Djibouti: UNHCR Djibouti - Livelihood: Call for expression of interest
Country: Djibouti
Closing date: 18 Oct 2014
Notre Réf : 002/HCR/PRG/08/2014
The Representation of the United Nation High Commissioner for refugees in Djibouti launches a call for expression of interest for the implementation of the livelihood project intended to refugees based camps in Ali Addeh and Holl-Holl and urban refugees in Djibouti during the year 2015.
The purpose of the Call for Expression of Interest is to solicit interest from existing or prospective partners that wish to participate in the Djibouti UNHCR operation and contribute complementary resources (human resources, knowledge, funds, in-kind contributions, supplies and/or equipment) to achieving common objectives.
Title and project identification: Care and maintenance intended to Somali and Eritreans refugees and asylum seekers of Djibouti
Operational Context
Djibouti is a small country located in the East/Horn of Africa region, at the entry point to the Red Sea. It is strategically located on one of the busiest international maritime routes and plays a pivotal role in the international community’s efforts to fight piracy in the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean. The country is also actively engaged, both politically and militarily, in the search for peace and security in Somalia.
The country maintained cordial relationships with its neighboring countries. However, the standstill in the border dispute with Eritrea also remained. Although the situation remained calm at the border between the two countries, the dispute has not found a decisive settlement yet. At the same time, Djibouti, like other countries in the region, has been faced with repeated threats of terrorist attacks which pushed the authorities to tighten security measures in the country. Movements of refugees across the country were subjected to tighter controls and police round-ups conducted in Djibouti town in order to curb illegal migration. Based on the precariousness of the stability in the region and especially in Somalia, this situation will continue to adversely affect refugee protection and will remain an operational challenge.
Brief presentation of the sectorial needs, objectives, intended results and main activities
Livelihood is currently underdeveloped and a basic level analysis is required to contribute to the self-reliance of refugees. The main sectorial problems raised by the persons of concern to UNHCR are:
1) Insufficient financial resources, to be able to meet basic needs. The refugees have proposed to increase the amount of credit and revise the methodology used by implementing partners for issuing loans. Assess the possibilities of giving grants as opposed to credit.
2) A lack of economic opportunities and a high unemployment rate in Djibouti at more than 60%.
3) A lack of vocational training that is suited to the needs of the markets and enterprises in Djibouti. The majority of trainings does not support refugees to obtain job opportunities in Djibouti. In 2013, IOM has trained 122 refugees, but 80% of them are not yet employed due to a lack of employment opportunities.
4) The remote camp location and its poor commercial infrastructure do not favor the development of commercial activities.
5) Unfamiliarity with saving and credit schemes and uncertainty of their stay and long procedures which do not favor the beneficiaries to access the credit and to repay it without problems.
6) The inclusion of persons with specific needs (PSN) regarding income generating activities and access to credit has been insignificant. The PSN are among a group of refugees that have not been included as they face problems of moving outside the camp to explore opportunities or activities.
7) Undeveloped livestock business and market. The conditions for buying and selling of animal products at the camps need to be improved since this is a sector with a strong capacity to influence the improvement of economic conditions of the refugees.
