Ghana: M&E Database Manager/IT Specialist, Evaluate for Health Project, Accra, Ghana

Kenya: Kenya - Final evaluation - North Horr

Organization: Solidarités International
Country: Kenya
Closing date: 13 Oct 2014

Country: Kenya

Project title: Water, sanitation, and hygiene programme to reduce water-borne diseases for the most vulnerable communities in rural areas of northern Kenya

Location: North Horr, Chalbi and Loiyangalani districts, Marsabit County, Kenya

Starting date: 21st October 2014

Total duration of the evaluation: 3 weeks

Time dedicated to the desk review: 2 days

Time dedicated to report writing: 5 days

Time dedicated to the field: 14 days

Under responsibility of the field coordinator

Funding sources for the evaluation: EuropeAid

This three and half year project (June 2011 – Nov 2014) is carried out by a Consortium of 3 NGOs who have been delivering emergency and Disaster Risk Reduction assistance to communities in Northern Marsabit for many years: SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL (SI), Pastoralist Integrated Support Program (PISP) and Vétérinaires Sans Frontières – Germany (VSF-G).

Presentation of the project:

Background The ACP-EU Water Facility project has been implemented in 3 districts of Marsabit County: North Horr, Chalbi and Loiyangalani - all part of the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) area in Northern Kenya. Droughts have become a more frequent event in these areas over the last 20 years, and the ASAL area has experienced 5 major droughts during the last decade alone. Northern Marsabit is one of the poorest areas in Kenya, with more than 90 % of the total population below the absolute poverty line. Besides the droughts, the region suffers from regular clashes among tribes living in the region as well as with tribes from the neighbouring country of Ethiopia. Throughout Northern Marsabit, access to a year-round source of safe drinking water is estimated to be less than 15%. Generally, safe water is extremely scarce, affecting human beings and their livestock. Poor access to sufficient safe water has negative impact on health and on the prevalence of water related diseases such as diarrhoea, which is a key contributing factor to persistently high levels of malnutrition (GAM of 25,8 % in March 2010) in the area. The main livelihood of the program target area is pure nomadic pastoralism. This covers 80% of the population. The proposed target districts are predominantly occupied by the Gabbra, Turkana, Dassananch and Samburu community. Animal population in a typical Gabbra household is goats, sheeps, camels, cattle and donkeys, in descending order of numbers.

Overall Objective

To contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals related to water sanitation and hygiene in Loiyangalani, Chalbi and North Horr Districts in Northern Kenya to improve targeted population health

Specific Objective

To increase sustainable access to safe drinking water, sanitation facilities and improved hygiene practices in 11 of the largest and most vulnerable communities of Loiyangalani, Chalbi and North Horr Districts

Purposes of the evaluation

The purpose of this final evaluation is to assess the results of the project, its impact on the targeted populations and to draw lessons from the experiences and challenges as well as to make recommendations for future programming. This evaluation will cover all the dynamics of the project including evaluating each and every activity against the proposal, measure the indicators’ against the initial targets and gather data on number of households who have been impacted by the action. The evaluation should be triangulated with findings from baseline and monitoring surveys conducted within the project period on specific activities such as: pre and post KAP surveys, Mid –term and other project monitoring tools used.

Scope and focus

The evaluation will focus on the operation’s approach, the implementation process and the performance of the programme. The project should be evaluated through the following criteria: relevance, coverage, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, impact, and coherence. Recommendations for improving each of the criteria are made. A suggested action plan corresponding to each recommendation is included in the evaluation report. Recommendations for the strategic orientation of possible next project are made. Relevance, effectiveness and sustainability criteria will be particularly focused during this evaluation.

The evaluation should also assess the appreciation of the program by the beneficiaries as well as the collaboration with the local authorities. Finally, the evaluation should assess how the implementation of the program was respectful of the ethics of humanitarian practice.

Procedures and logistics

  • The evaluator must comply with Consortium rules and procedures related to security and relations with the media. A specific security briefing will be organized once the evaluator arrives in Nairobi.
  • The evaluator must respect the ethic and the deontology related to evaluation practice.
  • Logistics, movement and security will be provided and organised by the Consortium team.
  • A translator will assist the evaluator in performing surveys or focus group (if need be).


The evaluation report should include at least:

  • One narrative report (max 40 pages) including an executive summary (2 pages maximum).
  • A separate table summarizing the main findings and the lessons learnt.
  • A separate table showing the different recommendations for future funding opportunities.
  • Relevant maps and photographs of the evaluated zone and programme.
  • A Power point presentation of the main findings and recommendations of the evaluation must be submitted to SI in order to facilitate dissemination of the results of the evaluation to stakeholders.

Qualifications of the consultant

  • University degree in project management, water and sanitation, social science or related field ? Minimum 5 years of proven experience as consultant

  • Previous experience with NGOs compulsory

  • Demonstrate clear understanding and practical experience of M&E tools and techniques

  • Have demonstrated expertise in qualitative evaluation methodologies, and participatory research techniques

  • Proven experience in similar evaluation context (ASAL) would be an added advantage

  • Strong methodology and writing capacity in English

How to apply:

For more details, please see tha attached ToR

Please send your proposal, highlighting the following:

  • A brief introduction of bidding firm or person attaching relevant CVs
  • Your understanding of the Terms of Reference
  • Proposed methodology and approach
  • Proposed work plan and budget
  • Your availability period

All relevant information (CV, cover letter, copies of testimonials, certificate of works and 3 contact references) should be sent to before the 13th October.

Please indicate the consultancy you are applying for in the title of your email.

Only short-listed applications will be contacted.

Kenya: Head of Mission Kenya M/F

Organization: Secours Islamique France
Country: Kenya
Closing date: 03 Nov 2014

based in France. Founded in 1991, SIF is a non-profit and non-political organization that intents to help, to bring relief and to protect the lives of those threatened by natural disasters, armed conflicts or by economic collapse. SIF provides its help in respect of the cultural diversity, without any distinction of origin, religion or gender.

In response to the current crisis in Kenya, SIF is expanding its humanitarian response. In view of this operation, SIF is recruiting a head of Mission (M/F).

He/ She will provide the overall leadership and strategic direction for SIF’s operations in Kenya and for the overall program development and implementation.
He/she will be responsible for the management of the staff, for representing the organization and managing the security of the mission. The position in based in Nairobi.

Missions and activities: Leadership of the country Program • Establish, maintain and develop SIF’s presence in Kenya • Establish, coordinate and manage the overall planning and direction of SIF's operations • Develop and maintain a coherent strategy that contributes to SIF's global objectives • Assess and respond as necessary to changes in the external environment ensuring these changes are reflected in the country strategy and project plans

Program management • Develop and maintain a coherent medium to long term strategy in the Horn of Africa that contributes to SIF's global objectives • Monitor the humanitarian situation in Kenya and work with Program Coordinator on the appropriate course of action • Ensure context changes are included and reflected in the country strategy and project plans • Participate in senior level coordination forum for Kenya

Staff Management / Human Resources • Provide leadership and management to the Kenya coordination team • Develop a staffing structure and ensure the roles are filled when funding is secured, for programme implementation to start • Ensure required resources are mobilized and appropriate to the programme goals/size and review staff levels as the situation evolves. Ensure that personnel are funded within the frame of programme budgets • Ensure line manage senior staff, including regular performance management and appraisals • Support national and international staff, ensuring that the individuals work effectively together as a team to achieve the programme objectives • Ensure the transfer of knowledge and skills development

Representation • Represent SIF, coordinate and advocate on key issues with local and national authorities, UN agencies, donors, INGOs and NNGOs. • Develop collaborative and open working relationships with partners and beneficiaries • Meet key representative of Ministries of Kenya government, to understand the system and priorities • Identify the sponsors and contribute to reinforce professional relations • Undertake discussions with donors in country and develop funding strategies and donor mapping analyses • Draw up a financial plan according to the operational objectives • Write or supervise the financing proposals • Check and transmit regularly the various reports to the sponsor • Manage external communications in collaboration with the communications department in HQ. Act as the contact person with press and media • Liaise and maintain regular communications with various HQ department using the established procedures

Security management • Responsible for the safety and security of all SIF staff and visitors to Kenya • Ensure that a safety and security framework for SIF operations in Kenya is developed, communicated, adhered to and regularly reviewed • Monitor the security context (including participating in local/national INGO/UN security meetings) and act on any deterioration in this that could affect operations and provide guidance to teams/sites as required • Facilitate the evacuation of field based teams if necessary • Ensure timely and accurate security / incident reports are sent to HQ • Maintain regular contact with security key actors

Profile : • Minimum 5 years of previous experience in humanitarian work, including previous experiences as Country Director, or Assistant regional director, or Chief of Party with INGOs in similar context • Considerable overseas experience in establishing country programs within an international NGO preferably in the emergency sector with a focus on food security, livelihood, WASH, Shelter other cross cutting issues • Substantial experience of strategic thinking, including identifying, analyzing, problem solving and responding to opportunities and challenges and the ability to translate these into practical plans of action • Ability of raising the profile of an organization, strategically networking with government agencies, donors and other international agencies, and using the media as appropriate • Significant people management, ability to understand the cultural and political environment and to work well with partners including local authorities. • Extensive knowledge and experience of project planning and budget holding; proposal and report writing • Strong communication skills, with excellent written and spoken English (and desirably French and/or Arabic) • Familiarity with Horn of Africa context (especially Kenya)

Terms and conditions: • Wages to be defined according to profile + per diem • 1 year contract • Guesthouse • 2 days of paid vacation per month • Return ticket provided, at the beginning and at the end of the mission (only for the country of origin) • Vacation period of one week, each three months (salary maintained)

How to apply:

To apply, please send a resume and a cover letter to:

Guinea: Chef/fe de projet WASH - Guinée

Country: Guinea
Closing date: 03 Nov 2014

Nous recherchons pour notre délégation en Guinée, un/e

Chef/fe de projet WASH - Guinée

Entrée en fonction :1er décembre 2014

Durée :12 mois

Lieux de travail :Kindia, Guinée

Supérieur direct :Chef/fe de délégation

Délai d’envoi des candidatures :Terre des hommes ne fixe pas de délai de candidature pour ce poste, le recrutement est ouvert jusqu’à ce que la position soit pourvue.

