Country: Ghana
Closing date: 03 Sep 2014
In 2013 Christian Aid in collaboration with the MDRS- Southern Zone, developed a proposal submitted to an internal funding opportunity within Christian Aid.
The proposed project was a one year project located in Mfantseman district in the Central region of Ghana – the fourth poorest region in Ghana. The specific communities under the proposal included Ekumfi Srafa, Owuya and Owofa Supruwdo and the Methodist Orphanage Village at Ghahaadze. The main livelihood sources for the communities are fishing and charcoal production and the charcoal is often used for the smoking of fish and for domestic consumption. Some of the communities in the districts have also suffered from flooding due to deforestation and poor spatial planning which is why the proposed project had a key forestation component.
In addition, the project was designed to work with poor households to produce acacia woodlot to meet their fuel needs and to generate income through the sale of woodlot seedlings and charcoal; production and processing of Legon 18 pepper (a variety of chillies) for local and external markets. The farmers will also be trained in negotiation and advocacy to enhance their skills for land acquisition.
Upon review by Christian Aid internal reviewers, concerns were raised regarding the likelihood of perpetuating the negative environmental practices, the scale of the project, the lack of adequate research information to serve as evidence for the market of pepper in the project areas and lack of other alternative crops to serve as back up in the event that the pepper was unsuccessful.
It was therefore recommended for the project to be reviewed to consider incorporating energy efficient technology such as a cook stoves component to reduce the amount of fuel and smoke emission when cooking; research into the market for pepper and increase the beneficiary reach to increase the scale of the project.
Based on the feedback received from the review committee, CA in Ghana is considering redesigning this project with the production of the woodlot as the main project with other components to enhance livelihoods and ensure efficient utilisation of wood fuel. The new project will incorporate energy efficient technology such as cook stove technology. This will take on an enterprise form where community members as well as other enterprises will form part of the supply chain in outsourcing cook stoves from the manufacturers and selling them to the communities. The project will also integrate trainings and sensitisation of the communities in the environmental hazards of charcoal production and the benefits of cook stoves.
The purpose of this research is to conduct a research to identify energy efficient options and to determine the viability of the cook stoves within the project areas in the Mfantseman area of the Central Region; and to recommend a suitable business model that will ensure efficient utilisation of the wood fuel by the communities. The business model should address access of the stoves, affordability, distribution and awareness creation. Also this aspect of the research will look at the profitability of a cook stove enterprise component of the project.
The other component of the project is intercropping to diversify the incomes from the project. The research will carry out a detailed market assessment for pepper and pineapple suckers within the central region. In addition, the research will identify other suitable crops that can be intercropped with the acacia tree. This information will be crucial for developing the new proposal and giving sufficient evidence for the feasibility of the project.
The specific objectives and the scope of the research are as follows:
- Identify energy efficient technologies in the district
The consultant is expected to evaluate the awareness within communities in Mfantseman district about the dangers of charcoal production for the environment and the benefits of alternative efficient energy sources such as cook stoves. The consultant is then expected to identify existing or possible energy saving technology through a participatory process with communities. This will consider current systems of energy which are reliant on charcoal and firewood and assess their efficiencies. (S)he should do a cost benefit analysis to demonstrate the advantages of using improved cook stoves versus the use of traditional open fire system. The consultant will then work with the community to identify options of energy technology suitable to the community.
- Conduct a research on the market for cook stoves and the profitability of a cook stove enterprise for farmers
The consultant will identify possible suppliers e.g. Ekem Art Pottery in Winneba and/or manufactures of different cook stove designs and will assess the most appropriate for use by the communities in the areas. The consultant will also assess the market demand for the cook stoves within the district and how much the citizens of the district will be willing to purchase the stoves for. Subsequently, the study will ascertain the viability for farmers forming part of the supply chain of cook stoves by outsourcing them from the manufacturer and supplying them to the wider communities.
