South Sudan (Republic of): Consultant Social Protection
Country: South Sudan (Republic of)
Closing date: 07 Sep 2013
Title Consultant Social Protection
Purpose Technical Support for Social Protection
Consultancy Classification Level Mid-Level
Location Juba
Duration 6 months (with possibility of extension, depending on funds availability)
Start Date September 16, 2013
Reporting to Head of Section, Policy Advocacy and Social Protection
The Republic of South Sudan (RSS) was established on 9 July, 2011 after more than five decades of near continuous war that displaced about 4 million people, disrupted socio-economic services and systems, and imposed a heavy toll on the survival and well-being of South Sudanese, especially the children. As a result of decades of conflict, displacement, and destruction, the new Country is faced with a number of challenges. The major portion of population is still very young (with 16% under 5, 32% under 10, 51% under 18 and 72% under 30 years of age). Poverty is wide spread in the country and over half of the population (51%) lives below the national poverty line with the share being significantly lower in urban areas (24.4%) compared to rural areas (55.4%), where nearly 83% population lives in the rural areas. Regional disparities in the levels of poverty are also stark. The incidence of income poverty ranges from as low as one quarter of the population in Upper Nile state to three quarters of the population in the Northern Bahr el Ghazal. While the national poverty gap stands at 24%, the level amongst the poor is double (47%). This suggests that half of the poor people in South Sudan could be chronically poor depending on how long there has been a high poverty gap level amongst the poor. Further, the infant mortality rate is 102 per 1,000 live births. The under-5 mortality rate is 135 per 1,000 live births and the maternal mortality rate is high and persistent 2,054 per 100,000 live births.
Although the 2010 Household and Health Survey showed considerable improvements in the situation of children during the period 2006-2010, women and children-related indicators are still among the worst in the world. State structures have only just been established, and delivery systems across all sectors are either absent or dysfunctional. Only 40% of the population has access to healthcare (up from 13% in 2011) while 70% of health facilities rely on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) for operational support. Primary school attendance is low with gross and net attendance rates of only 65% and 40% respectively. Immunization coverage for children is very low with only 5.8% of children being fully immunized, while access to safe water and sanitation stands at only 6% and 14% respectively. Gender and regional disparities are also significantly pronounced in access to basic social services. In education, gender parity in primary education is at 0.7 and even lower for secondary education (0.4). Half of all children do not attend school.
As a country in its infant stages of statehood and development, the RSS faces both significant opportunities and enormous challenges in the process of shaping its future. On the opportunity side, the country can now refocus the energies of her people, under their newly gained freedom and liberty, to building and utilizing the full range of its capital assets – human, natural, physical and social. Coupled with these opportunities are the challenges of entrenching the rule of law, building service delivery systems, improving food security, equitably reducing community conflict across the country and unleashing the potential of the female half of its population.
An overriding concern for South Sudan’s development prospects is the large scale of poverty and extremely high level of vulnerability that its population currently faces. These conditions are obviously compounded by the fact that government structures and institutions are still at the infant stages of their formation – a factor that makes it very challenging for the development process of the country to be left to unfold at its own pace. These striking features demonstrate the acute need for South Sudan to evolve an integrated national social protection system.
The South Sudan Development Plan (SSDP) includes a Social and Human Development Pillar (pillar 4). Its objective is to progressively accelerate universal access to basic social services aiming at building human capabilities and upholding the dignity of all people in this very new Republic. It also outlines interventions planned in the sectors of health, education, social protection, sports and culture. As an entry point to the social protection sector the main intervention is the Child Benefit Cash Transfer Programme (CBCTP). It is seen as a core component that intents to progressively reduce risk, vulnerability, poverty and economic as well as social exclusion nationally. In addition, it will include family and community based social services and livelihood opportunities for at-risk groups, social welfare services for people with special needs and a national early warning system to predict potential disasters.
The current capacity of the Ministry of Gender, Child and Social Welfare (MoGCSW) is already stretched due to limited number of technical staff, whereas with the increasing demands and to keep momentum for operationalizing Social Protection Systems in the Country, it requires immediate technical assistance. Efforts were made to identify national professionals but with limited success. A National consultant is engaged who would require support from an international expert not only to accelerate the stocktaking process but also to build the selected personnel capacity to perform such assignments in near future. This position is expected to provide technical guidance and backstopping not only to MoGCSW but also to the Technical Working Group (TWG) to identify and facilitate critical actions that are underpinning the Operationalization of inclusive Social Protection System.
