Organization: UN Children's Fund
Country: Rwanda
Closing date: 26 Feb 2015


For the period 2013-2018, the Education Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP) identifies the goal of improving the quality of education as one of the three strategic area to be prioritised, to contribute to the goals of the national Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS II). The ESSP recognises that the quality of education is largely dependent on the appropriateness and relevance of the curriculum and its associated assessment practices, the extent to which this curriculum is resourced, and the calibre, skill and numbers of teachers and school managers who deliver it. Following the adoption of the ESSP the education sector began a comprehensive curriculum reform process which is currently underway under the leadership of REB. As part of this wider curriculum review, UNICEF worked with the Rwanda Education Board during 2014 to develop a new pre-primary school curriculum, to be introduced in all schools from January 2016. The challenge for 2015 onwards is to prepare all schools and teachers for the implementation, which will involve communicating the child-centred and play-based approach of the new curriculum to relevant stakeholders, disseminating the curriculum to all schools and providing teachers with the teaching and learning materials, knowledge and skills to deliver the new curriculum.

To kick-start the promotion of play-based learning in pre-primary, the Ministry of Education requested UNICEF to provide play materials to 1260 pre-schools in Rwanda. One teacher from each of these schools participated in a workshop on play-based learning and additional workshops trained local government officials to supervise and support these teachers in their pre-schools on the longer term. This system of supportive supervision is being piloted from January 2015 and aims to strengthen the quality of play-based learning in 1260 classrooms. However, follow-up is needed to ensure sustainable and effective impact and there is a need to document the project to feed into future programming.

Moreover, to supplement and further promote the play-based learning agenda, a package of local teaching and learning materials needs to be developed. Appropriate guidance for pre-school teachers will be included in a teacher’s guide, which will be developed and implemented in 2015. To increase the quality of pre-school education, teachers will have to be trained on play-based learning through pre- and in-service teacher development courses.

This will contribute to achieving the national pre-primary goals, which are an emerging priority in the education sector as outlined in the ESSP and the national ECD policy.

UNICEF is seeking technical support from a consultant with suitable technical expertise and experience to promote and strengthen the implementation of play-based learning by supporting the development of local teaching and learning materials and to strengthen pre-and in service training of pre-primary teachers on play-based learning, to support the preparation of the new pre-primary school curriculum.


The overall objective of the consultancy is to support, through partnering with the Government and relevant stakeholders, the implementation of play-based learning in pre-primary education as outlined in the new curriculum that will be launched in 2016.


To support the preparation of the implementation of the new pre-primary school curriculum, there are 5 specific tasks to be undertaken by the consultant:

1. Promote and increase capacity for play-based learning at local level

To plan and coordinate a national capacity building exercise of pre-primary caregivers on play-based learning to implement the new curriculum, including in emergency contexts, while building on the lessons learned from the 2014 capacity building exercise of 1260 caregivers and 416 Sector Education Officers. A focus on strengthening planning and reporting skills of development partners will be integrated in the project.

2. Strengthen national structures to monitor and support pre-school practices

In collaboration with REB, a system will be developed to regularly monitor pre-schools around the country in order to gather information and actively promote best practices. Sector Education Officers will be trained on M&E and online reporting and the capacity of REB will be strengthened to take ownership and analyse results, to be used for future advocacy and programming. The system will sustainably enhance the quality of pre-primary education around the country.

3. Support the development, procurement and use of pre-primary reading materials

Support REB in the development, procurement and use of pre-primary reading materials to implement the new curriculum, including in emergency settings, while developing appropriate specifications and evaluation criteria.

  1. Promote and enhance the production and use of local LTMs

The capacity to locally produce low-cost visual aids and supplementary materials, complementary to procured reading materials, needs to be developed and strengthened in collaboration with a range of development partners. By consulting and engaging with the communities around the pre-schools, caregivers and parents will be trained to develop appropriate local play materials and visual aids. Also, the local industry that manufactures supplementary pre-school equipment and materials will be strengthened.

5. Documenting and reporting

The planning, coordination and results of the capacity building exercise and the development of the wide array of pre-primary learning and teaching materials will be documented for purposes of evidence-based programming and advocacy, while relevant expertise and recommendations can be shared with development partners and colleagues in and outside of the country.


  • Report on capacity building of pre-primary teachers and the development of pre-primary learning and teaching materials, to prepare the implementation of the new pre-school curriculum. (March-April 2015)
  • Distribution of 950 additional ECD kits planned for and overseen along with implementation of plan for training of users (May-December 2015)
  • A well-functioning and government-owned monitoring and support system of pre-school practices, with a focus on implementing the new curriculum, in place. (By October 2015)
  • A package of pre-primary reading materials compiled, distributed and its users trained (March – September 2015)
  • The capacity of pre-schools, communities and the local industry to develop local pre-primary learning and teaching materials, enhanced. (By December 2015)
  • Contribution to the development of a pre-primary Teacher’s Guide to be used in teacher training (By December 2015)
  • Contribution to capacity building initiatives for REB, Sector Education officers and development partners in the area of early childhood education. (April – December 2015)


· Master’s university degree in education and/or international development;

· A minimum of 3 years relevant working experience in international development or education;

· Experience with the UN system, and UNICEF in particular, is desirable;

· Experience in developing learning and teaching materials, community engagement and in planning and coordinating capacity building programmes with government partners, teachers and development partners would be a strong asset;

· Experience in monitoring capacity building initiatives and evaluation the impact of those trainings on education outcomes;

· Strong planning, reporting and documenting skills;

· Fluency in English and good knowledge of French is required. Knowledge of the local language, Kinyarwanda, is an asset.


Core Values: Commitment; Diversity and Inclusion; Integrity

Core Competencies: Communication [II]; Working with People [I]; Drive for Results [I]

Functional Competencies: Formulating Strategies and Concepts [I]; Analyzing [II]; Applying Technical Expertise [II]; Learning and Researching [II]; Planning and Organizing [II];

Specific Technical Knowledge: Essential professional knowledge of Basic Education programmes; Essential Technical Knowledge of theories, principles and methods in areas of: Education; Primary Education, teacher education; school-based quality improvement.


Payment will be on Monthly basis tied to a monthly progress report and updated activity plan.


The consultant will report to the Chief of Education but will work very closely with other staff within the concerned sections as well with the national ECE Technical Working Group.

He/She will be based in Kigali but will be requested to travel frequently to schools across the country.

He/She shall not make use of any unpublished or confidential information, made known to him in the course of performing his duties under the terms of this agreement, without written authorization. He/She shall respect the habits and customs of the local population and abstain from interfering in the country's political affairs.

How to apply:

Qualified individuals are requested to submit their cover letter, CV and P11 form (which can be downloaded from:, to Human Resources at: rwajobs@unicef.orgby February 26th 2015, with subject: “Consultancy to support the Implementation of a Play based Curriculum in Pre-pri mary Education.”

You may also submit to: Human Resources Specialist, UNICEF Rwanda, P.O. Box 381, Kigali, Rwanda.


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