Somalia: Consultancy: Development of the National Teacher Training Institute Management Plan
Country: Somalia
Closing date: 14 Sep 2014
Ministry of Education and Higher Studies
Republic of Somaliland
Call for Expression of Interest (EOI)
Individual Consultant for the Development of the National Teacher Training Institute Management Plan
Terms of Reference
Teacher training programs in Somaliland are currently offered as degree/diploma courses of universities and these courses are designed primarily as in-service training for the practicing teachers to upgrade their knowledge and skills in pedagogy and subject-matters. Pre-service teacher training programs are very limited in both extents and contents. While these in-service programs have to some extent contributed to building up Somaliland’s teaching force, non-existence of standardized teacher training approaches and programs, for both pre-service and in-service, have left the Ministry of Education and Higher Studies (MoEHS) with very limited authority and policy tools to improve and maintain the quality of teacher training available in Somaliland. With this in view, Somaliland Education Sector Strategic Plan 2012-2016 identified the establishing a national teacher training institution as one of the strategic priorities, to which half a million dollars was committed in 2013 by the Global Partnership of Education (GPE).
Purpose of the consultancy
The Consultant is expected to develop a NTTI Management Plan. The Plan lays out a blueprint for the NTTI development and management both in short-term (first two years) and mid-term (up to the fifth year after inception). In particular, it provides detailed planning for the following areas:
a) Management model (public, private, or hybrid)
b) Governance (legal status, board composition)
c) Finance (cash-flow projection, financial forecast)
d) Human resources (teaching and admin staff required for the NTTI)
e) Training curriculum and courses to be offered
f) Annual enrollment projection and training modalities (eg. lecture-based training vs. teaching practice in classrooms)
g) Accreditations and quality assurance
h) Facility requirements based on (f) above
Scope of the Work
The Consultant will work in collaboration and partnership with the key teacher education stakeholders in Somaliland: MoEHS; Teacher Education Working Group; NTTI Development WG; ESC members; teacher education programmes currently offered by different educational institutions; other partner organizations as well as GPE (the donor). The Consultant will also work closely with the UNICEF as the Managing Entity of the GPE Progaramme (i.e. Chief Education, GPE Manager, Head of Education in Hargeisa, and other members of UNICEF). The consultant will travel to Hargeisa for completing his/her work.
The key reference materials to inform the output, among others, include: Feasibility Study for the Establishment of a TTI in Somaliland (2013); National Teacher Education Policy (2013); National Education Policy (2013); National Development Plan (2011); the GPE Programme Document 2013-2015; Joint Review of the Education Sector of Somaliland (2014); Appraisal Report of Somaliland’s Education Sector Strategic Plan; Education Sector Strategic Plan 2012-2016 (revised in 2014).
The consultant is expected to complete and submit the following:
- One consultation meeting with the Teacher Education WG at the beginning of this consultancy, to explain the objectives of the consultancy and his/her approaches to achieve the objectives;
- The first draft of the NTTI Management Plan;
- One consultation meeting with the Teacher Education WG when the first draft is developed. This consultation is to solicit and collect feedbacks from the WG members;
- One consultation meeting with Nairobi-based stakeholders (ie, UNICEF, EU, USAID, etc.) as soon as the final draft is developed for their reviews and feedback;
- One finalized NTTI Management Plan.
Contractual and Reporting Arrangements
The Consultant will contract with the MoEHS and work under the overall responsibility of the Ministry. The Director General of the MoEHS will be directly responsible for working with and supporting the Consultant to ensure that all necessary staff participation arrangements are made for the Consultant. The Consultant will also update works to UNICEF. UNICEF will pay the consultancy fee under the name of the MoEHS.
The consultancy is expected to be completed in 40 working days. It will commence as soon as the contract is signed in September, 2014. The final draft of the Plan is to be submitted within 25 days from the commencement of the consultancy and finalized document to be submitted within 15 days after the after the submission of the first draft.
- Advanced university degree in education, teacher education and training, national-level education planning and policy making, or other related disciplines;
- Minimum 15 years of experience in the field of teacher education, teacher training curriculum development, public sector management;
- Experience in developing countries particularly in the fragile states and working experience with international organizations is an added advantage;
- Good analytical and writing skills;
- Experience and proven ability to build and maintain relationships with government counterparts and other stakeholders.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for next steps and any form of canvassing shall lead to automatic disqualification.
How to apply:
Please send your EOI with a cost estimation and a curriculum vitae, both in English, not later than 14 September 2014 at 1600hrs local time (GMT+3) to with copy to
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