Conditions :
Contrat salarié de droit suisse,Salaire netmensuel CHF 3155 (2610 Euros) - CHF : 4315 (3565 Euros) selon expérience X13 (+ Retenue AVS pour candidat Suisse). Assurances, maladie, accident, rapatriement. 25 jours congés/an. Billet d’avion AR/an. Logement et transport local. Détails des conditions et avantages.

Contexte d’intervention :

Terre des hommes (Tdh) intervient en Guinée depuis 1987. La Fondation veille à la santé et la nutrition des enfants et des mères et à la protection des enfants le nécessitant. En 2013, plus de 260’000 personnes ont bénéficié de l'action de Tdh.

La Guinée est l’un des pays les plus pauvres au monde. Regorgeant de ressources naturelles, son économie reste pourtant très fragile et le pays est soumis à une forte instabilité politique. La capitale Conakry, victime de l’exode rural, est un lieu de concentration et de développement de la pauvreté. Le sud du pays, la Guinée Forestière, reste un lieu de migration et de transit, dû aux conflits qui ont sévi dans les pays limitrophes. Dans ces deux régions, les droits de l’enfant peinent à être respectés : les systèmes de santé et de protection sont insuffisants et les infrastructures et services de base manquent.

Description générale de la fonction :

Le/la chef/fe de projet est en charge du développement de la stratégie d’intervention et s’assure de la bonne marche du projet dans son pays d’affectation, dans le respect des politiques de Terre des hommes et des stratégies nationales d’intervention afin d’atteindre les résultats attendus dans le cadres du/des projet/s.

Stratégie et politique :

  • Contribuer à l’élaboration des stratégies d’intervention et leur mise en œuvre au niveau des équipes projets
  • Participer à l'élaboration des orientations stratégiques pour le pays en coordination avec le chef de délégation, les coordinateurs et le référent thématique : collecter les données et analyser les opportunités et les risques
  • Contribuer activement au suivi, à l’évaluation et à la révision de la stratégie de son domaine d'intervention
  • Mener des évaluations des besoins en utilisant des outils validés par le siège et identifier les champs d'action prioritaires et possibles pour Tdh dans son secteur d'intervention

Recherche et développement :

  • Participer au développement de nouveaux outils dans son domaine d'activité
  • En lien avec son référent technique au siège, animer la recherche et explorer les pistes et les modalités de partenariat pour sa mise en œuvre (relations avec les institutions: université, centre de recherches, ONG locale, etc.)

Gestion de personnes/ gestion d’équipe :

  • Diriger, conseiller, soutenir et superviser les membres de l'équipe de projets dans la mise en œuvre des projets
  • Elaborer avec les Ressources Humaines les descriptions de postes des collaborateurs ainsi que de l'équipe de projet
  • Adapter les cahiers des charges du personnel en fonction de l'évolution du/des projet/s et les faire valider par le chef de délégation/coordination
  • Procéder à l’évaluation périodique des collaborateurs sous sa responsabilité directe
  • Planifier et suivre les absences/présences des collaborateurs de son équipe (vacances, jours fériés, congés, horaires de travail, absences maladie ou accidents)
  • Etablir des feuilles de route en fonction des descriptions de poste des collaborateurs, de l'équipe de projet et les objectifs du projet
  • Garantir et soutenir la responsabilisation des équipes nationales dans une dynamique progressive de délégation et de nationalisation des postes de cadres
  • Recruter et encadrer ses collaborateurs directs

Développement des compétences :

· Identifier les besoins en formation des membres de son équipe et organiser des actions locales ou internes en collaboration avec le/la coordinateur/trice ou le/la délégué/e itinérant/e ou du responsable de programme du siège

· Planifier et coordonner les appuis formations externes (consultances, siège) pour les équipes en coordination avec le/la coordinateur/trice sectoriel/le

· Contribuer avec le/la coordinateur/trice sectoriel/le à la formation des équipes cadres nationales dans leur responsabilité progressive de gestion du projet et des équipes.

· Explorer au niveau national ou local des possibilités de collaboration avec d’autres organisations pour des formations pour les équipes de Tdh ou au contraire des appuis de formation de la part de Tdh à ces organisations

· Connaitre et promouvoir les guides méthodologiques institutionnels de son secteur auprès des équipes terrains et des partenaires

Budget :

· Participer à l’élaboration des budgets du projets dans le respect des normes en vigueur

· Contrôler et valider les demandes de fonds des membres de son équipe en fonction des ressources disponibles

· Participer à l’examen mensuel du budget ou des rapports réels afin de monitorer en temps opportun les dépenses et orienter les futures dépenses et allocations dans son domaine d'activité

· Valider les demandes des frais de missions des membres des équipes du projet.

· Faire le suivi budgétaire du projet avec le responsable administration et finances de la délégation/base

Recherche de fonds :

· Assurer, en collaboration avec le délégué, le contact et le suivi avec les bailleurs de fonds représentés sur place

· Participer, en concertation avec le chef/fe de délégation ou la coordination thématique, à l’élaboration et à la présentation de propositions de projets aux bailleurs

Administration / logistique et recouvrement des prestations :

· Respecter et veiller au respect des règlements, des procédures administratives et des logistiques en vigueur

· Evaluer les besoins futurs et assurer les commandes de matériel nécessaires dans les délais

· Valider les demandes d’achats et autres documents logistiques selon la procédure et le niveau d’autorisation

Plaidoyer, représentation :

· Collaborer au développement de plaidoyers relatifs aux missions, aux stratégies de la délégation et aux politiques thématiques

· En accord avec la coordination terrain et/ou le/la chef/fe de délégation, assurer la représentation de Tdh auprès des autorités locales et de toutes coordinations des partenaires présents localement ou au niveau national

· Développer et renforcer les relations et les collaborations avec les acteurs pertinents de son domaine d'activité

· Assurer la présence de Tdh dans les réunions du Cluster thématique dans la région et au niveau national

Information / Publications / Communications / Reporting :

· Collaborer à l'effort de publication de la délégation en collaboration avec la direction programme : stimuler le développement d'outils de communication externe

· Elaborer les rapports d’activités périodiques

· Rédiger, en collaboration avec le chef de délégation les rapports selon les formats et délais exigés par les bailleurs

· Contribuer aux SITREPs

· Rédiger les rapports annuels dans son domaine d'activité

Gestion de cycle de projet / Gestion de projet :

· Planifier et élaborer les propositions de projets en concertation avec le référent thématique et le/la délégué/é itinérant/e sectoriel/le, incluant en particulier la validation de l'impact du projet, sa cohérence, sa couverture, son efficience et son efficacité, sa pérennité, sa pertinence et faisabilité et prendre en compte des problématiques transversales (genre, HIV, environnement, etc.)

· Mettre en place des outils de suivi et d’évaluations mensuelles des activités et monitorer mensuellement les résultats

· En collaboration avec le chef de délégation et le coordinateur le cas échéant, coordonner les besoins des populations cibles afin de réajuster si nécessaire les projets en cours ou d'initier de nouveaux projets et assurer une bonne adéquation des moyens aux besoins.

· Etablir les termes de référence des évaluations en collaboration avec le référent thématique, le chef de délégation et la zone

· Initier et coordonner avec les référents thématiques et le/la délégué/e itinérant/e du siège des capitalisations thématiques du projet

Politique de gestion des risques :

· S’engage à respecter les politiques de gestion des risques de Tdh qui comprennent : la Politique de Protection de l’enfance, la politique de sûreté et sécurité, la politique anti-fraude et/ou corruption ainsi que la Politique de signalement de tous abus.

