Organization: Ibis
Country: Ghana
Closing date: 31 Oct 2014

IBIS is a Danish International Rights-Based Development Organisation committed to a just world where all people have equal access to Education, Influence and Resources. To achieve this, the organization works in partnership with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and Local Actors to combat the structural causes of inequality; poverty, and promote individual and collective rights.

IBIS’ presence in West Africa started with the opening of a Country Office in Ghana in 2001, with thedesign and implementation of Thematic Programmes within the area of Governance, Education andOrganisation Capacity and Communication Rights (CRP) with all these mainly concentrated in Ghana.In 2006, the CRP was changed into the West Africa Human Rights and Democratisation (WARHD)programme to offer an opportunity for IBIS to intervene more directly within the themes: MediaRights, Human Security and other Democratic domains in Sierra Leone, Liberia and through RegionalLevel Partners based in Ghana.

Between 2004-05, IBIS started interventions in Liberia and Sierra Leone culminating in the opening ofCountry Offices in 2009, and in 2013 opened a Country Office in Burkina Faso after a 5-year projectpresence in partnership with a Danish NGO based in Burkina Faso.

The IBIS change agenda, which is embodied in the Change Triangle Model: an integrated modelaimed at strengthening advocacy in the South (developing world) through thematic competencies(in governance and education) and support to organisational capacity. This holistic approach toadvocacy and change is pursued in partnership with civil society as the change agents. In practicalterms, IBIS works primarily in partnership with civil society organisations (CSOs) in its programmecountries to develop innovative solutions/approaches to development challenges in Governance(under which WAHRD falls) and Education sectors. IBIS programmes are designed within theframework of what is called the Thematic Programme (TP). The TP concept is a “strategic space ofopportunities” where IBIS and partners promote rights-based approaches to programme formulationand implementation, and innovate appropriate ways of combating poverty and lack of fulfilment ofrights through advocacy. The main features of a TP in IBIS are flexibility and adaptation to changes inthe context during programme implementation.

IBIS is looking for consultants to undertake an evaluation of the West Africa Human Rights and Democratisation (WAHRD) Programme.

How to apply:

Interested individuals, groups of individuals and firms are invited to submit Technical and Financial proposals as well as indicative timelines for the accomplishment of the tasks to:

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