stress within the training is on practical application rather than on theoretic knowledge.The training is to be delivered in a training facility within Kakuma Refugee Camp.

Kakuma Refugee Camp

The Kakuma refugee camp was founded in 1992 in Northwestern Kenya to serve refugees arriving to Kenya from conflict zones in the region (primarily Sudan and Ethiopia). Today, the population of the camp is about 169743 refugees from 11 different countries with large tribal and language diversity within the national communities. Currently Sudan nationals from South Sudan are the majority group within the camp. Other countries represented include Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Eritrea Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda and others.

Jesuit Refugee Service Community Counselling

Jesuit Refugee Service Kakuma operates a Community Counseling Programme in Kakuma and has 113 refugee staff and one national staff to provide counseling services to refugees based in the Kakuma Refugee Camp. The refugee community counselors undergo 60-hour Basic Training in Counseling and are offered regular weekly in-service training to build their capacity. Most of these community counselors have gone through other intensive trainings including: group counseling, child counseling, Trauma, debriefing, Substance Abuse, self-awareness, group supervision and Family Therapy. Each of the mentioned trainings had a minimum of 40 hours each.

The community counselors serve in their own national communities within the camp offering counseling services to persons with emotional problems. The JRS Kakuma Counseling Program uses Psycho Social Wellbeing and Client-Centered Counseling approach.

In the light of the above, the counseling department would like to empower further its community counselors to be able to work effectively with individual clients and groups experiencing a wide variety of issues and problems which is currently overwhelming.

Mode of Delivery

The training will combine both theory and practical demonstrations and plentiful opportunities to practice the new knowledge and skills .Facilitator will take in consideration limited English language abilities of the participants. Using practical case studies/ exercises is encouraged.

De- briefing Counselling Facilitation

Date: November 16th to 22nd 2014 - TBD

Duration: 6 days; – (with breaks as appropriate)

Location: Kakuma Refugee Camp


  1. General overview of loss and grief
  2. Stages of grief
  3. Types of loss and grief
  4. Fundamental elements of loss and grief
  5. Loss and grief in a counselling concept.
  6. Coping with lose and grief
  7. Approaches and strategies in loss and grief therapy
  8. Cultural approach in grief counseling
  9. Dealing with stress, depression and grief
  10. Coping with reminders after a loss
  11. Practical aspects of grief and loss
  12. Counsellor’s role during grief and loss sessions.
  13. Practical aspects of grief and loss sessions
  14. Grief and loss process-(session)
  15. Crisis support and suicide prevention
  16. Grief and loss counselling interventions
  17. Ethical issues.


  1. Participants will acquire fundamental knowledge of loss and grief in counseling.
  2. Participants will identify the stages of grief
  3. The participants will learn and able to apply various approaches and steps of counselling loss and grief beneficiaries and apply those skills appropriately in different challenging situations including refugee set up.
  4. The participants will be able to formulate questions that assist staff in self-awareness through reflection.
  5. The participants will be able to discuss process of loss and grief
  6. Participants will gain ability of caring for the care giver.
  7. Participants will gain knowledge of basic guidelines of loss and grief in counseling
  8. After the training participants will be able to conduct loss and grief sessions to individuals and groups effectively and professionally
  9. Participants will gain solid understanding of ethical issues in bereavement.
  10. Participants will receive handouts of grief and loss while counseling office will receive notes on power point and soft copies on the same subject.
  11. After completion of the training, participants will be issued with certificates of participation.

Facilitator Qualifications:

  1. Master level education in Counseling Psychology, Clinical psychology, clinical Social Work or related field.
  2. Demonstrated experience designing and facilitating trainings
  3. Demonstrated experience facilitating debriefing of individual, family, and counseling groups.
  4. Working knowledge of refugees, conflict and displacement


  1. Facilitator’s fee TBD
  2. Transportation Nairobi/Kakuma or equivalent
  3. Accommodation and food in place of workshop

How to apply:

Interested candidates should send their letter of interest, Organization Profile, CV, and quotations via email addressed to: and a copy to not later than 5th November 2014.

