Libya: Short-term Expert in National Health Accounts
Country: Libya
Closing date: 01 Oct 2013
As a federal enterprise, GIZ supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development.
For our operations in Libya/Tripoli, we are looking for a/an
Short-term Expert in National Health Accounts
Field of activityWithin the framework of EUNIDA, a grouping of EU Member State implementing agencies, GIZ International Services is managing the EU Libya Health Systems Strengthening Programme.
1) BackgroundThe Libyan health care delivery system reflects past systemic imbalances and the impact of the civil war. Weakened health services are largely deficient in their capacity to attend to the needs of the population. The increased prevalence of mental disorders and physical disabilities –a consequence of the conflict– further exacerbate the situation.The overall objective of the EU-LHSS programme is to improve efficiency, effectiveness and quality of health service delivery in Libya. The purpose of this action is to strengthen strategic planning, financing as well as management and quality of health service delivery through targeted reforms and pilot interventions.
2) The EU-LHSS programme is articulated around three result areas:
Result One Strategic Planning, Health Financing and Capacity Strengthened: National health strategy, related policies and action plans developed; health financing options identified; provider payment mechanisms reviewed; and capacity of the Ministry of Health and Health Professionals Associations strengthened at all levels.
Result Two Health Service Delivery and Quality of Health Care: Health Service Package successfully rolled out in pilot areas; options for public private partnerships identified; quality of outcomes framework and accreditation standards developed and selected quality improvements reported.
Result Three Workforce Planning, Development and Management: Recruitment and retention targets in place; pre-service and in-service training needs assessed and partially addressed through targeted training and partnerships with training institutions; curricula upgraded and standardised; licensing standards and management tools developed and rolled out in pilot areas.
3) Objectives of the mission
3.1 General objective of the mission
The expertise mobilised will support the Chair and Co-chair of the Working Group on Strategic Plan-ning and Financing, the Head of the Department of Health Financing Affairs and the Head of the HIS Department of the Ministry of Health to:
- Develop the National Health Accounts according to the latest NHA methodology (SHA 2011) based on 2011 and 2012 data including Out-Of-Pocket health expenditures
- Set the basis for future NHA system development and future NHA rounds through institulisation of NHA activities within the MoH to be conducted periodically. This activity includes (i) building capacities of teams of local personnel to be able to conduct NHA exercise independently in the future and (ii) to establish channels for flow of necessary data to ensure effective implementation of NHA.
3.2 Specific objectives of the mission
- Develop a proposal for the institutional structure responsible for the sustainable development of the National Health Accounts. This shall include the setting up of an inter-ministerial committee and a Working Group gathering various stakeholders including members of the LHSS Working Group on Strategic Planning and Financing, the Directorate of Health Financing Affairs, the HIS, and Financial Departments of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Finance, other related ministries and the Bureau of Statistics and Census
- Build the capacity of members of the inter-ministerial Working Group in NHA development (includ-ing presenting and implementing the SHA 2011 methodology for the development of the NHA and NHA analysis to answer policy questions. At the end of the first NHA development process the inter-ministerial Working Group should be able to develop and carry out the next NHA round with limited external technical assistance
- Analyze existing data and propose additional data collection exercises to fill potential gaps
- Provide a calculation of the NHA tables according to SHA 2011 methodology
- Interpret these tables in light of the current Libyan health policy debates and widely disseminate the results of this analysis
- Provide advice for further institutionalisation of NHA calculation, interpretation and use of M&E for health reforms.
3.3 Expected results and deliverables
Institutional Framework Document detailing the composition and modalities of work of an inter-ministerial Committee and Working Group for NHA Development prepared and presented- Comprehensive and coherent package of capacity building activities prepared, presented and delivered to the members of the NHA taskforce based on the latest methodological guidelines- Data quality assessment prepared and presented underlining potential gaps in health expenditure available (private health expenditure, private providers, “closed-sector” health facilities etc.) - Data collection tasks identified- NHA tables prepared and presented according to the SHA 2011 methodology- Analytical report highlighting the main characteristics of the Libyan healthcare system as reflected by the national health expenditure figure and underlining most vibrant health policy issues drafted and circulated for comments- Report (separate report or sections within the main report) analysing validity of related surveys as household health expenditure and service utilisation survey and private providers’ survey.
4) Scope of Work- Establishment of the inter-ministerial committee to ensure continuous flow of necessary infor-mation- Determining data needs and its sources;- Participation and Supervising the design of necessary surveys for NHA through reviewing survey tools and methodology to guarantee collection of all necessary data with validated methodology; - Supervising/following up (might be remotely) the data collection process;- Supervising/Following up data analysis of other surveys;- Compiling and analysing NHA data and writing the final NHA report of Libya
5) Management of the mission
5.1 Work language
The work language is English
5.2 Responsibilities
The expert(s) will report directly to the Chair and Co-chair of the Working Group on Strategic Planning and Financing, the Head of the Directorate of Health Financing Affairs and/or the Head of the HIS Department of the Ministry of Health.
The expert will also ensure close consultation with the Team Leader/Health Economist, the chairs and co-chairs of other Working Groups, the Consultant (EUNIDA) and the Project Manager (the European Union).