· S’engage à assurer la meilleure mise en pratique de ces politiques sur sa zone d’intervention et au sein des équipes nationales et expatriées.

· S’engage à signaler à ses supérieurs et à traiter tout manquement observé dans le cadre de ces politiques lors de ses activités professionnelles tant au niveau d’infraction avérée ou soupçonnée qu’au niveau d’un manquement préventif.


Formation : Ingénieur en eau et assainissement ; promotion à l’hygiène ou formation équivalente

Langues: Français et anglais obligatoire ; allemand un atout

Expériences souhaitées :Expertise élevée en Wash et expérience du terrain et des situations d'urgence.

Aptitudes et qualités :

  • Bonnes capacités managériales
  • Bonne gestion du temps et de la communication
  • Capacité de représentation

How to apply:

Seuls les dossiers postés en ligne, complets et correspondant au profil recherché seront traités.

Votre candidature doit obligatoirement comprendre un CV complet et une lettre de motivation.

Une fois votre dossier posté, vous recevrez par courrier électronique un accusé de réception


Si vous êtes présélectionné, un premier entretien aura lieu à notre Siège de Lausanne ou par Skype pour les candidats résidant hors Europe. Les frais de déplacements pour un premier entretien sont à la charge du candidat.

Les candidats qui postulent pour un poste à l’étranger ou un poste de cadre en Suisse sont soumis à un test de personnalité, avec restitution par notre psychologue. Notre procédure inclut une prise de références auprès des deux derniers employeurs. Lors de l’engagement, chaque collaborateur doit fournir un extrait de casier judiciaire et signer notre Politique de prévention des abus.

Les dossiers non retenus sont détruits par nos soins, suivant les règles sur la protection des données.

Si vous ne parvenez pas à poster votre dossier en ligne, merci de nous envoyer un mail en précisant à quelle étape le système dysfonctionne audépartement

Terre des hommes applique une politique d'égalité des chances entre les femmes et les hommes et encourage vivement les candidatures féminines.

Les procédures de recrutement et de sélection de Terre des hommes sont le reflet de notre engagement pour l’aide et la protection de l’enfance.

Democratic Republic of the Congo: Finance Manager North Kivu

Organization: Oxfam GB
Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Closing date: 20 Oct 2014

Finance Manager North Kivu Democratic Republic of Congo

Location: Goma

Contract Type: Level C2; National Plus – 12 months Fixed term contract, Unaccompanied Salary: From £21,768 – £31,014 net per annum (take home – Oxfam will meet the tax and social security liabilities of the post holder, in relation to Oxfam’s employment)

Who we are

Oxfam GB as one of the affiliates of Oxfam International is one of the world's leading humanitarian agencies assisting people affected by natural disasters and conflict throughout the world. With many staff and dedicated volunteers in more than 80 countries, Oxfam is able to achieve the greatest impact to end poverty and suffering through combining emergency response work, long-term programmes for poverty alleviation and campaigning for lasting change. Oxfam’s DRC programme is one of our biggest, providing both emergency aid and long-term development to some 800,000 people, with over 300 staff. We are looking for a professional Finance Manager to support our programme in North Kivu.

The Role

This is a strategic provincial leadership role reporting to the Provincial Coordinator. You will lead on the integration of Oxfam’s country programmes into a one programme approach, focusing on budgeting, financial systems and policies, quality financial and donor reporting, risk management and effective application of Information Technology systems. You will achieve this by providing adequate specialist support and facilitating coordination, representation and team management across North Kivu programmes. You will be responsible for implementing country, regional and corporate management strategies whilst influencing both the Provincial management team as well as country management team through the Country Finance Manager to adopt options and strategies to drive change. As a member of the Provincial Management Team (PMT) you will help shape Oxfam's future in the DRC. You will be a good trainer to develop the financial capacity of staff and partners. You will manage part of this work remotely. This is a key role in the programme that often involves assisting in areas other than finance.

The Person

You will be a strategic thinker who is committed to success with significant strategic management experience in a large and/or complex organization. You will have expertise in the areas of strategic financial management, budgeting, donor contract management and risk management. You will be an exceptional leader with interest and ability to develop and mentor staff and teams in a conflict prone environment. Additionally, your ability to distance-manage and lead cross-functional and multi-cultural teams, as well as good communication and representation skills will be essential for this role. Fluency in written and spoken English and a working knowledge of French is essential. Good knowledge of major donors reporting requirements such as DIFD, OFDA, ECHO, WFP and UNICEF will be required.

If you believe you are the candidate we are looking for, please download the full description and submit your application online at or send your application to uk using reference INT0903.

Closing date:20 October 2014. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Applications will be reviewed before the closing date.

We are committed to ensuring diversity and gender equality within our organization.

How to apply:

If you believe you are the candidate we are looking for, please download the full description and submit your application online at or send your application to using reference INT0903.

Central African Republic: 14-748 Project Manager

Organization: International Medical Corps
Country: Central African Republic
Closing date: 01 Nov 2014

Position Summary & Responsibilities: International Medical Corps is a global, humanitarian, nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and relief and development programs.
Established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and nurses, International Medical Corps is a private, voluntary, nonpolitical, nonsectarian organization. Its mission is to improve the quality of life through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity in underserved communities worldwide. By offering training and health care to local populations and medical assistance to people at highest risk, and with the flexibility to respond rapidly to emergency situations, International Medical Corps rehabilitates devastated health care systems and helps bring them back to self-reliance.
International Medical Corps has been providing emergency medical, nutritional as well protection assistance to Sudanese refugees and local host conflict affected people in Haute-Kotto and Vakaga region since 2007. While providing basic primary health care services to the beneficiaries, International Medical Corps also focuses on capacity building of existing human resources, in order to deliver and take ownership of health, nutrition and protection programs implemented by International Medical Corps, thus assuring the sustainability of the health program for the coming years.
Reporting to the Country Director, the Project Manager will support the work of the programs, aimed at managing and monitoring implementation of projects (mainly, ECHO-DFID), assisting the development and operation of the program’s M&E system, conducting evaluation and quality assurance activities for the program, and writing reports. Responsible for oversight and tracking implementation of programmes monitoring implementation against expenditure and indicators/deliverables.

  1. Program Management
  2. Work closely with the field teams to determine the operational needs of the program within the scope of the grants
  3. Analyze data gathered and propose alternative strategies of program implementation
  4. Compile monthly and quarterly reports, ensuring statistics are correct and on time
  5. Implement and maintain prescribed reporting systems to monitor and evaluate the objectives, indicators and outcomes of the country programs
  6. Contribute to production of proposals for new projects
  7. Work with field teams and logistics to procure program supplies within program budgets
  8. Regularly update country office on progression of programs as per protocol
  9. Compile program and donor reports and assists with development of future programs as needed
  10. Liaise closely with local authorities, donor and partner agencies to ensure program compliance with donor policies and regulations and complementary with other agencies' efforts
  11. Maintain flexibility to take on added responsibility as and when needed
  12. Representation
  13. Attend coordination meetings which are relevant to country programs
  14. Represent the organization at task force meetings, assessment missions, camp coordination meetings, UN coordination meetings, INGO coordination meetings as appropriate
  15. Contribute to the creation of a positive image and overall credibility of the organization, notably through the application of the organizations Code of Conduct, ethics, values and stand-point with regard to internal and external actors
  16. Human Resources Management
  17. Supervise staff to ensure their smooth and effective operations
  18. Assist in the selection and training of qualified program staff and recommend promotions, disciplinary action and termination of staff in consultation with the Program Coordinator, Country Director and Finance Director
  19. Ensure compliance to local labor laws including working hours
  20. Maintain open lines of communications with all field staff
  21. Training/ Capacity Building
  22. Determine training needs for subordinate staff
  23. Train national staff to increase their responsibilities in order to build capacity and ensure sustainability of programs
  24. Advocate and plan for professional development for all subordinate staff
  25. Working Relationships
  26. Maintain frequent communication with Program Manager/Medical Director to ensure program activities and objectives are communicated
  27. Work with Logistics staff to ensure the coordination of programs supplies are within budgeted targets
  28. Attend coordination meetings which are relevant to country activities
  29. Interface with national government and relevant agencies as necessary
  30. Security
  31. Ensures application and compliance of security protocols and policies Skills & Requirements: • Graduate level education in management, public health or closely related social science;
    • Familiarity with working in a stressful environment and tight deadlines;
    • Proven ability to deliver tangible products, and on time
    • Demonstrated skills in proposal development, project development, reports writing;
    • Demonstrated experience in conducting baseline assessments and reporting
    • Demonstrated experience in project management and financial monitoring
    • Solutions oriented with demonstrated analytical/operational skills.
    • Knowledge and practical experience of IMC’s key donors – USG (PRM, OFDA, USAID), UN-agencies (UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP), European donors (ECHO, EU, SIDA…) is preferred
    • Willingness to travel to and work in remote and/or insecure areas and conditions.
    • High level of familiarity with computer word-processing and spreadsheet essential, required

How to apply:

How to apply:

To officially begin the application process, qualified candidates please go to our career page , noting where you noticed the position you are applying for and complete the online employment application form.

