Djibouti: Livelihood Technician

Organization: Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe
Country: Djibouti
Closing date: 22 Oct 2014


Job Title: Livelihood Technician

Organisation:Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V. /

Johanniter International Assistance

Organisation Description: Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V. is a German Christian non-governmental organisation, dedicated to excellence in the field of first aid, ambulance service, social service programs and other projects in the medical and social field. The Headquarters is based in Berlin, Germany.

Johanniter International Assistance is the department for humanitarian aid, development co-operation and emergency assistance, implementing and supporting mostly health projects worldwide. (

Job Location:Djibouti

Closing Date for appl.: 22 October 2014

Project Description:

Several years of drought and the rise in global food and fuel prices are the cause of a protracted humanitarian crisis in Djibouti. Small in size and bordered by Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Somalia, Djibouti is considered one of Africa’s most barren countries. It can only produce three percent of its national food requirement. Much of Djibouti is covered by desert and thorn savannah, which renders living conditions for nomads and their livestock very difficult. More than two thirds of the country’s 800,000 inhabitants live in the capital city; the remainder are mostly nomadic pastoralists. Pastoralism, however, has become precarious as the semi-arid country loses ground to desertification and diminishing rains. In recent years, extreme droughts have caused a massive loss of livestock for pastoralists. Due to this destruction of livelihoods and sources of income, there has been a large influx from rural dwellers, nomads and semi-nomads to already strained urban areas. The destruction of livelihoods and sources of income has led to extreme food insecurity and malnutrition among the population of Djibouti.

Johanniter International Assistance has been present in Djibouti since 1994, working in close collaboration with the Djiboutian Ministry of Health. Since 2003 the main focus of Johanniter’s activities has been on the fight against malnutrition, with the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs as most important donor and the Djiboutian “Programme Nationale de Nutrition” as well as World Food Program as important partners.

Additionally, to strengthen the population’s drought resilience and to undertake preventative measures against malnutrition, livelihood activities in rural areas are supported. The focus is on horticultural activities concentrated on the introduction of “keyhole gardens” with families of selected vulnerable communities.

“Keyhole gardens” aim at producing garden crops through bio-intensive horticulture for food diversification and more healthy diets. They are made with low-cost locally available materials. A pilote project to evaluate the technique in the Djiboutian context is being implemented since February 2014.

Job Description:

The livelihood technician implements livelihood activities in the rural districts of Djibouti, conducts assessments and writes proposals if required. He/she will collaborate closely with the Country Director and the other Johanniter staff in Djibouti.

The position is based in Dikhil and Tadjourah JUH field offices with regular travels to remote field sites.

Reporting to:Country Director Djibouti, and Head of Africa Desk Berlin

Working with:Team of international and national staff.

Job Responsibilities:

Ø Establishment/maintenance of close co-operation with the district institutions working in the field of horticulture/agriculture

Ø Elaboration of a training module on keyhole gardens adapted to the local situation regarding the essential aspects of conservation horticulture as soil-fertility, composting, cultivation methods for specific vegetable, intercropping, mulching and the production and conservation of seeds for further cultivation. Include relevant aspects on nutritional values, post-harvest treatment and best usage of vegetables.

Ø Motivation and mobilisation of the target groups for participation at the keyhole garden programme

Ø Selection of trainers for keyhole garden training in the communities together with the leaders of the communities

Ø Selection of direct beneficiaries of keyhole garden activities together with the leaders of the communities

Ø Responsible implementation of training courses on keyhole gardening, continuous supervision of the trainers and practical consultation to trainers and participating beneficiaries

Ø Procurement and distribution of necessary external inputs (tools, seeds) for keyhole gardening

Ø Implementation of a monitoring system of keyhole garden cultivation (monitoring of inputs, procedures and results) and the usage of vegetable by the beneficiaries

Ø Organization of a workshop on experiences and lessons learnt together with local and governmental stakeholders

Ø ensure proper and adequate resource management of livelihood activities (budget, HR, equipment etc.)

Ø ensure that the program is sustainable and works within and be handed over to local partners or structures

Ø provide timely and adequate documentation, reports and proposals to Country Director, HQ, donors and authorities

Ø recognise further needs and undertake assessments as necessary for new or follow-on projects and develop local strategies in close co-operation with Country Director and other Johanniter staff

Ø ensure coordination of livelihood activities with nutrition related services by regular meetings with JUH staff, partner NGOs/ INGOs and Government Departments

Ø compile regular reports, updates and articles for the public relations and fundraising department.

Person Specification


Vocational education in the field of agriculture with a specificity on horticulture, acquaintance with livelihood programs.


Ø Establishing training unit on keyhole garden construction and cultivation including main issues of healthy nutrition and preparation of food is considered an asset.

Ø Familiarity with conservation horticulture/agriculture and practical experience

Ø Planning and implementing training-courses for trainers

Ø Good comprehension of agricultural and environmental issues in semi-arid areas as well as of the impact of climate change on agricultural production

Ø Project design, project cycle management, proposal writing and reporting

Ø Working experiences in the context of food-security in semi-arid areas

Ø Experience in working with local partners, donors and local authorities.

Ø Experience in the humanitarian context of the Horn of Africa is considered an asset; in particular community dynamics, drought cycles and security management.


Ø HR management skills and cultural sensitivity.

Ø Knowledge and good understanding of logistic procedures.

Ø Fluency in French (Afar, Somali, English an asset)

Ø Proven ability to work independently, in isolation but closely with the coordination team.

Ø Proven ability to work with only basic amenities in project locations.

Ø Prepared to travel extensively to project locations.

Ø Good knowledge of international standards and relief tools (e.g. Sphere Standards).

Terms and Conditions:

Start Date: as soon as possible

Duration:6 months contract (with possible extension)

Remuneration:Salary rangeaccording to the ARV-J regulations + per diem

How to apply:

Applications, including cover letter, CV of max. 6 pages, copies of job certificates, and reference contact details of three former supervisors or employers, should be sent

Please indicate “Djibouti Livelihood Technician” in the subject line of your e-mail.

Only complete applications will be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

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