- Market assessment for pepper and pineapple seedlings in Mfantseman District and the Central Region
The consultant shall conduct a market assessment for pepper and pineapple seedlings. The consultant will also identify the different varieties of pepper that can be produced in the area. Emphasis will be placed on the local and domestic markets for pepper but export markets should also be explored. The study should be specific about the varieties that have the most demand for local and export markets. Based on the information gathered, the consultant will give recommendations as to the feasibility of this component being included in the proposal. The pineapple sucker market assessment should focus on the domestic market. This will include completing a cost analysis for a pepper production enterprise and a pineapple sucker production enterprise.
The consultant will be expected to recommend various pepper processing activities the farmers can take up in addition to the pepper production based on information gathered from the communities and the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA).
As part of this assignment the consultant will be expected to engage with different actors within the pepper and pineapple markets from producers, processors and packagers as well as with the end market such as restaurants, hotels and schools.
- Recommending crops for inter-cropping
Based on discussions with MoFA and the communities, the consultant will be expected to recommend crops for inter-cropping based on what is available in the communities and what demands exist in the central region. Inter-cropping will increase the resilient livelihoods of the farmers and will give them some income in the interim as the acacia tree takes approx. 3 years to mature before it can be harvested and used for charcoal production. Crops to be considered include tiger nut, maize and onions could be considered. The tiger nut could further be processed into tiger nut milk to add value. These crops form part of the major crops grown in the area.
The consultant could adopt a range of methodologies in the delivery of this work. Suggested approaches include literature review from secondary sources such as academic literature, government publications, website and blogs.
Interviews and focus group discussions with the Methodist Church- Southern Zone, farmers in Mfansteman, NGOs and private sector companies engaging in cook stove manufacturing, MoFA, restaurants, hotels, schools, pineapple producers and other market actors like small scales processers, traders and retailers should also be conducted.
1st Phase: An inception report thatoutline a clear and detailed methodology for conducting this study. This shall be discussed and agreed with Christian Aid.
The inception report should also summarise findings from the secondary data and indicate sources of such information.
2nd phase: A not more than 25 page comprehensive report outlining:
- Analysis of different value chains in terms of the returns on investment for the farmers taking into account
a. Market prices,
b. Suitability of the environment for growing the crops
c. Cost benefit analysis tables comparing different crops
d. Access and availability of markets for the crops
e. Access of other support services for the crops such as extension, training, inputs, information etc.
f. Explore business viability of value addition compared to selling to ready markets.
g. A recommendation to Christian Aid of which value chains to support and the assigned reasons
- The business viability of the cook stoves project exploring
a. The different distribution channels
b. Who are the local manufactures
c. What are the different designs and which ones are most suitable for the project area
d. Ways in which the farmers can be local suppliers
- Outline other organisations supporting the sector for possible partnerships and collaboration.
- The extent to which this project benefits the poor in the district especially women.
A maximum of 25 page report in the proposed outline below:
- Title Page
- Table of Contents
- Abbreviations / acronyms page
- Executive summary (maximum 2 pages)
Part 1
- Introduction and background to this study
- Methodology
Part 2
- Market Assessment for cook stoves
- Profitability study of cook stoves enterprise
Part 3
- Market Assessment for pepper production and processing
- Market Assessment for pineapple suckers
- Proposed crops for inter-cropping
- Recommendations and Conclusion
Annexes must include:
· List of people met and their contacts
The consultancy is expected to start in the 3rdweek of September and the details of time frame will be agreed with the successful candidate.
How to apply:
The consultant should have at least a master’s degree in the social sciences, agriculture, natural resources or environmental science with extensive knowledge and experience in agribusiness and value chain development. The consultant should also be experienced in rural research work and should be knowledgeable about the agricultural and trade policy environment and its implications on market opportunities for smallholder farmers and:
· Demonstrable experience of designing and conducting quality research for project design
· Familiarity with current debates and approaches to agribusiness and value chain development within the international and national arena. Previous experience of conducting similar activities will be preferred.
· Experience of using qualitative and participatory approaches to gathering, organising and analysing findings.
· Familiarity with the socio-political context of Ghana and the three northern regions in particular.
· Fluency in written and spoken English is required. Knowledge of local languages will be an advantage.
DEADLINEThe closing date for submission is 3rd September, 2014.
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