Central African Republic: 14-681 Medical Doctor

Organization: International Medical Corps
Country: Central African Republic
Closing date: 01 Nov 2014

Essential Job Duties/Scope of Work:International Medical Corps is a global, humanitarian, nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and relief and development programs.

Established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and nurses, International Medical Corps is a private, voluntary, nonpolitical, nonsectarian organization. Its mission is to improve the quality of life through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity in underserved communities worldwide. By offering training and health care to local populations and medical assistance to people at highest risk, and with the flexibility to respond rapidly to emergency situations, International Medical Corps rehabilitates devastated health care systems and helps bring them back to self-reliance.

International Medical Corps has been operating in CAR since 2007, primarily in the north-eastern regions of Vakaga and Haute-Kotto. International Medical Corps remains one of only two international organizations providing health and protection assistance in each of these regions. International Medical Corps has also been supporting Sudanese refugee in Ouaka prefecture in the south of the country since 2010. As of 2014, International Medical Corps has expanded its areas of operation to include Bouca sub-prefecture in the north west and was chosen as UNHCR’s implementing partner at an additional two refugee camps in the south, as well as an emergency response to the recent crisis in Bangui.


Through a one year project funded by OFDA, International Medical Corps seek to prevent and reduce excess mortality and morbidity of vulnerable displaced people and resident communities through health, nutrition and protection interventions in Haute Kotto and Vakaga prefecture in Central African Republic.

As part of the implementing team, a medical doctor is required to provide hands-on care and upgrade the skills and knowledge of local counter parts and/or community health workers in the areas of medical and sterilization practices.

ESSENTIAL JOB DUTIES/SCOPE OF WORK: (Essential functions, quality/quantity expected list of marginal duties and number of national/and or expat staff supervised)

  1. Medical/Program Management
    • Conduct routine and emergency surgeries as required
    • Asses local capacity of doctors and health care teams and conduct trauma and emergency trainings as needed
    • Implement standard surgical and sterilization practices Compile weekly, monthly and quarterly activity reports and submit relevant information to the Medical Director and Country Director
    • Submit required activity reports and statistics
    • Anticipate changing needs and emergencies
  2. Representation
    • Attend health coordination meetings as well as other coordination meetings which are relevant to country programs as required by Medical Director
    • Serve as a liaison with MOH on matters related to the program to ensure programmatic accountability
    • Ensure maximum visibility of the agency amongst the NGO community
    • Participate the production of reports at site and ensure the timeliness and accuracy of information provided, as well ensuring confidentiality of sensitive information
    • Contribute to the creation of a positive image and overall credibility of the organization, notably through the application of the organizations Code of Conduct, ethics, values and stand-point with regard to internal and external actors
  3. Human Resources Management
    • Assist in the selection and training of qualified health staff, recommend promotions, disciplinary action and termination of staff in consultation with the Medical Director and Finance Director
    • Supervise the day-to-day health staff to ensure smooth and effective operations
    • Ensure compliance to local labor laws including working hours
    • Maintain open lines of communications with all field staff
  4. Training/ Capacity Building
    • Determine training needs medical staff
    • Train senior national staff to increase their responsibilities in order to build capacity and ensure sustainability of programs
  5. Working Relationships
    • Maintain frequent communication with Medical Director to ensure program activities and objectives are communicated
    • Work with Logistics staff to ensure the coordination of programs supplies
    • Attend coordination meetings which are relevant to country activities or as assigned
    • Interface with national government and relevant agencies as necessary
  6. Security
    • Ensures application and compliance of security protocols and policies Qualifications:- Medical degree; with surgical training
  7. Minimum of three years of experience required, of which 1 to 2 years should be of developing country experience or resource deprived environment
  8. Previous NGO experience
  9. Must have excellent communications skills, both oral and written
  10. Must have excellent self-motivation skills
  11. Experience in effectively dealing with international and headquarters staff, as well as donor agencies, government officials, and other NGO’s; the ability to work with a broad spectrum of people
  12. Ability to exercise sound judgment and make decisions independently
  13. Extremely flexible, and have the ability to cope with stressful situations and frustrations
  14. Ability to relate to and motivate staff effectively
  15. Creativity and the ability to work with limited resources
  16. Excellent decision making skills
  17. Must work independently under difficult conditions
  18. Must be able to take on non medical responsibilities from time to time to cover for other team members
  19. Skills and knowledge in program sustainability and capacity building, public-private partnerships and project monitoring and evaluation (both quantitative and qualitative methods)
  20. Strong writing and presentation skills;
  21. Proven capabilities in leadership required
  22. Strong negotiation, interpersonal and organization skills
  23. Fluency in French required.
  24. Ability to read, write, analyse and interpret technical and non-technical information in English.
  25. While performing duties of the job, the employee frequently works in precarious and remote places. The employee is usually employed in areas of civil strife, which often result in an unstable security environment. Regularly work in outdoor extreme weather conditions

How to apply:

How to apply:

To officially begin the application process, qualified candidates please go to our career page , noting where you noticed the position you are applying for and complete the online employment application form.

Sudan: Evaluation Specialists, Responsive Assistance for Priority Infrastructure Development, Juba, South Sudan

Senegal: Chargé de projets sécurité alimentaire H/F

Organization: Secours Islamique France
Country: Senegal
Closing date: 03 Nov 2014

Le Secours Islamique France (SIF) est une Organisation Non Gouvernementale de solidarité internationale basée en France. Fondée en 1992, le SIF est une association (loi 1901) apolitique à but non lucratif ayant pour objectif de secourir, apporter de l’aide et protéger les victimes de catastrophes naturelles, de conflits armés ou de crises économiques. Le SIF apporte son aide depuis plus de 20 ans dans le respect des diversités culturelles, sans aucune distinction d’origine, de religion ou de genre.

Le Secours Islamique France a ouvert la mission Sénégal, en avril 2008. Depuis sa création, la mission est intervenue dans le domaine de l’éducation, du soutien alimentaire, de la santé et la lutte contre le paludisme.

Sous la responsabilité du coordinateur de projet sécurité alimentaire, l’assistante Coordinatrice des programmes sécurité alimentaire et saisonniers, basée à Tambacounda, veille à la mise en œuvre des projets de sécurité alimentaire développés dans la région .

Gestion de projets

Objectif principal :

S’assurer de la mise en œuvre des projets sécurité alimentaire dans la région de Tambacounda et apporter un appui à la bonne marche des projets développés sur la mission.

Taches principales :

En lien avec le Chef de mission expatrié et le chargé du projet sécurité alimentaire national :

  • proposer et/ou finaliser une méthodologie et une stratégie d’intervention pour les projets
  • s’assurer du respect du cadre des projets (cycle de projet, cadre logique, chronogramme)
  • apporter un appui au chargé de projet sécurité alimentaire dans la définition, la mise en œuvre, le suivi et l’évaluation des projets en fonction des objectifs
  • réaliser des missions de diagnostic, de suivi et d’évaluation sur les sites
  • superviser la mise en œuvre des activités (mise à jour des outils de suivis, la collecte et la capitalisation des informations)
  • assurer le suivi logistique, administratif et budgétaire des programmes sur la base de Tambacounda
  • assurer le reporting interne (sitrep projets) et externe des projets
  • préparer et apporter un support à posteriori des missions des coordinateurs techniques
  • aider à l'élaboration des comptes-rendus et rapports analytiques (y compris le suivi des rapports d'experts ou personnes ressources)


Objectif principal :

Participer à la recherche de financements institutionnels pour la suite des projets.

Tâches principales :

En lien avec le Chef de mission et le département des Financements Institutionnels (HQ) ainsi que le chargé du projet sécurité alimentaire:

  • Participer à l’identification de bailleurs sur la zone et la thématique ciblées par les projets
  • participer à l’analyse, l’évaluation, la prospection de nouveaux besoins/zones, la définition des stratégies et orientations du projet, la planification des activités, le suivi de l’exécution des activités, l’analyse de l’efficacité et de l’efficience des activités (par rapport aux objectifs prévus), et de leur adéquation aux besoins.
  • contribuer à l'élaboration des documents de projet (documents stratégiques, termes de référence des activités, outils...)
  • participer aux enquêtes, études et recherches thématiques
  • participer à la préparation de la stratégie de la mission.

Ressources humaines et Coordination

Objectif principal :

Coordination des équipes projet et support sur la base de Tambacounda.

Taches principales :

  • en lien avec le Chef de Mission, superviser quotidiennement les équipes d’exécution des projets
  • assurer la circulation de l’information du Chef de Mission vers les équipes d’exécution des projets, et de ces équipes vers le Chef de Mission.
  • s’assurer ou participer à la mise en place d’un système de coordination formelle pour les projets (réunions, rapports ...).
  • participer aux entretiens de recrutement des personnes liées aux programmes mis en œuvre.