Among several solutions, refugees and partners have recommended these following possible solutions:
1) Increase the envelope and the budget of microcredit and income generating activities: - Facilitate access to microcredit or to other financial services (formal and informal) - Identify, form and train groups receiving microcredit, practice savings culture - Support groups through microcredit
2) Diversify and intensify the vocational and professional training and the training of the French language to facilitate the economic exchange
3) Use local and available capacities of refugees at the camp level for the trainings
4) Revise the procedures put in place for Income Generating Activities and the standard operating procedures for credit to allow the access to the funds for a great number of refugees
5) Develop the livestock business and related infrastructure - Distribute young goats to groups to enhance the development of livestock in the camps - Support the kitchen gardens in the camps
6) Reinforce the cash circulation where possible through a cash and voucher program in the camps to improve the economic conditions in the camp
7) Lobby large businesses or enterprises for employment of refugees
8) Develop commercial infrastructure in the camps
9) Reinforce the activities for food for work such as road building and construction
10) Support the access to agricultural and livestock production in camp
Impact Indicator:% of persons of concern (18-59 yrs) with own business / self-employed for more than 12 months (GSP)
% of youths aged 15-24 enrolled in certified livelihoods training
Output:Access to financial services facilitated (formal and informal)
Performance Indicator: Average value of loans taken by a PoC (in USD)
% of money borrowed by PoC that has been repaid (repayment rate)
# of PoC receiving loans through UNHCR partners
Output:Access to self employment / business facilitated
Performance Indicator:# of small business associations formed / supported
# of PoC provided with entrepreneurship / business training
Output:Access to wage earning employment facilitated
Performance IndicatorTarget # of PoC enrolled in apprenticeship / on-the-job training schemes 80 # of worker's associations formed / supported 30
Output:Assessment and analysis undertaken
Performance Indicator: Market survey / labour sector survey conducted or available (yes/no)
Output:Strategy developed and implemented
Performance Indicator: Strategic plan for livelihoods programming informed by assessment (yes/no)
Output:Vocational training / Technical skills provided
Performance Indicator: % of technical skills training students who graduate (successful completion and receipt of certification)
% of vocational and technical skills training students who are youths aged 15-24.
As of 31 July 2014, Djibouti hosts 20,687 refugees and 3,814 asylum seekers (total population of concern is 24,501). The refugee population is 95.64% Somalis, 2.59% Ethiopians, 1.66% Eritreans and 0.11% nationals from other countries (Yemen, Sudan, Iraq, Bangladesh, Burundi, RDC…etc.). 82.9% of the population is living in the camps (18,134 in Ali-Addeh and 2,202 in Holl Holl) where a multi-sectorial assistance is delivered by UNHCR and its partners. The remaining 4,165 is urban caseload. The past few weeks were marked by reduced registration of new arrivals
Period covered:1 January 2015 until 31 December 2015.
Main country work languages: French and Somali. At the camp, Somali and English are the common languages.
How to apply:
To apply, organisations can use the Response Concept Note you can find attached on this page in DOC-format.
The submission can be presented either in French or English and should include below information considered as selection criteria:
Sector expertise and experience: the required specific skills, sector specialists, knowledge and human resources.23pts
Project management: ability to deliver project objectives, accountability mechanisms and sound financial management, taking into account the audit results of the previous UNHCR-funded projects, past performance and the external audit of partners’ financial statements, where applicable. 20pts
Local experience and presence: ongoing program in health, nutrition and reproductive/HIV programs; local knowledge; engaging refugees and other persons of concern; trust from local communities; local presence; partner policy on community relations; complaint mechanisms for persons of concern; self-organized groups of persons of concern; and other factors that would facilitate access to and better understanding of the persons of concern and that would reduce administrative difficulties. 8pts
Contribution of resources: evidenced and documented contribution of resources to the Project in cash or in-kind (e.g. human resources, supplies and/or equipment) by the partner that are presently available (or potentially mobilized by the partner) in order to supplement UNHCR resources. 30pts
Cost effectiveness: level of direct costs and administrative costs imposed on the Project in relation to project deliverables. 10pts
Experience working with UNHCR: global and/or local partnerships including knowledge of UNHCR policies, practices and programmes, including an understanding of and ability to work within UNHCR’s funding limitations and associated inherent risks. Partners that have three consecutive qualified audit opinions for UNHCR-funded projects may not be considered. 5pts
- You will find attached a format of the concept note with key required information of the submission.
- Interested organizations can receive more details if requested and are invited to send the concept.
- Please write in the subject: “Call for expression of interest for the implementation of the livelihood project in Djibouti”
- UNHCR reserves the right to reject any bid that does not meet the submission requirements listed above.
- Deadline : 18 October 2014
- Communication of decision to applicant organizations: 15 November 2014.
- Applicant organizations are invited to send the concept note at:
UNHCR Representative Office of Djibouti
24 Route de l’IGAD, Héron
B.P 1885 Djibouti Republic
Email :, Tel : (253) 35 22 00, Fax : (253) 35 86 23
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