Specific Tasks
In order to advance the Government’s Social Protection vision, the Consultant will undertake the following tasks in close consultation and coordination with MoGCSW and Social Protection Technical Working Group members:
Identify and document major social protection interventions carried out in the Country by Government, Development Partners and/ or NGOs.
Identify opportunities and gaps for systems building around targeting, enrolment, delivery/ payment mechanism, monitoring & evaluation and case management.
Make recommendations for integrating social protection interventions across health, nutrition, education and child protection programmes.
Design and implement the launch of a social cash transfer to test systems and prepare ground for introducing child benefit programme as envisaged under the South Sudan Development Plan.
Identify and establish partnership with key stakeholders in Social Protection sector both from Government and …
Identify, analyse, develop, enhance and manage inter-ministerial coordination systems, to cover all government ministries with stake in social protection. Build strong networks and associations with key decision makers in the Ministry for future smooth working relationship.
Establish strong linkages with Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning both at National and selected States level to ensure conduct of regular advocacy and sensitization programs. Also to facilitate lobbying for increased funds allocation and additional support required for promoting the cause of social protection across the country.
Identify, propose, establish and enhance coordination mechanisms across the country, more so between the national and the 10 state governments, so as to ensure follow-up and execution of social protection related programmes and activities.
Map and identify relevant government-led programs from amongst those existing at national and state levels to enable establishment of future social protection interventions that can be supported by partners especially UNICEF supported programmes for South Sudan.
Assist the UNICEF Convergence Programming Initiative in implementation, improvement, documentation and sharing of lessons learned/ best practices from selected states to be integrated in future programming.
In close collaboration with the Chief PASP, extensively work with other UNICEF programmes (Health, Nutrition, Immunisation, Education, Child Protection, Emergency, Youth, HIV-AIDS etc) and Field Offices to identify linkages, synergies and potential social protection interventions that can facilitate the quick realisation of rights for the most vulnerable, socially excluded, economically deprived and hard to reach children.
Expected Deliverables
The technical assistance/ consultant is expected to provide a detailed implementation plan (during the first two weeks of the assignment) covering the following comprehensive and analytical reports:
Comprehensive bimonthly reports, documenting the proceedings, recommendations and actions/ status emerging from the Technical Working Group (TWG) meetings. The TWG meeting reports shall be compiled separately.
A detailed feasibility report on the establishment of the inter-ministerial coordination mechanisms for Social Protection, capturing role/ responsibilities at National and State level, its Governance Structure, linkages with the States and other Development partners.
National and selected state level reports on advocacy, sensitization, and documentation of social protection programmes, interventions and activities already on going in the country.
Comprehensive reports on three selected government-led activities/programs with bearing on social protection and potential for scale up.
Comprehensive report, documenting the lessons learned and best practices from the UNICEF Convergence Programming Initiative in the respective states in the country.
The Consultant will be supervised by Chief, Policy Advocacy and Social Protection, UNICEF South Sudan Country Office. S/he will provide updates to the Section, together with a schedule/ plan and frequency as shall be agreed with the Supervisor.
Expected background (Qualifications & Experience)
• Advance University Degree in Social Sciences, International Relations, Political Science, International Finance, Public Administration, or other relevant disciplines;
• S/ he must be an individual with documented five years of relevant experience along with good analytical, negotiations, communication and high quality report writing skills.
• S/ he must be fluent in spoken and written English with knowledge of local languages and cultures of South Sudan.
General Conditions:
• Terms of payment: Monthly payment upon completion of the deliverables.
• Note that final payment to a consultant is dependent on the completion of all agreed deliverables.
• If due to changing requirements or additional support required by the Ministry or Stakeholders, the duration of assignment can be extended with mutual agreement and revised Terms of Reference.
• Both the parties can terminate the contact with one month written notice starting on the first day of the month, however, in case of poor performance the contract can be terminated with immediate effect.
Policy both parties should be aware of:
? No contract may commence unless the contract is signed by both UNICEF and the consultant.
How to apply:
Submission of Applications:
Applications from applicants, accompanied by the above documents and a completed United Nations Personal History Form, (which can be downloaded from our website at should be sent to the address below by on or before Saturday 7th September 2013.
Send application to: Human Resources Officer, UNICEF South Sudan Country Office, Juba. OR PREFERABLY: Email:
UNICEF is committed to gender equality in its mandate and its staff. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
UNICEF is a smoke-free environment, Zero tolerance of sexual abuse and exploitation is our policy
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