Communication / Représentation

Objectif principal :

A la demande du Chef de Mission, et ce ponctuellement ou continuellement, assurer une représentation du SIF lors d’évènements en rapport avec les projets sécurité alimentaire développés par la base de Tambacounda.

Taches principales :

  • participer à la communication entre la mission et ses interlocuteurs (siège / bailleurs / partenaires)
  • participer ponctuellement à des réunions de coordination à Dakar sur la thématique de sécurité alimentaire
  • organiser des visites de terrain et accompagner / superviser les relations avec les institutions et organisations de la société civile partenaires sur la zone.

Formation humanitaire BAC+3 à BAC+5


Coordination de projets de développement agro ou humanitaire de façon générale. Management d’équipe. Diagnostic et analyse de situation Rédaction, reporting/propsal expérience terrain 6 mois à 1 an minimum

How to apply:

Merci d’envoyer votre candidature (CV+ LM) par mail à l’adresse suivante : en précisant en objet l’intitulé du poste.

Kenya: Kenya - Final evaluation - North Horr

Organization: Solidarités International
Country: Kenya
Closing date: 13 Oct 2014

Country: Kenya

Project title: Water, sanitation, and hygiene programme to reduce water-borne diseases for the most vulnerable communities in rural areas of northern Kenya

Location: North Horr, Chalbi and Loiyangalani districts, Marsabit County, Kenya

Starting date: 21st October 2014

Total duration of the evaluation: 3 weeks

Time dedicated to the desk review: 2 days

Time dedicated to report writing: 5 days

Time dedicated to the field: 14 days

Under responsibility of the field coordinator

Funding sources for the evaluation: EuropeAid

This three and half year project (June 2011 – Nov 2014) is carried out by a Consortium of 3 NGOs who have been delivering emergency and Disaster Risk Reduction assistance to communities in Northern Marsabit for many years: SOLIDARITES INTERNATIONAL (SI), Pastoralist Integrated Support Program (PISP) and Vétérinaires Sans Frontières – Germany (VSF-G).

Presentation of the project:

Background The ACP-EU Water Facility project has been implemented in 3 districts of Marsabit County: North Horr, Chalbi and Loiyangalani - all part of the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) area in Northern Kenya. Droughts have become a more frequent event in these areas over the last 20 years, and the ASAL area has experienced 5 major droughts during the last decade alone. Northern Marsabit is one of the poorest areas in Kenya, with more than 90 % of the total population below the absolute poverty line. Besides the droughts, the region suffers from regular clashes among tribes living in the region as well as with tribes from the neighbouring country of Ethiopia. Throughout Northern Marsabit, access to a year-round source of safe drinking water is estimated to be less than 15%. Generally, safe water is extremely scarce, affecting human beings and their livestock. Poor access to sufficient safe water has negative impact on health and on the prevalence of water related diseases such as diarrhoea, which is a key contributing factor to persistently high levels of malnutrition (GAM of 25,8 % in March 2010) in the area. The main livelihood of the program target area is pure nomadic pastoralism. This covers 80% of the population. The proposed target districts are predominantly occupied by the Gabbra, Turkana, Dassananch and Samburu community. Animal population in a typical Gabbra household is goats, sheeps, camels, cattle and donkeys, in descending order of numbers.

Overall Objective

To contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals related to water sanitation and hygiene in Loiyangalani, Chalbi and North Horr Districts in Northern Kenya to improve targeted population health

Specific Objective

To increase sustainable access to safe drinking water, sanitation facilities and improved hygiene practices in 11 of the largest and most vulnerable communities of Loiyangalani, Chalbi and North Horr Districts

Purposes of the evaluation

The purpose of this final evaluation is to assess the results of the project, its impact on the targeted populations and to draw lessons from the experiences and challenges as well as to make recommendations for future programming. This evaluation will cover all the dynamics of the project including evaluating each and every activity against the proposal, measure the indicators’ against the initial targets and gather data on number of households who have been impacted by the action. The evaluation should be triangulated with findings from baseline and monitoring surveys conducted within the project period on specific activities such as: pre and post KAP surveys, Mid –term and other project monitoring tools used.

Scope and focus

The evaluation will focus on the operation’s approach, the implementation process and the performance of the programme. The project should be evaluated through the following criteria: relevance, coverage, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, impact, and coherence. Recommendations for improving each of the criteria are made. A suggested action plan corresponding to each recommendation is included in the evaluation report. Recommendations for the strategic orientation of possible next project are made. Relevance, effectiveness and sustainability criteria will be particularly focused during this evaluation.

The evaluation should also assess the appreciation of the program by the beneficiaries as well as the collaboration with the local authorities. Finally, the evaluation should assess how the implementation of the program was respectful of the ethics of humanitarian practice.

Procedures and logistics

  • The evaluator must comply with Consortium rules and procedures related to security and relations with the media. A specific security briefing will be organized once the evaluator arrives in Nairobi.
  • The evaluator must respect the ethic and the deontology related to evaluation practice.
  • Logistics, movement and security will be provided and organised by the Consortium team.
  • A translator will assist the evaluator in performing surveys or focus group (if need be).


The evaluation report should include at least:

  • One narrative report (max 40 pages) including an executive summary (2 pages maximum).
  • A separate table summarizing the main findings and the lessons learnt.
  • A separate table showing the different recommendations for future funding opportunities.
  • Relevant maps and photographs of the evaluated zone and programme.
  • A Power point presentation of the main findings and recommendations of the evaluation must be submitted to SI in order to facilitate dissemination of the results of the evaluation to stakeholders.

Qualifications of the consultant

  • University degree in project management, water and sanitation, social science or related field ? Minimum 5 years of proven experience as consultant

  • Previous experience with NGOs compulsory

  • Demonstrate clear understanding and practical experience of M&E tools and techniques

  • Have demonstrated expertise in qualitative evaluation methodologies, and participatory research techniques

  • Proven experience in similar evaluation context (ASAL) would be an added advantage

  • Strong methodology and writing capacity in English

How to apply:

For more details, please see tha attached ToR

Please send your proposal, highlighting the following:

  • A brief introduction of bidding firm or person attaching relevant CVs
  • Your understanding of the Terms of Reference
  • Proposed methodology and approach
  • Proposed work plan and budget
  • Your availability period

All relevant information (CV, cover letter, copies of testimonials, certificate of works and 3 contact references) should be sent to before the 13th October.

Please indicate the consultancy you are applying for in the title of your email.

Only short-listed applications will be contacted.

Mali: Mali – Référent Suivi Évaluation (H/F) – Bamako

Organization: Solidarités International
Country: Mali
Closing date: 15 Nov 2014

Date de rédaction :03/10/2014
Date de prise de fonction souhaitée :01/12/2014
Durée de la mission :3 mois
Localisation :Basé à Bamako, Mali


Pour en savoir plus sur la mission de Solidarités International (SI) en Mali :


Le référent Suivi-évaluation définit le cadre de suivi, d’analyse d’impact et de capitalisation dans lequel chacun des acteurs du cadre commun s’intègrera. Il travaille en lien étroit avec le Référent technique et plaidoyer, les responsables des différents projets filets sociaux ainsi que le chargé de SIG/Base de données. Il est aussi en lien avec les autres personnes en charge des cadres communs au Niger et au Burkina Faso.

Liste des principales activités :

  • Faire partie intégrante du comité technique et exécutif du cadre commun filets sociaux
  • Définir le cadre technique concernant le suivi-évaluation des projets
  • Former les agents des ONG participantes au cadre commun concernant les outils définis
  • S’assurer de la remontée, de l’analyse et de la capitalisation des données saisies par les organisations
  • Développer des études spécifiques en fonction de la saisonnalité avec le concours des ONG participantes
  • Contribuer à l’analyse et à la rédaction de rapports de plaidoyer et de capitalisation
  • Définir les besoins en évaluation externe et faire le lien avec le cabinet d’évaluation externe choisi

Contexte spécifique au poste :

Le Cadre Commun sur les Filets Sociaux saisonniers au Mali (CCFS) est une plateforme de 5 ONG (ACF-Espagne, Danish Refugee Council, Handicap International, Oxfam GB et Solidarités International) ayant pour mandat la promotion d’interventions basées sur les filets sociaux dans les régions du Nord Mali. Chaque ONG membre du cadre commun est autonome dans la mise en œuvre de son projet cependant les fonds alloués au cadre commun sont gérés par le Référent technique et plaidoyer appuyé par le référent suivi – évaluation sous la supervision du comité exécutif.PROFIL

Expérience :

– Au moins cinq ans d’expérience terrain en gestion de programme de transfert monétaire ou de sécurité alimentaire (filets sociaux de sécurité) et/ou en suivi-évaluation de programme de sécurité alimentaire
– Expérience en coordination d’équipes et de projets humanitaires
– Expérience en consortium ou coordination d’ONG est un plus
– Connaissance des contextes de crises et d’urgence humanitaire

Formation :

– Diplôme supérieur en agroéconomie ou apparenté

Compétences et connaissances :

– Maitrise des bases de données
– Familiarité avec les logiciels de cartographie
– Capacité organisationnelle dans la coordination
– Vision organisationnelle et capacité d’adaptation aux différentes structures partenaires
– Compétences et expériences en termes de formation d’équipes
– Connaissance du Sahel est un plus
– Expériences dans la mise en œuvre d’enquête HEA (HouseholdEconomyApproach) et d’enquête multisectorielle est un plus

Langues :

– Français lu écrit parlé parfaitement
– Anglais lu écrit parlé
– Tamaskhek, Arabe ou Bambara serait un plus


Poste salarié : à partir de 2000 euros brut par mois, selon expérience, plus 10% de prime de congés payés versés mensuellement et un Per Diem mensuel de 476 Euros.