Comoros: Finance & Admin. Assistant

Organization: Accounting for International Development
Country: Comoros, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, World
Closing date: 21 Nov 2014

Our partner works by accompanying the local communities in agricultural development and sustainable management of natural resources, serving man and biodiversity purposes. It was created in 2013 following a 5-year pilot project. Its main activities are: improving the yields of market gardening and food production, community projects and planning the landscape management, identifying priorities for preservation through ecological research, and developing ecotourism as its own source of funding.

Under the supervision of the board of directors, the Finance & Admin Assistant will manage administration, finances and logistics of the NGO while training the local book-keeper/accountant in the perspective of evolving towards Finance & Admin Director.

Main assignments:

Supporting finance management:

  • Supervising the bookkeeper/accountant in managing accounts and cash flows, and enforcing the procedures
  • Producing financial reports and the global budget of the NGO, and coaching the bookkeeper/accountant for these tasks
  • Supporting administration, logistics and staff management
  • Supervising the bookkeeper/accountant in regular administration and logistics tasks, and developing staff management (+25 people)
  • Elaborating contracts and IPO files then coaching the bookkeeper/accountant for these tasks
  • Supporting general coordination of activities and functioning of the NGO
  • Making suggestions and enforcing improvements for the administrative functioning of the NGO
  • Participating in the development of strategies and funds researches

Candidate profile:

Curious, dynamic and humorous, the candidate will have professional experience in finance and administration. You will wish to develop skills while having an essential role in sustaining a local NGO to the benefit of sustainable development and biodiversity preservation in the Comoros.

  • Ideally, at least one experience (studies/internship/volunteering) abroad or genuine will to discover another culture, context, habits
  • You are able to integrate a diversified team, in terms of cultures and languages, and you like working in a team
  • You have education and professional experience in administration and corporate finance management
  • You like teaching and sharing knowledge/skills



  • Degree in administration and finance management, or equivalent
  • Knowledge and experience in accounting, corporate finance and budget planning
  • Work experience in a developing country (very much appreciated)


  • Professional experience in admin & finance management in NGO
  • VBA programming, mastering accounting software
  • Fluency in English and French

How to apply:

If you are interested in this role, please email your CV to

Kenya: Head of Programming - CRS Kenya

Organization: Catholic Relief Services
Country: Kenya
Closing date: 28 Nov 2014

Head of Programming – CRS Kenya

About CRS:

Catholic Relief Services carries out the commitment of the Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and vulnerable overseas. Our Catholic identity is at the heart of our mission and operations. We welcome as a part of our staff and as partners people of all faiths and secular traditions who share our values and our commitment to serving those in need.


2015 will mark CRS’ 50th anniversary in Kenya. Over the years, CRS has implemented numerous humanitarian and development programs with the support of the Kenyan Conference of Catholic Bishops and other civil society partners. CRS operates in Kenya under the terms of a bilateral agreement with the Government of Kenya.

CRS Kenya has an approved Strategic Program Plan (SPP) for the period 2013- 2018 with three Strategic Objectives: 1) Targeted vulnerable populations have sustainable livelihoods; 2) Targeted vulnerable populations have enhanced health; and 3) Vulnerable communities have improved their resilience to disasters and conflict. In addition, the SPP has identified two Intermediate Results that cut across all SOs: 1) Improving beneficiary accountability, and 2) Strengthening the capacity of local partners.

CRS Kenya has a diversified program portfolio in several sectors including Health, HIV/AIDS, Agriculture, Justice and Peace Building, Micro finance, Water and Sanitation, Emergency Response, and Global Solidarity. The program portfolio contains approximately 20 projects including a number of

consortium-managed projects with an annual budget of around $6.5 million dollars, implemented by 15 local partner organizations. The programming unit employs 55 Kenya national staff and 3 international staff.

Current funding sources to the country program include CDC, USAID, Gavi Alliance, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, USAID, GHR Foundation, Financial Sector Deepening, Keurig Green Mountain, and private donors.

On October 1 of this year, CRS Kenya assumed responsibility for the agency’s programming in Somalia.

Primary Functions:

The Head of Programming is responsible for the quality and scope of the CRS Kenya program portfolio, providing oversight of programming interventions, new project development, and ensuring that the necessary staff and systems are in place to develop and implement high-quality programs.

