Libya: Short-term Expert in Health Information Management Systems (HMIS)
Country: Libya
Closing date: 10 Oct 2013
As a federal enterprise, GIZ supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development.
For our operations in Libya/Tripoli, we are looking for a/an
Short-term Expert in Health Information Management Systems (HMIS)
Field of activity
Within the framework of EUNIDA, a grouping of EU Member State implementing agencies, GIZ International Services is managing the EU Libya Health Systems Strengthening Programme.
The Libyan health care delivery system reflects past systemic imbalances and the impact of the civil war. Weakened health services are largely deficient in their capacity to attend to the needs of the population. The increased prevalence of mental disorders and physical disabilities –a consequence of the conflict– further exacerbate the situation.
The overall objective of the EU-LHSS programme is to improve efficiency, effectiveness and quality of health service delivery in Libya. The purpose of this action is to strengthen strategic planning, financing as well as management and quality of health service delivery through targeted reforms and pilot interventions.
The EU-LHSS programme is articulated around three result areas:
Result One Strategic Planning, Health Financing and Capacity Strengthened: National health strategy, related policies and action plans developed; health financing options identified; provider payment mechanisms reviewed; and capacity of the Ministry of Health and Health Professionals Associations strengthened at all levels.
Result Two Health Service Delivery and Quality of Health Care: Health Service Package successfully rolled out in pilot areas; options for public private partnerships identified; quality of outcomes framework and accreditation standards developed and selected quality improvements reported.
Result Three Workforce Planning, Development and Management: Recruitment and retention targets in place; pre-service and in-service training needs assessed and partially addressed through targeted training and partnerships with training institutions; curricula upgraded and standardised; licensing standards and management tools developed and rolled out in pilot areas.
As part of the programme, model primary health care practices should be established in at least six PHC centres and six polyclinics. Selected interventions will be accelerated to help Libyan organisations and frontline workers make breakthrough improvements in quality of care and disseminate early results where they exist. In particular, the following priority areas have been selected for testing and implementation: health education and promotion, infection control, emergency departments management and triage, blood and blood products management, clinical protocols and guidelines, and laboratory-related quality improvements.
Accurate and reliable data is essential for policy making, health reform, regulation, education, health service and human resource management . Accurate and trustworthy information is simply the basis for all strategic decision making across the health care system both at national and local levels. A seamless process of health information management starts with timely data generation and collection, followed by structured compilation, synthesis and analysis.
In Libya, data collected is often not put to good use for analysis, monitoring or policymaking. There is no clear national HIS strategic plan and there is a severe shortage of trained IT staff that can develop local and national IT systems. The necessary legislations that should underpin any health care information management are lacking, particularly in as far as data protection and disclosure, and there are no national policies or guidelines on data collection and management. The data collected by the health care system is rarely systematically analysed to produce reports that can provide the basis for strategic decision-making. There are no national databases to collect information about the performance of health care professional or institutions to benchmark them at a national level.
In order to develop a modern nationwide Health Information System, a national HIS strategy and plan are urgently required. The plan should be costed and sequenced and a clear funding stream should be identified for the development of information technology resources and infrastructure. Open systems built-up over time, started as small projects have more chances for success than large scale, costly IT projects. Preference should be given to agreeing and managing systems locally, rather than imposing systems from above and the goal should be to continuously enhance systems to improve clinical decision-making and performance outcome.
IT staff should be recruited to work side by side with clinicians to develop and manage local and national heath IT systems, train clinical staff and develop their skills for the effective utilization of the system. Libya should also urgently adopt nationally agreed data collection and management standards and coding systems e.g. ICD10, procedure codes, unique patient identifiers and staff code identifiers. Legislation should be developed to govern data architecture, protection and disclosure.
Objectives of the mission
General objective of the mission
The Short-Term Expertise (STE) described in these Terms of Reference is complementary to the tasks of the long-term experts and responds to a request articulated by the Working Group (WG) on Health Service Delivery and the Ministry of Health.