Solidarités International prend également en charge les frais d’hébergement ainsi que les frais de déplacements entre le pays d’origine de l’expatrié et le lieu de mission.

– Couverture sociale : L’expatrié bénéficie d’une couverture sociale de qualité permettant de couvrir tous les frais de santé et d’une prévoyance accident incluant les risques de guerre.

– Break : En cours de mission, une alternance travail – repos est assurée par des breaks prévus tous les trois mois. Sur la base d’une mission de 1 an, l’expatrié prendra un break d’une semaine à 3 et 9 mois de mission (avec une participation de 500 euros versée par Solidarités) ainsi qu’un break de 15 jours à 6 mois de mission (avec une prise en charge du billet d’avion aller et retour entre la mission et le lieu de résidence)

CONTACT : Komi Edem BANSAH, Chargé de Recrutement et Suivi

Solidarités International se réserve la possibilité de clore le recrutement avant la date d’échéance de l’annonce. Merci de votre compréhension.

How to apply:

CV + Lettre de Motivation

Sudan: Logistics Officer (Fleet & Workshop Management) P4, Sudan

Organization: World Food Programme
Country: Sudan
Closing date: 15 Oct 2014

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is the world's largest humanitarian agency, fighting hunger worldwide. We are seeking to fill the position of Logistics Officer (Fleet & Workshop Management) at P4 level, based in our Country Office in Khartoum, Sudan.

Reporting to the Head of Logistics in Khartoum, Sudan and in co-ordination with the Global Fleet Support Unit in our Headquarters in Rome, Italy, the Logistics Officer/Fleet will be responsible for the overall management and oversight of all fleet and workshops management activities, in accordance with the established procedures, Special Operating Procedures (SOPs), normative guidelines as set in the Logistics Fleet Manual. The Logistics Officer will be responsible for the following key duties:

  • Design strategies and manage the logistics fleet and workshop operation to achieve maximum utilisation and serviceability, by optimizing vehicles routing and scheduling;
  • Manage the full cycle of project implementation;
  • Forecast and manage the fleet operational budget (DSC/LTSH) and report regularly on the budget consumption against the projected;
  • Strategically allocate and position the fleet transport capacity in line with the programmed objectives and priorities;
  • Follow the security, social and political situation in the region and advise Head of Logistics on timely reallocation and prepositioning of the fleet technical and operational assets;
  • Negotiate the access on main corridors and coordinate with UNAMID and the government of Sudan convoys escort provision;
  • Optimize the fleet capacity to achieve cost efficient transport and technical operation;
  • Ensure the fleet availability and preparedness for emergency responses;
  • Analyse and report on the fleet cost rate through daily and quarterly reports;
  • Implement and manage the Fleet Management System (FMS) – “FleetWave”, and ensure that relevant staff are trained;
  • Technically manage the existing geographical positioning system, for both logistics heavy and administration light vehicles fleets;
  • Assist the security unit and the management with the use of the GPS vehicles tracking when needed;
  • Facilitate logistics with tracking and reporting on the position of the commercially contracted fleets;
  • Ensure that all reports and information related to fleet management are produced accurately on a timely basis;
  • Technically supervise and manage WFP fleet and workshop staff, supervisors and outsourced service providers in Khartoum, El Obeid, Ed Damazine, El Fasher;
  • Manage the fleet supply chain: forecast and prepare orders for spare parts, tires and materials required for the operation and ensure that all data related to stocks are captured in FMS-FleetWave;
  • Ensure that the quality and quantity of the supply of fuel, oil and lubricants are in accordance with set standards;
  • Ensure that all repairs and maintenance performed to vehicles and other equipment are done in accordance with the established standards to achieve maximum reliability with minimum downtime;
  • Ensure that workshop supervisors and supply chain specialists are utilising full capabilities of FMS-FleetWave for workshop and stock management;
  • Ensure that all workshops are equipped with adapted tools and equipment and that the workshop infrastructure meets minimum health, safety and security standards, together with considerations for environmental needs;
  • Implement best practices and ensure that Key Performance Indicators are maintained with set parameters;
  • Maintain an updated shortlist of service providers and ensure timely renewal of contracts and insurance policies;
  • Continuously collect and collate valuable data and information related to improvements required for standardisation and development purposes of Fleet Management;
  • Assist the management with the Administration Unit light vehicles fleet utilization analyses, propose the strategic assets and operational optimisation;
  • Analyse the fleets assets, manage the technical vehicles inspection, and advise the management on the vehicles procurement/write-off;
  • Travel regularly and perform any other duties as requested.

Qualifications & Experience Required


  • University degree, preferably at the advanced level, in Business Administration, Engineering (preferably Mechanical Engineering), Economics (preferably Transport Economics), or other fields related to surface transport;


  • At least 8 years (3 of which international) of postgraduate progressively responsible professional experience related to fleet and workshop management in commercial or government transportation and ancillary sectors with at least 2 years of managerial experience in surface transport;
  • Strong experience in managing truck fleets and workshops, of at least 50 units;
  • Experience in project management, preferably in the humanitarian sector;
  • Experience working in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) or in the military would be an asset.

Technical Skills & Knowledge:

  • Strong knowledge of fleet management, supply chain and transport tracking systems;
  • International experience in working with advanced Fleet Management systems and Supply Chain systems;
  • Highly numerate with an innate ability to analyse and interpret data quickly, and recommend improvements;
  • Strong quantitative and qualitative analytical skills with ability to produce statistics and analyses by Excel.


  • Strong communication and writing skills with ability to draft clear and concise reports;
  • Good time management and demonstrated ability to establish priorities and to plan, coordinate and monitor own work plan and those under supervision;
  • Good interpersonal skills with ability to deal patiently and tactfully with people of different national and cultural backgrounds;
  • Ability to gain the assistance and collaboration of others in a team endeavour through demonstrated technical leadership;
  • Ability to analyse data, draw conclusions and recommend a course of action;
  • Strong action management skills including ability to manage project in the most cost efficient manner;
  • Self-motivated and able to work with a high degree of autonomy;
  • Flexibility and ability in working with deadlines under stressful conditions.


  • Fluency in oral and written English with an intermediate knowledge of another official UN language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish) or Portuguese (one of WFP’s working languages).

How to apply:

Go to:

Step 1: Register and create your online CV.

Step 2: Click on “Description” to read the position requirements and “Apply” to submit your application.

NOTE: You must complete Step 1 and 2 in order for your application to be considered for this vacancy.

Deadline for applications:15 October 2014

Zimbabwe: Senior Gender Advisor, Zimbabwe Poverty Reduction and Food Security - Livestock Development (PRFS - LD)

Organization: Gender Resources Inc.
Country: Zimbabwe
Closing date: 28 Nov 2014


GRI advances gender equality and women’s empowerment so that all people – women, men, boys, and girls – have equal abilities and opportunities to lead more fulfilling lives. We utilize innovative practices in adult education, communication technology, and results-based program management to achieve programs with tangible impacts for real people. Incorporated in 2012, GRI is a Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB) based in San Francisco, California.


GRI is currently seeking a Senior Gender Advisor for the anticipated USAID-funded Poverty Reduction and Food Security – Livestock Development (PRFS-LD) program in Zimbabwe. The Advisor will have overall accountability to ensure strategic development, delivery of project results, and client satisfaction for women’s agricultural development project components. Periodic overnight travel will be required.

This position in contingent on funding.

Citizens of Zimbabwe are encouraged to apply.


· Oversee strategic development and program deliverables for gender and women’s programs

· Monitor budgets, grants and expenditures

· Serve as primary point of contact (POC) for gender

· Recruit and oversee international consultants and local national staff

· Maintain collaborative relationships with project staff

· Prepare monthly, quarterly, annual reports, work-plans, and success stories as required by client and GRI

· Travel to field to ensure successful delivery of program results

· Perform other duties as assigned by the Chief of Party


· Masters in agriculture, rural development, economic development, or similar required.

· Ten (10) years experience developing and managing agricultural and rural development programs for women; fifteen (15) years preferred.

· Additional experience with food security, nutrition, climate change, access to rural finance, and agribusiness development preferred.

· Prior experience in Zimbabwe required.

· Prior management experience preferred.