CRS Kenya is engaged in several complex consortium relationships, as well as integrated programming. The HOP must ensure timely and pertinent communication and coordination with other departments especially with the Head of Operations and consortium members. The HOP must give special attention to make sure the relationship with our partners is consistent with partnership principles and give special focus to nurturing CRS’ relationship with the local church. In collaboration with the Country Representative (CR), the HOP must aggressively pursue growth of the country program.

Specific Responsibilities:

I. Program Quality and Management

· Provide management oversight for ongoing programs.

· Ensure that all projects are guided by CRS Kenya, EARO and agency strategic plans.

· Ensure program quality through implementation of project review systems, the agency’s MEAL policy, and staff/partner development.

· Assist program staff to use appropriate project management tools to plan, review and track progress on project implementation as well as on the utilization of project resources.

· Support program staff in the planning of project activities and the establishment of high quality performance targets, ensuring adherence to technical standards, best practices and donor guidelines.

· Oversee the internal review process of all project proposals and ensure project format, design and quality are in compliance with agency/donor standards and program quality principles, East Africa Regional Office (EARO) guidelines and the CRS ProPack.

· Work with program staff to ensure that all programming documents (Annual Program Plans, project proposals, reports, etc.) are of the highest quality.

· Work with program staff to ensure CRS interventions are integrated wherever appropriate in order to increase impact.

· Support the coordination of action plans and activities to ensure complementarity and consistency in the various interventions and to eliminate duplication and waste.

· Ensure that activities are compatible and in compliance with CRS Guiding Principles, and ensure that staff are trained accordingly.

· Ensure that gender sensitivity is taken into account in day-to-day operations as well as in program interventions and with partners.

· Develop and supervise humanitarian response projects as needed.

II. Budgeting, Financial Planning and Reporting

· Work with the Country Representative, program staff and finance department to ensure compliance with CRS and donor regulations and requirements for financial accountability and project reporting.

· Ensure appropriate budget planning and tracking, and financial reporting of CRS public and private projects.

· Collaborate with Head of Operations to ensure project managers are trained on budgeting and finance tools and systems to increase their capacity to adequately track project expenses.

· Monitor burn rates closely with the project managers to ensure that spending in the projects are consistent with the budgets.

· Maintain a schedule for reporting of all publicly and privately funded projects and ensure regular, timely and accurate reports.

· Review and submit required reports including donor and private fund narrative reports, quarterly performance indicator tracking tables, baseline and evaluation reports, as well as others needed/required by the local government, donors, the region or headquarters.

III. Coordination and Communication

· Ensure transparent coordination mechanisms and regular information-sharing with relevant staff.

· Actively participate as a member of the Senior Management Team (SMT) and contribute to strategic planning and decision-making for the country program.

· Encourage active and open dialogue among program staff and with operations staff.

· Oversee regular programming and coordination meetings between the programming and management quality departments.

· Ensure systems are in place for the proper documentation of meetings and timely circulation of resulting information/outcomes.

· Promote the documentation and sharing of lessons learned/best practices.

· Maintain communication with Regional Technical Advisors, Deputy Regional Director/PQ and Headquarters staff as appropriate.

· Ensure co-ordination between CRS Kenya program and EARO for RTA visits and proposal review.

IV. Supervisory Responsibilities

· Provide leadership and support to the hiring and development of a highly-skilled workforce aligned to CRS values.

· Supervise staff in the program unit to ensure efficient and quality implementation of project activities and development of new initiatives.

· Mentor and coach staff and assist them to develop performance and development plans in line with the CRS Performance Management System.

· Work with the Country Representative and program staff to identify key training needs, and proactively seek and promote appropriate training opportunities for staff.

· Work with HR and program staff to develop and use standardized job descriptions and performance review.

· Oversee the enhancement of project managers’ capacity in proposal development, project management and monitoring and evaluation

· Ensure that programming staff are cognizant of country program, regional and agency strategies, along with general and sectoral program quality principles.

· Ensure that in-house training skills and expertise are shared among staff.

· Work in close coordination with other department heads to promote a team approach that involves programming staff at all levels whenever possible/appropriate.

V. Fundraising and Proposal Development

· Identify program priorities and actively develop a plan for program growth which features active engagement with partners, CP staff, regional/HQ technical advisors, and the business development team.

