Democratic People's Republic of Korea: Consultant to carry out mid-term evaluation of SCIAF's Great Lakes Improving Women’s Livelihoods Programme

Organization: Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund
Country: Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Rwanda
Closing date: 21 Nov 2014


The Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF) Great Lakes programme aims to improve the income, assets and food security for 3,200 women affected by conflict and poverty in DRC and Rwanda. The programme supports women to increase productivity in agriculture and improve and diversify income sources via skills development, microcredit and training.

The Programme’s impact objective is to achieve a:

  1. Reduction in extreme poverty and hunger in Bukavu and Uvira areas of the DR Congo and Kigoma sector and Ruhango district of Rwanda.

The programme has one outcome objective:

  1. Women affected by conflict and poverty in Bukavu and Uvira areas of DR Congo and Kigoma sector and Ruhango district of Rwanda are able to meet their basic needs in relation to food security, income and access to justice.

Intended outputs:

  1. 263 Community organisations (SHGs) and three Associations are effectively functioning and managed by members.
  2. Target beneficiaries have increased and diversified livelihood opportunities.
  3. Capacity of target women farmers is strengthened to enhance agricultural productivity.

The programme began in January 2013, and will end on 31st December 2015.

The programme is funded by the UK Government’s Department for International Development (DFID) under its Global Poverty Action Fund (GPAF) and SCIAF.

The four national partners (three in DR Congo and one in Rwanda) are implementing this programme.


The mid-term evaluation is intended to provide an assessment of the first 18 months of the Great Lakes women’s livelihoods programme, the extent to which it is achieving its intended objectives, and to identify any changes needed for the successful achievement of objectives. While not a final evaluation, it will use a similar approach to the final evaluation, in line with SCIAF and DFID requirements. The evaluation should review:

  1. The programme logic;
  2. The extent to which objectives have been achieved to date and are expected to be achieved by programme end;
  3. The relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and potential sustainability of the programme;
  4. The adequacy of the design and implementation of the MEL system + national partners’ capacity to implement MEL system, including a test of the adequacy of indicators, means of verification, and data collection tools and methods. This should include a specific review of data collection tools for monitoring crop production and income indicators, and any recommendations for amendments as necessary.

It should contribute to SCIAF’s learning generally, and specifically towards the development of programme approaches on sustainable agriculture and gender-responsive programming in multi-country/partner setup. Most specifically, the evaluation should use programme resources and documentation to comment on the learning on two programme questions:

  1. To what extent does the programme reflect the five pillar approach to Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV), and how effectively is this providing a holistic approach that is helping women to recover and strengthen their well-being?
  2. What is the impact of insecurity and displacement in both the short and long-terms on the success of the programme in the three different locations including emerging dichotomy between beneficiaries’ changes in income generation in rural vs. urban areas?

Finally, it should make detailed practical recommendations for the project to remain, or get back, on track in the final year of the Programme, from January 2015 to December 2015.

Full details are in the attached TOR.

How to apply:

****To apply:****

If you are available and interested in applying for this consultancy, please send the following.

  1. A CV for all significant team members;
  2. A narrative and financial proposal on how you would meet the objective outlined in section 4 and
  3. Provide a program of work
  4. A timetable for completing the work
  5. Resources required
  6. Reference to previous work and one sample output from previous work comparable to the deliverables in section 5.
  7. Estimate of fees and costs
  8. cover letter outlining your suitability for this role.

Please send these to: Percy Patrick, Programme Manager,

The deadline for applications is midnight Friday 2st November 2014.

We aim to contact shortlisted candidates within a week.

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