· Fluency in English required. Additional local languages a plus.

· Prior experience working on USAID programs preferred.

· Excellent management and administrative skills.

· High level of interpersonal skills and cultural sensitivity to effectively interact with all levels of staff, foreign government personnel, members of donor organizations, funders and policy makers

· Self-motivated and well organized.

· Ability to work collaboratively, supportively, and respectfully with others.

· Ability to work effectively in a fast-paced environment.

· Flexibility and willingness to travel to difficult environments to complete program assignments.

· Citizens of Zimbabwe are encouraged to apply.

How to apply:

To apply, please email your CV (in English) to Please include “Zimbabwe PRFS-LD”in the subject line.

Pay is commensurate with position and experience.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. No phone calls please.

GRI is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in its selection and employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, ancestry, age, disability, citizenship status, uniformed service member status, marital status, or pregnancy.

Ethiopia: Humanitarian Affairs Officer (Liaison) P-3

Organization: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country: Ethiopia
Closing date: 17 Oct 2014


The creation of the African Union in 2012 has allowed it to play a larger and evolving role in resolving African problems and crises. Over the last twelve years, the AU has assumed roles and responsibilities much wider in scope and complex in nature, including leading efforts to mediate and settle crises in many countries (Sudan, Somalia, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Central African Republic, south Sudan, DRC, Mali, etc.).

The AU has become the principal strategic entry point for the UN and other international organizations in Africa. To date, more than 47 non-African states, and regional and international organizations are accredited to the AU, including DPKA, DPA, WFP, UNAIDS, UNEP, HCR, OHCHR, ICRC, etc. many international humanitarian organizations have established their representations in Addis Ababa.

As Africa hosts the majority of the current humanitarian crises, and constitutes approximately 70% of OCHA’s global presence, the establishment of OCHA-AU liaison office buttresses cooperation with the AU that is critical in building effective mechanisms and capacity to address the prevailing humanitarian challenges. The Liaison office is therefore central in facilitating the AU interaction with the relevant OCHA Regional Offices and Headquarter Divisions and Branches at the same time working to increase the impact of OCHA collaboration with the AU within the larger United Nations African Union Cooperation Framework for the Ten Year Capacity Building Programme (TYCBP) for the African Union.


This position is located in the OCHA Liaison Office of the United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Addis Ababa. The Humanitarian Affairs and Liaison Officer will report to the Head of Office. She/he will lead a small OCHA Unit hosted seconded to the African Union.


Within delegated authority, under the direct supervision of the Head of Office (HoO) and in coordination with the relevant OCHA HQ, Field and Regional Offices in Africa, the Humanitarian and Liaison Affairs Officer is responsible for the Humanitarian Affairs and Liaison Officer will be responsible for the following duties:

  1. Provide professional support to the HoO in performing his/her liaison role with the African Union Commission (AUC) and the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) including drawing the Head of Office's attention to issues of concern to OCHA in general and to the Liaison office in particular
  2. Under the guidance of the Head of Office, work to strengthen of partnerships with AU, NGO Partners other UN agencies and Red Cross and Government partners. In this regard, incumbent will help identifying and proposing areas of collaboration with these organizations/partners
  3. Assist in promoting strengthened coordination including dialogue and outreach on humanitarian issues with the above stakeholders. In this regard the incumbent, will undertake planning and organization of events or meetings with the relevant departments Sections of the AUC, ECA, UN Agencies, NGO liaison Offices and other partners, including ICRC, diplomatic missions, media, etc.
  4. Facilitate planning and implementing of official missions including visits by HQ or regional missions in connection with the areas of responsibility of the Liaison Office. The incumbent will participate in missions as appropriate and ensures requisite collaboration with the AU and the ECA.
  5. Draft or contribute to the preparation of various information products including written reports, documents and communications. e.g. background papers, briefings, position papers, talking points, presentations correspondence, etc.
  6. Function as the primary focal point and provide secretariat support as OCHA'S contribution to the relevant coordination mechanisms of the AUC and the ECA.
  7. Support the Head of the Office in the preparation of reports including- the monthly note the Emergency, Relief Coordinator and upon request and on behalf of Head of Office, maintains direct links with counterparts in relevant regional field e offices and HQ departments and section:
  8. Perform any other relevant duties assigned by the HoO.


PROFESSIONALISM: Knowledge of a range of humanitarian assistance, emergency-relief and related human rights issues, including approaches and techniques to address difficult problems. Analytical capacity and in particular the ability to analyse and articulate the humanitarian dimension of issues which require a coordinated UN response. Ability to identify issues and judgment in applying technical expertise to resolve a wide range of problems. Ability to conduct research including evaluation and integration of information from a variety of sources and determine humanitarian trends. Ability to work under extreme pressure on occasion in a highly stressful environment (e.g. civil strife. natural disasters and human misery). Ability to provide guidance to new junior Staff. Shows pride in 'Work and in achievements; demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matters; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing g deadlines and achieving results; is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns; shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; remains calm in stressful situations; take responsibility for incorporating gender perspectives and ensuring the equal participation of women and men in all areas of work.

COMMUNICATION: Speaks and writes clearly and effectively listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately. Asks questions to clarify and exhibits in having two-way communication. Tailors language tone style and format to match audience. Demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed.

TEAMWORK: Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals. Solicits input by genuinely valuing others’ ideas and expertise’s willing to learn from others. Places team agenda before personal agenda support and acts in accordance with final group decision, even when decisions may not entirely reflect own position. Shares credit for team accomplishment and accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings.

PLANNING & ORGANIZING: Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies. Identifies priority activities and assignments. Adjusts priorities as required. Allocate appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work. Foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning. Monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary. Uses time of efficiently.

CLIENT ORIENTATION: Considers all those to whom services are provided to be 'clients" and seeks to see things, from clients' point of view. Establishes' and maintains productive partnerships with clients by gaining their trust and respect. Identifies clients’ needs and matches them to appropriate solutions. Monitors ongoing developments inside and outside the clients' environment to keen informed and anticipate problems. Keeps clients informed of progress or setbacks in projects. Meets timeline for delivery of products or services to client.


Experience:A minimum of five (5) years of progressively responsible professional experience in humanitarian affairs, Emergency preparedness, crisis/emergency relief management, preferably in a regional context or another related area is required. Sound knowledge of OCHA’s mandate and of Humanitarian coordination tools, process and services is desirable. Demonstrated experience in supporting humanitarian coordination and response in crisis situations resulting from complex political developments or natural disasters in Africa is desirable. Strong understanding, knowledge and/or experience regarding the role and mandates of the African Union including the process governing their relationship with the United Nations and other regional and sub-regional entities particularly in Africa is an advantage. Strong analytical capacity including the ability to quickly analyse and clearly articulate the humanitarian dimension of issues which require Joint/coordinated response from the UN and regional/ sub regional organizations is desirable.

Education:Advanced University degree (Master's degree or equivalent / in International Relations/Studies, Political Science or related field. A combination of relevant academic background at least a first level university decree (Bachelor’s degree or equivalent) and extensive relevant professional experience in a related area may be accepted in lieu of advanced university degree.

Languages:English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For this post, fluency in oral and written English is required. Knowledge of another official United Nations language is an advantage.

How to apply:

The position is intended to fill functions of short-term duration This temporary position is for an initial period of four (4) month with possible extension. All posts are subject to availability of funds.

Please state your full name and the temporary job opening notice number OCHA/G/132/2014 as the subject in your e-mail application and send one email application for every temporary job opening announcement. Documents should be saved as pdf file, with the title formatted as follows: FAMILY NAMEgiven name Doc-t type.pdf. For example: GREY_Joe _PHP.pdf.

All applicants are requested to submit a completed personal history profile (PHP) to Mr. Bisanukuli Huliro Alexis with a copy to .Please indicate the temporary job opening number OCHA/G/132/2014 in the Subject of your e-mail.

Note that applications to United Nations Secretariat positions can be generated in the new Inspira recruitment system. We encourage you to create an electronic personal history profile and to apply to these and other positions for which you are interested and qualified at

Note that applicants’ eligibility cannot be fully assessed if the personal history profile is not properly completed. Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted. Potential candidates under serious consideration will be contacted by hiring manager directly. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

The United Nations shall place no restrictions on the eligibility of men and women to participate in any capacity and under conditions of equality in its principal and subsidiary organs. (Charter of the United Nations - Chapter 3, article 8). The United Nations Secretariat is a non-smoking environment.

Staff members are subject to the authority of the Secretary-General and to assignment by him or her; in this context, all staff members are expected to move periodically to new functions in their careers In accordance with established rules and procedures."The United Nations does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview, meeting, processing, training or any other fees). Also, the United Nations does not concern itself with information on bank accounts."

