Niger: Consultancy - Child Protection Needs Assessment

Organization: Save the Children
Country: Niger
Closing date: 04 Oct 2014

Save the Children is the world's leading independent organisation for children. We work in 120 countries. We save children's lives; we fight for their rights; we help them fulfil their potential.

We have over two million supporters worldwide and raised 1.9 billion dollars last year to reach more children than ever before, through programmes in health, nutrition, education, protection and child rights, also in times of humanitarian crises.

Following a major transition, our international programmes are now delivered through a merged operation with c15,000 staff, managed through seven regional hubs and reporting to a relatively small, central office. We're changing to become more efficient, more aligned, a better partner, a stronger advocate, a magnet for world-class people and relevant for the 21st century.

Objectives of the assessment

The purpose of the assessment is to provide stakeholders with up-to-date information on child protection needs in the region of Diffa to help them identify priority actions to be undertaken in the short term and develop strategies over the medium/long term to strengthen the regional system and local/community level protection mechanisms.

The assessment has the following specific objectives:

1 Provide evidence on the types of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation, their prevalence and the characteristics of different groups of child victims; 2 Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of formal, informal and community identification mechanisms and of response to child protection issues as well as specific cases of child victims; 3 Evaluate the need for information about child protection and available response services for different social groups, including the most marginalised and displaced people from Nigeria.


The assessment will be conducted by a senior researcher. The senior research will assume full responsibility for the assessment and expected deliverables, but may be joined by secondary researchers.

Expected deliverables

The deliverables correspond to the stages of the process of assessment. Each must be reviewed and validated by SC and Steering Committee members before the next proceeds.

1 A document that provides detailed descriptions of data collection methodology, data entry, processing/analysis, data collection and processing tools, as well as a detailed timetable for conducting the assessment. (Based on the technical proposal) 2 A document that establishes the principles and procedures for child protection and safeguarding and the necessary precautions to be taken to comply with the principles of social research ethics in the specific context of the assessment, and the forms and tools designed for this purpose . 3 Training modules for assistants and other members of the assessment team, if applicable. 4 Raw data: records, interview forms, observation forms etc. 5 Interview scripts and any other computerized information (typed fact sheets, Excel tables, etc). 6 The list of data sources. 7 Detailed plans of expected reports. 8 A draft report presenting results for each location and also the difficulties encoutered in data collection. 9 A final report of results for each location, completed after taking into account comments and questions from the Steering Committee on the draft report. 10 A draft report with cumulative assessment results. This report will contain an analysis section of the difficulties encountered and their impact on the quality, representativeness and gaps in the collected data. 11 A final report of the assessment, completed after taking into account comments and questions from the Steering Committee on the draft report.


The consultancy will last a 30-days period. The final report will be submitted on November 30th.

Expertise and required experience

The senior researcher will have proven experience in:

  • The development, implementation and preparation of research studies as senior researcher;
  • Social research concerning children in difficult situations and/or contexts of humanitarian crisis;
  • The development and use of appropriate research methodologies for rapid and participatory data collection;
  • The use of child and youth friendly participatory data collection and analysis techniques;
  • Research in francophone West Africa;
  • The training and mentoring of research teams.

Experience with Save the Children would be an asset.

The senior researcher will also have technical expertise in:

  • Principles and best practices of ethical research with vulnerable children;
  • Social research issues in contexts of humanitarian crisis.

Technical knowledge to develop/improve:

  • The child protection system in Niger;
  • The situation in Diffa region and the assessment areas region;
  • The code of conduct of Save the Children.

Presentation of the proposal

Interested candidates should submit their complete and detailed C.V.with at least two references, a technical and financial offer.

The technical proposition will describe the methodology and data collection tools, and will include a detailed timetable for the various stages of the assessment. The financial offer is a detailed budget covering all costs associated with the assessment.

If research reports and studies carried out by the researcher and cited in their C.V. are not publicly accessible online, it is requested that the proposal includes 1 to 3 sample reports. If the senior researcher will be associated with other researchers, their detailed CV must also be included in the offer.

We need to keep children safe so our selection process reflects our commitment to the protection of children from abuse.

How to apply:

Application Email: Please apply with a covering letter and up-to-date CV to: ''

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