· Work with CR, the Business Development Manager, program staff and relevant regional and HQ staff to strengthen relationships with existing and potential donors.

· In collaboration with the CR, provide vision and guide the process of growth based on agency/region/country strategic frameworks and plans, including the development of CRS fundraising strategies and alliances and the identification of potential funding sources and strategic opportunities to expand the program’s focus, reach and influence.

· Lead/supervise the preparation of proposals for CRS program strategies/interventions.

VI. Partnership and Church Relations

· Work with CR to ensure effective collaboration between CRS and the local Church are consistent with the CRS partnership principles.

· Ensure staff are cognizant of these principles and that these are reflected in the work and relationships of CRS in Kenya.

· Ensure that CRS program managers and field staff maintain productive relationships with the Church and other implementing partners and provide them with support throughout the project cycle.

· Maintain strong partner relations and lead the identification of diverse and new potential partners.

· Contribute to the development of new Memorandum of Understanding with dioceses and review of the existing ones.

· Identify and support the development and improvement of partner capacity, both programmatic and administrative.

· Develop and implement strategies for improving the capacity of CRS staff to enhance partner capacity.

· Contribute to the core SiS team on the roll out of the SiS initiative with HQ support.

VII. Representation

· Working with the Country Representative, represent the country program to government officials, Church officials, partners, NGOs and UN agencies.

· Assume primary responsibility for preparing plans for high level donor, USG, CRS, or other VIP visits to CRS projects.

· Revise and update country briefing materials and host public relations events. Take the lead in making presentation to visitors.

· Maintain and/or develop productive relationships with key individuals in relevant government ministries, local Catholic Church, other churches, USAID, counterpart institutions and NGOs, international and local NGO community, UN Missions, other donors, etc.

· As required by the Country Representative, serve as a spokesperson to the public, including local and international media outlets and journalist, regarding CRS programs and activities.

VIII. Security

· Participate in the development, implementation and monitoring of security protocols.

Agency-wide Competencies (for all CRS Staff):These are rooted in the mission, values, and principles of CRS and used by each staff member to fulfill his or her responsibilities and to achieve the desired results.

· Serves with Integrity

· Models Stewardship

· Cultivates Constructive Relationships

· Promotes Learning

Head of Programming Competencies:These are rooted in the mission, values, and principles of CRS and used by each HOP to fulfill his or her responsibilities and to achieve the desired results.

· Builds and leads effective teams

· Supervises and develops staff

· Focuses on quality

· Leads growth in programs

Key Working Relationships:

Internal:Country Representative; Head of Operations; other department heads; program staff; support staff; Deputy Regional Director for Program Quality; regional technical advisors (RTAs), various HQ departments.

External:Consortium and other partners, especially Caritas; government ministries; local church; USAID; UN agencies; local bilateral institutions; local/international NGOs.

Personal/Professional Skills:

· Excellent supervisory skills,

· Strong analytical and organizational skills.

· Ability to work independently, but also coordinate effectively as part of a team.

· Excellent written and spoken communication skills in English.

· Strong computer skills (MS Word, Excel, Outlook and Power Point).


· Master’s Degree or equivalent in relevant technical field, international development or related field.

· Minimum five years in a management position with proven leadership in supervising senior staff, with international or intercultural experience (preferably in a developing country).

· Minimum three years living and working in a developing country.

· Minimum three years’ experience of NGO project management, including proposal writing and project review processes.

· Demonstrated ability in project grants management, including project design, budget preparation, expenditure tracking, monitoring and evaluation, reporting, etc.

· Ability to lead a multi-cultural team with a high level of respect for local culture.

· Ability to represent the agency in high level meetings with donors, local government, etc.

· Experience with institutional strengthening and partnership building.

· Commitment to work with local church and capacity to work closely with, and support them.

Physical Requirements/Environment:The position is based in Nairobi, Kenya, which is the headquarters of the CRS/KE program. The position requires approximately 35 percent travel within Kenya, in areas with limited amenities, as well as attendance at regional conferences and workshops when requested.

Foreign Language:None required but Swahili will be an added advantage.

CRS’ talent acquisition procedures reflect our commitment to protecting children and vulnerable adults from abuse and exploitation.


How to apply:

To apply, please visit: