Egypt: Joint Programme Manger (JPM) – Human security through inclusive socio-economic development in Upper Egypt

Organization: UNIDO
Country: Egypt
Closing date: 19 Sep 2013


Post Title: Joint Programme Manger (JPM) – Human security through inclusive socio-economic development in Upper EgyptDuration: 1 year (with possibility of extension for up to three years)Date Requested: starting as soon as possible, latest 15th October 2013Duty station: Minya (Egypt), with frequent travel to rural areas in the governorate of Minya (districts of Edwa and Maghagha) and to CairoCounterpart: Egyptian Ministry of Local Development

Background Information:
The JPM will be in charge for implementation and coordination of programme activities. She/he will be supported by a team composed by several consultants, a Monitoring and Evaluation officer, a communication officer and an assistant programme officer (the whole project team will be based in Minya). The JPM will guarantee the regular exchange of information among project partners and must be able to cope with the technical, administrative and financial dimensions of the project, including managing communication with national counterparts and other development partners. The JPM will be reporting to the designed UNIDO Project Manager and will work in close collaboration with focal points of involved UN agencies. The project is a joint effort of UNIDO, UN WOMEN, ILO, UN-Habitat and IOM, funded by the UN Human Security Trust Fund (UNHSTF) and the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC). UNIDO will act as lead agency.

Executive summary - Human security through inclusive socio-economic development in Upper Egypt

The push towards democratic reform and good governance after the removal of the Mubarak regime guarantees long-term socio-economic benefits to Egypt. Nevertheless, in the short-term the post-revolution transition witnessed a sudden economic downturn that exacerbated both poverty and unemployment, particularly in Upper Egyptian governorates. The project will strengthen the economic security of vulnerable communities in five mother villages and selected satellite villages in Minya through creation of more and better employment opportunities and increased employability of the local labor force, while contributing to mitigate threats to environmental, personal, community and food security. The project will capitalize on the combined resources of several UN agencies and will work through local government, civil society partners and community structures to serve at least 18,000 beneficiaries to become more economically active and self-sufficient, and to support target communities to become more inclusive and gender responsive as they play an active role in the creation of sustainable employment opportunities; in addition, at least 10,000 people in target communities will benefit from neighborhood upgrading projects in disadvantaged areas. The project will capitalize on the combined resources of the UN agencies and will work through local government, civil society partners and community structures to:• implement at least 20 locally conceived priority interventions to counter threats to human security, mainly in the area of economic security;• enhance employability of at least 5,000 men and women through skills enhancement and matching with private sector needs;• implementation of labor-intensive neighborhood upgrading projects in disadvantaged areas;• introduction of innovative high-productivity, environmentally friendly agricultural techniques to the benefit of at least 3,300 small farmers, delivered through a value chain upgrading approach to foster market access on behalf of micro and small agricultural enterprises;• transfer of productive assets combined with technical assistance to at least 3,000 vulnerable women for income-generating activities;• improve access to financial services for at least 8,000 vulnerable women;• train at least 2,000 vulnerable mothers on health and nutrition issues;• train and organize local youth through a youth volunteer service to engage them in the implementation and scaling up of quick-impact activities.

Duties: Under the supervision of the UNIDO Regional Office in Cairo and the UN agencies participating in the programme, the JPM will undertake the following duties:

Description Expected ResultsA. Project management and coordination • Oversee and coordinate day-to-day programme activities;• Submit the annual work plans for presentation to the Steering Committee (SC), following a Results-Based Management approach;• Facilitate the SC meetings, and liaise with the SC and other partners to monitor the progress of the programme;• Coordinate project activities among project partners (UN agencies, local NGOs, local administration and national authorities);• Monitoring project progress, specifically vis-à-vis the work plan and reporting on project’s achievements and lessons learnt; • Propose and organization of studies, surveys, agreements, etc. with relevant stakeholders, and prepare the relative terms of reference (ToRs) where needed;• Supervise the administrative management of the project in coordination with UNIDO Regional Office in Cairo;• Propose purchase of equipment and services, selection of study tours composition, internships and fellowships;• Oversee the work of all consultants and staff engaged in the programme;• Prepare a risk management plan and monitor impact of identified risks; report to the SC on any challenges that could affect implementation;• After the mid-term evaluation, propose a sustainability strategy;• Any other duties assigned by the SC.

Annual work plans submitted, monitored and activities smoothly implemented in the field

Steering Committee fully operational

ToRs for studies, surveys, agreements, etc. with relevant stakeholders prepared

Risk management plan prepared

Sustainability strategy delivered

Map of local NGOs, CDAs and development project prepared to ensure synergies are capitalized upon, past lessons are well understood and no overlapping exists with other interventions by GoE, UN or other development partnersB. Relations with national stakeholders• Establish and maintain contacts with both the private sector and local authorities to sustainably integrate programme activities into local economic texture;• Ensuring beneficiaries’ satisfaction with the services provided;• Identification, in agreement with the counterparts, of participants for the seminars, workshops, study tours, and fellowships, when required.

Mechanisms for information sharing established with all stakeholders

Tools for testing beneficiaries satisfaction developed

C. Technical delivery• Manage the implementation of training and technical assistance activities in close coordination with all stakeholders;• Engineer a representative, transparent and well-functioning Human Security Forum, as detailed in the project document;• Oversee implementation of priority interventions under the Human Security Fund, as detailed in the project document;• Ensure full functionality of technical assistance for each project component, closely co-operating with the technical officers of the respective UN agencies;• Manage the cooperation with other relevant initiatives (e.g. from development partners) and institutions

Human Security Forum operational

Selected priority interventions implemented

Oversight on provision of technical assistance

D. Reporting• Prepare periodic reports for submission and clearance to the different UN agencies and to both donors (UNTFHS and SDC) on financial and operational aspects, consolidating all information available on activities carried out and expenditures. • Prepare periodic report for the UNIDO Project Manager including activities carried out, achievements, lessons learnt and recommendations.• Prepare a baseline report after completion of baseline survey• Prepare a consolidated report for the mid-term evaluation.• Prepare a final report at project completion for the final evaluation.
Narrative reports delivered to different UN agencies and both donors following the requested formats, and following a Results-Based Management approach.

Support provided to the mid-term and final evaluation process

Baseline report completedReports for mid-term and final evaluation deliveredE. Other duties• Carry out specific assignments given by UNIDO or the SC.

Qualifications: Degree in economics, social or political sciences or engineering. Post-graduate qualification not formally required, but would be an asset.

Work experience: at least 7 years of relevant work experience in technical cooperation projects in community development, local economic development, micro-enterprise support or social development issues. Proven experience in project and team management. Familiarity with donor funded programs is a strong asset; capacity to work in a complex institutional environment involving government, international agencies, private sector and civil society organizations. Proven experience with the management, co-management or fiduciary oversight of a project, unit, department or organization. Proven experience with Monitoring and Evaluation. Experience in event organization, including training workshops and consultation meetings would be a strong asset. Experience with the multi-faceted development-related challenges in Egypt (esp. Upper Egypt) is required. Strong inter-personal and communication skills and excellent presentation skills are mandatory.

Languages: Excellent English and Arabic, both written and oral.

How to apply:

Candidates meeting the above requirements are requested to submit the below via email to, specifying in the subject line “Joint Programme Manager, Human Security”.

Candidates are requested to attach:

  1. Updated CV (max 3 pages)
  2. Cover letter (max 1 page)
  3. Scanned copy of passport
  4. Scanned copy of latest academic certification (in English language)

Deadline for applications: September 19th, 2013.

Interested applicants whose profiles do not match the minimum requirements of this job description should refrain from applying. UNIDO will contact shortlisted candidates only.

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