5.3 Timetable
The duration of the mission for all experts will be of 120 man/days (including field visits and desk work) and take place over a 12 months period divided into up to 4 visits. Up to 12 days might be used by all experts as home based days for backstopping and report writing. The timetable below summarizes the detailed list of required activities. It will have to be reviewed, amended and comple-mented jointly by the Chair and Co-chair of the Working Group on Strategic Planning and Financing, the Head of the Department of Health Financing Affairs and the Head of the HIS Department of the Ministry of Health working in close consultation with the Team Leader/Health Economist and the Short Term Expert(s) for NHA as part of the initial visit.
The table below assumes that additional data collection activities will be necessary to achieve a com-plete NHA exercise within one year. This is especially the case for private health expenditure, which will probably require a Household Health Expenditure Survey.
As a result, the timeline includes an optional component: if it is possible to proceed with the quantity and quality of data available or easily collectable (such as hospital functions) then a first attempt at calculating and analyzing available data should take place during the first quarter of 2014. Otherwise, this calculation will be postponed to the second and quarter of 2014 when more information is availa-ble.
Deriving from the above timeline, it is possible to suggest the following schedule for (at least) 4 visits of the international expert:
- First visit during 2013: inception visit, set-up of the institutional framework
- Second visit during 2013/2014: presentation of phase 1 findings
- First visit during 2014: presentation of the first calculation based on limited data
Fourth visit during 2014: presentation of final results and further capacity building
Within one week following the arrival of the expert in country, the expert shall submit and validate the outline of a report. The outline will be validated by the Chair and Co-chair of the Working Group on Strategic Planning and Financing, the Head of the Department of Health Financing Af-fairs and the Head of the HIS Department of the Ministry of Health working in close consultation with the Team Leader/Health Economist. The outline will address tasks described under the sub-headings 1-6 of section 3.2 and the timeline above. The outline will assist all parties clarifying de-liverables and expectations. It will contain, as an annex, the structure of mission reports due at the end of each mission to Libya.
- Three days prior to the end of each mission the expert shall deliver a short report on the out-comes of the mission, tasks performed, data gathered or analysed, challenges encountered and the timeliness of the deliverables.
- Within six months, the expert shall deliver an Intermediate Report, which should be circulated for comments amongst members of the Inter-ministerial Committee and receive comments at least from the Chair and Co-chair of the Working Group on Strategic Planning and Financing, the Head of the Department of Health Financing Affairs and the Head of the HIS Department of the Ministry of Health working in close consultation with the Team Leader/Health Economist.
- At least three days prior to the end of the mission the expert shall deliver a Final Report, which should have incorporated feedback from members of the Inter-ministerial Committee the Chair and Co-chair of the Working Group on Strategic Planning and Financing, the Head of the Depart-ment of Health Financing Affairs, the Head of the HIS Department of the Ministry of Health and the Team Leader/Health Economist.
5.4 Location of the mission
The location of the mission is Tripoli, Libya.
6) The expertise required
6.1 Number of experts and working days
1 STE: up to 120 man/days divided to 3 – 4 visits. It might be possible to have more than one expert for that mission. In this case the expert A will act a team leader for the mission and both of them have to submit a proposal for the mission clarifying responsibilities and deliverables of each of them in addition of their CVs. Expert A should be of category A with a minimum of least 10 years of practical experience in conducting NHA studies.
6.2 Profile of the expert
- A minimum of 10 years progressively responsible professional work experience in public sector governance and public finance management
- A minimum of 7 years international experience in developing National Health Accounts
- Certification and previous experience in applying the latest NHA development methodology (SHA 2011), as attested by track record and the attendance to specific WHO training seminars
- Proven writing and editing skills, with a strong command of English and ability to convey complex ideas in a creative, clear, direct and lively style
- Masters Degree in Public Financial Management, Health Economics, Health Financing, Statistics or equivalent.
7) Reports
7.1 Format and contents
The Outline, Intermediate and Final Reports should specifically address subheadings 1-6 out-lined under section 3.2 and the timeline above.
The reports shall also summarise the main activities implemented, potential constraints encountered, the measures taken or to be taken (by the expert, the EU LHSS programme or the Ministry of Health) to ensure the achievement of the objectives and the expected results. Further, the report shall deliver an analysis of potential gaps with regards to the expected results as well as recommendations.
Shorter reports will be prepared at the end of each mission. They will have a simpler structure and reflect on the outcomes of the mission, tasks performed, data gathered or analysed, challenges en-countered and the timeliness of the deliverables.
7.2 Delivery and approval of reports
Draft reports will be delivered electronically to the Technical Assistance Team. All documents deliv-ered by the expert shall receive prior approval by detailed list of required activities. They will be re-viewed by the members of the Inter-ministerial Working Group and receive comments at least from the Chair and Co-chair of the Working Group on Strategic Planning and Financing, the Head of the De-partment of Health Financing Affairs and the Head of the HIS Department of the Ministry of Health working in close consultation with the Team Leader/Health Economist. Reports will further be ap-proved by the Project Manager (the European Union) and the Consultant (EUNIDA/GIZ).
How to apply:
If you are interested, please do not hesitate to apply until 1st October 2013 via email (CV and letter of motivation). Email:;Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
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