Egypt: Lead Consultant for Refugee Rights Assessment-Egypt

Country: Egypt
Closing date: 01 Sep 2014

Plan started working in Egypt in 1981 and continues to work in seven of the 27

governorates in which the country is divided: two urban (Cairo and Alexandria)

and five rural (Giza, Beheira, Kalyoubia, Assuit and Sohag). Plan works under the

supervision of the Ministry of Social Solidarity and with many local and national


Specific Purpose of the Work:

Plan International aims to undertake a comprehensive study so as to develop ample understanding of the current situation of refugee rights in Egypt with a specific emphasis on Syrian refugees, particularly children, so as to identify practical and relevant rights based policy and programming recommendations to assure overall situational improvement for identified refugees at the community level, in the longer term.

The Requirements:

With familiarity and understanding of the Egyptian context, you will be experienced at carrying out refugee needs and rights assessment in complex emergency situations. Able to demonstrate significant experience in working effectively with UN organisations, international and national NGOs, and with government authorities at national level you will be adept at conducting research at the community level using participatory approaches. Fluency in English required.

For a full TOR and detailed personal specifications, please click here:


· Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates, preferably based in Egypt.

· Applicants should submit a brief proposal of a maximum of 4 pages commenting on the TOR and outlining the proposed approach, and an estimated budget (which also shows daily rates).

· Applicants should also submit a writing sample in English (preferably a quantitative assessment report on a relevant theme), contacts for three professional referees, and a current CV.

· Deadline for submitting approach note and CV is Monday the 1st September, 17.00 GMT.Proposals received afte r the submission date/time will not be considered. Shortlisted entities only will be contacted.

· All applications need to be emailed to:

Location: Plan Egypt

Type of role: Consultancy

Duration: Approx 3-6 months

Salary: Dependant on proposal

Close date:5pm Monday 1st September 2014

References will be taken and background and anti-terrorism checks will be carried out in conformity with Plans Child Protection Policy.

Plan operates an equal opportunities policy and actively encourages diversity, welcoming applications from all areas of the international community.

How to apply:

All applications need to be emailed to:

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