The expertise mobilised will support the chair of the WG on Health Service Deliveryand the HIS Department of the Ministry of Health to:
Assess existing health management information systems, recommend and implement priority strengthening initiatives to support HIS requirements of health service delivery and improvements in quality of care at primary health care and hospital level.
Service HIS requirements for pilot-related monitoring, evaluation and operational research through pilot testing and scale-up of HIS in selected pilot sites.
Specific objectives of the mission
HIS Scoping Study
i) Assess existing Health Information Systems (HIS) in Libya including the accuracy and reliability of patient demographic and clinical data, emerging trends such as interface and interoperability risks.
ii) Assess existing needs for a customized HIS at the PHCs including data needs, access, acceptability, usability and ease of implementation.
iii) Analyse the scope for a unified and centralized system to be put in place and provide a menu of options for the operationalisation of such a plan including estimated costs, timeframe, knowledge, skills and resources required for a full roll out (turn-key).
iv) Respond to requests for specialist-level advice and assistance in the area of HIS policy, strategic planning, development and implementation, training, as well as in monitoring and evaluation
Design of a HIS for data capture in selected pilot sites
i) Assess user needs and expectation of system requirements, feasibility of implementation, and acceptability of adoption.
ii) Assist staff from the Ministry of Health and frontline workers in selected pilot sites to develop a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan, including indicator development, indicator definitions and collection of baseline information on service provision, quality of care and logistics (medicines and medical supplies).
iii) Design, develop and roll out a HIS that improves data capture, data flow, data use and storage related to health service delivery in Primary Health Care (PHC) pilots and selected quality improvements at PHC level. Data captured should include patient demographics, services provided, clinical management and clinical indicators, diagnosis of patients seen, utilisation rates, drug usage, staffing, administration and management.
iv) Provide training, tools and capacity development to streamline data collection, data management, data analysis, reporting and utilisation.
v) Apply HIS expertise to prepare evidence-based syntheses of baseline data for selected performance indicators in PHC pilots where quality improvement activities are being implemented.
vi) Oversee on-going monitoring and reporting against pilot indicators and results.
vii) Institute data quality assurance processes for continuous data quality monitoring.
viii) Provide training, tools and capacity development to upgrade the capacity of Ministry of Health staff, in particular staff from the Regional Office, to supervise staff responsible for routine data capture and data entry; and
ix) Assist the Ministry of Health and frontline workers with the preparation of data summaries and reports in user-friendly, graphic manner for routine reporting and broader dissemination;.
Expected results and deliverables
HIS Scoping Study
- Situation Analysis developed
- Scoping Study developed
- One-day workshop organised for discussion of the situation analysis, the scope for a unified system and the options
- Feedback incorporated in a Workshop Report
Design of a HIS for data capture in selected pilot sites
- M&E plan developed
- Two-day workshop organised for validation of the M&E plan, proposal for roll out and plan of action in selected pilot sites at primary health care hospital level
- Feedback incorporated in a Workshop Report and final M&E plan
- Prototype HIS developed and launched in selected pilot sites
- Training and tools delivered to Ministry of Health staff and frontline workers in pilot sites to streamline data collection, data management, data analysis and utilisation
- Quality assurance processes and tools defined including guidelines for routine data capture and data entry and supervision
- One-day workshop organised to present baseline data collected
- Feedback incorporated in a Workshop Report
- Intermediate Report prepared responding to requirements outlined under headings 1) – 2) and subheadings i) – xi)
- Final Report prepared responding to requirements outlined under headings 1) – 2) and subheadings i) – xi) and incorporating feedback on the Intermediate Report and on the draft presented.
Management of the mission
Work language: The work language is English.
In the absence of the Technical Assistance team and taking into account the nature of the mission (STE), the expert will report directly to the chair of the WG on Health Service Delivery and the HIS Department of the Ministry of Health.
The expert will also ensure close consultation with the Team Leader/Health Economist and chairs of other Working Groups, the Consultant (EUNIDA) and the Project Manager (the European Union).
The duration of the mission is up to 72 working days and take place during 2014. The mission might be divided into 2-3 visits of 4-5 weeks duration each spread over a one year to allow time for training, gradual implementation and outcome assessments.
The tasks to be completed by the expert in total are as follows:
- Validate the outline of the report to be submitted including projected division of tasks by each of the three missions The outline will be reviewed and confirmed by the chair of the WG on Health Service Delivery, the chair of the WG on Quality of Care and the HIS Department of the Ministry of Health and address headings 1) – 2) and subheadings i) – xi) described under section 3.2. The outline will assist all parties clarifying deliverables and expectations.
- Discuss the findings of the situation analysis, the scope for a unified HIS system and the options available.
- Conduct a workshop/meeting to validate the M&E plan, the proposal for roll out and the plan of action in selected pilot sites.
- Submit an intermediate report that should be circulated for comments amongst members of the WG on Health Service Delivery and HIS Department of the Ministry of Health, and chairs of other Working Groups (if deemed relevant).
- Provide training and tools to Ministry of Health staff and frontline workers in pilot sites to streamline data collection, data management, data analysis and utilisation and includes working with the Champion of medical record improvement through the Quality of Care Working group.
- Launch the HIS in selected pilot sites and organise a one-day workshop to present baseline data collected.
- Provide quality assurance processes and tools including guidelines for routine data capture and data entry and supervision.
- At least three days prior to the end of each mission the expert shall deliver a report of the work accomplished during that particular mission, which should have incorporated feedback from the chair of the WG on Health Service Delivery, the chair of the WG on Quality of Care and the HIS Department of the Ministry of Health and the plans and date for the next mission.
Profile of the expert
- A minimum of 10 years consultancy experience in facilitation of health information system strengthening, including central level coordination and systems integration, and sub-national strengthening for quality collection, analysis, dissemination and use of health information.
- Proven experience in designing, developing, implementing and maintaining information systems in order to monitor, support and evaluate large-scale programme activities.
- Proficiency in training and capacity building to enable managers and institutions to improve information systems and utilise data for decision making.
- Solid understanding of the role of HIS in supporting planning, management and evaluation.
- Experience and skills in identifying strategic information needs, collecting, analysing and synthesising data and presenting data in a succinct and user-friendly manner.
- Ability to understand and assimilate new Health Management Information Systems approaches, as well as health programme design, management and implementation approaches.
- Strong communications skills to ensure effective working relationships with government institutions, national and international working partners.
- Proven writing and editing skills, with a strong command of English and ability to convey complex ideas in a clear and direct style.
- Previous experience working with District Health Information Systems (DHIS) highly desirable.
- Working knowledge of Arabic desirable.
- Master’s degree in health informatics, public health, systems/business analysis or business and management
The report should specifically address headings and subheadings outlined under section.
The report shall also summarise the main activities implemented, potential constraints encountered, the measures taken or to be taken (by the expert, the EU LHSS programme or the Ministry of Health) to ensure the achievement of the objectives and the expected results. Further, the report shall deliver an analysis of potential gaps with regards to the expected results as well as recommendations for the roll out of the basic health care package.
Delivery and approval of reports
A draft report will be delivered electronically to the Technical Assistance Team. All documents delivered by the expert shall receive prior approval by the chair of the WG on Health Service Delivery, the chair of the WG on Quality of Care and the HIS Department of the Ministry of Health. It will further be approved by the Project Manager (the European Union) and at the Consultant (EUNIDA/GIZ).Assignment period: up to 72 working days completed in two to three visits over a one year period.The intended commencement date is January 2014
How to apply:
If you are interested, please do not hesitate to apply until 10th October 2013 via email (CV and letter of motivation).
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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
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