Nigeria: Service Integration Officer

Organization: Pathfinder International
Country: Nigeria
Closing date: 13 Oct 2014

Pathfinder Overview

Pathfinder International is a global leader in sexual and reproductive health. We place reproductive health care at the center of all that we do—believing that it is not only a fundamental human right, but is critical for expanding life opportunities for women, families, communities, and nations, and paving the way for transformations in environmental stewardship, decreases in population pressures, and innovations in poverty reduction. Pathfinder provides women, men, and adolescents with a range of quality health services—from contraception and maternal care to HIV prevention and AIDS care and treatment.

Evidence to Action for Strengthened Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services for Women and Girls (E2A) is USAID’s global flagship project for strengthening quality FP/RH service delivery and is led by Pathfinder International. The project is designed to reduce unmet need for family planning by scaling-up proven best practices (BPs) to ensure that women and girls receive – and use – quality services through all stages of the reproductive life cycle. E2A promotes healthy FP/RH behaviors, gender-equality, and the application of compelling evidence for FP use. The project is in partnership with the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC), IntraHealth International, Management Sciences for Health (MSH), ExpandNet, and PATH.

Program Overview

This 3 year, USAID supported project aims to contribute to the reduction in Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT) of HIV/AIDS by providing a standardized package of PMTCT and tuberculosis (TB)/HIV services integrated with quality reproductive MCH services in private healthcare facilities, as recommended by the National guidelines as well as the associated guidelines for RMNCH, and by addressing the underlying gender, youth, and HIV stigmas that impede access, provision, and sustained utilization of these services in Akwa Ibom, Rivers, C/River and Lagos states of Nigeria.

Position Purpose:

Provide technical assistance to collaborating NGOs/Facilities in clinical and administrative aspect of service integration and delivery to ensure smooth and effective attainment of project goals. There are 8 positions available, 4 in Akwa Ibom, 2 in Cross River and 2 in Lagos.

Key Responsibilities

  • Develop creative and innovative approaches in order to expand access to the use of quality PMTCT and RH services by the under-served communities.
  • Identify technical assistance requirements and coordinate provision to TA so that service providers will tender quality PMTCT/RH services.
  • Conduct training needs and equipment/supplies and commodities needs assessment so as to address the identified needs for improved quality of service delivery.
  • Conduct field visits to all project sites to monitor and review project progress.
  • Give report on capture data in quarterly reports.
  • Plan, conduct and supervise training activities to sub-grantees and service providers.
  • Advise the SPM on necessary changes needed to improve quality coverage and acceptance of service.
  • Liaise with the Project Community Officer concerned on the development of culturally appropriate methods to educate and inform communities on services so as to expand service coverage.
  • Provide oversight for community-based demand generation activities of local CBOs.

Basic Requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree in Medicine or related field. A Masters in Public Health will be an added advantage.
  • Minimum 3 years’ experience in PMTCT, Reproductive Health and Community based programming with ability to deliver health services.
  • Prior experience with USAID funded Project is an added advantage.
  • Sound Project management experience and ability to coordinate multiple partners.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills(written and verbal.
  • Good Report writing skills.
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Good problem solving skills.
  • Mature, responsible and able to meet deadlines under pressure.
  • Strong interest in community capacity/capability building.

Pathfinder International is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or protected Veteran status.

How to apply:

To be considered for this position, please apply online.

Uganda: Chief of Party

Organization: University Research Co.
Country: Uganda
Closing date: 31 Dec 2014

Hours:Full-time Regular; Not Eligible for Overtime
Location: Various – Worldwide
Salary: Commensurate with required experience and qualifications

Reports to: Senior Vice President – Quality and Performance Institute (QPI) Division; Regional Director – Quality and Performance Institute (QPI) Division Position Level:Management
University Research Co., LLC (URC)
URC is a global company dedicated to improving the quality of health care, social services, and health education worldwide. With a non-profit affiliate, the Center for Human Services (CHS), URC manages projects in over 45 countries, including the United States.
Established in 1965, URC offers a range of technical assistance to strengthen health and social systems and service quality by empowering communities and health workers to identify and scale up locally appropriate solutions to critical problems. Internationally, we expand access to and improve the quality of services addressing maternal, newborn, and child health; infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria; reproductive health and family planning; food and nutrition; and vulnerable children and families. In the US, we focus on improving communication related to issues like substance abuse, with a particular focus on reaching underserved populations.
URC’s mission is to provide innovative, evidence-based solutions to health and social challenges worldwide. Please join us in carrying out our mission (
Division & Project Overview:
The Quality and Performance Institute (QPI) is a division of URC that has implemented quality improvement and operations research programs in health care since 1981 and continues to be at the cutting edge of health care improvement work in countries around the world.
The USAID Applying Science to Strengthen and Improve Systems (ASSIST) is the QPI’s leading project t that is dedicated to improving health, population and nutrition services through technical support to service delivery institutions, country Ministries of Health, USAID country missions, and cooperating agencies. The project carries on the work of the USAID Health Care Improvement Project ( and is focused on building the capacity of host country providers and managers to apply modern quality improvement methods, make essential services accessible to all who need them, and ensure that care is delivered in compliance with standards and client needs, for every client, every time.
An important global objective of the ASSIST Project is knowledge management: to facilitate documentation and sharing of evidence for improvement of specific care processes, based on the work of individual QI teams, large-scale improvement efforts, and/or research, and to make this information readily available through Web technology.
Roles and Responsibilities: The Chief of Party will play the leadership role and provide management responsibilities for the development and implementation of a project at a country level. The primary duties include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Provide overall technical and administrative leadership to the project implementation team, including development of strategies, budgets, workplans, monitoring and evaluation plans, reporting.
  • Interact with USAID Mission as a major funding source in accordance with obligations defined by a cooperative agreement or a contact, and provide regular updates to ensure their timely awareness of progress or issues as they arise.
  • Represent project (or organization) in-country and coordinate efforts with Ministry of Health, policy makers, and senior health experts, USAID implementing partners, WHO, and other relevant stakeholders to ensure successful project implementation, dissemination and institutionalization of results.
  • Provide supervision to the project full time personnel, consultants, and subcontractors.
  • Ensure efficient function in administrative and financial procedures, and adequate internal controls processes.
  • Participate in opportunities for business development.

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Public health professional with an advanced degree (MD, MPH, PhD or DrPH) or equivalent combination of training and experience.
  • At least ten (10) years of a track record showing progressive experience in technical and management leadership of host country professional and non-professional personnel.
  • Demonstrated ability to cooperate with host country governments and international partners in implementing multi-intervention health development projects.
  • Successful work with USAID-funded health programs.
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, including the ability to work effectively with a culturally and linguistically diverse staff, consultants and counterparts.
  • Strong oral and written communication skills, including substantial presentation experience to high-level audiences (policymakers, program managers, donors), as well as experience in facilitation and small group process.

Please note:*Only candidates who are eligible to work in various locations worldwide for an indefinite period without a need for sponsorship will be considered for this position.*

How to apply:

To Apply: For immediate consideration, please visit URC’s Career Opportunities page at

You must upload your CV/Résumé and your Cover Letter where indicated. Also, please complete your application form and attach a completed USAID Form 1420 Contractor Employee Biographical Data Sheet as well.

Due to the large number of inquiries we receive, only candidates who have met the required experience & qualifications for this position will be contacted. No phone calls please. However, since we are active around the world in the field of public health, we may wish to retain your CV in our database for other/future opportunities, unless you direct us otherwise. Thank you very much for your interest.

URC is proud to be an Equal Employment Opportunity employer.

We value and seek diversity in our workforce.

Somalia: Assistant Chef

Organization: CTG Global
Country: Somalia
Closing date: 25 Oct 2014


PositionAssistant Chef Place of Performance Somalia Contract Duration 6 months on x 1 month off Starting Date 1st November, 2014


CTG Global is a managed service company specializing in Recruitment, Management Consultancy, Human Resources support services and Monitoring & Evaluation in post disaster and post conflict countries around the world.

CTG Global provides services to humanitarian organizations, government, non-governmental organizations and corporates that enables public and private sectors to focus on their core business and the achievement of their objectives in hostile and threatening environments as we provide a safe and secure environment for them to do so and alleviate them of their risks, crisis and personnel management problems.


· Assist the Chef Manager in overall food preparations

· Maintain standards of food and kitchen hygiene

· Maintain standards in food preparation

· Maintain standards in food preparation

· To relieve in the Chef Manager absence


· Prior kitchen experience as a chef or line cook, managing kitchen staff and budgeting and purchasing.

· Fluent English Speaking

· Culinary degree from reputable university or 3 years’ experience as a head chef in food-service operations with remote sites

· 2 years direct and successful work experience with American clientele and American expats in remote locations

· HACCP Certification and/or Experience

Interested candidates should submit their CV along with their application letter via e-mail to with reference to “BHJOB2678_601” in the subject line. Short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.

How to apply:

Interested candidates should submit their CV along with their application letter via e-mail to with reference to “BHJOB2678_601” in the subject line. Short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.

Democratic Republic of the Congo: Health Advisor - D.R. Congo

Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Closing date: 31 Oct 2014

Role and Responsibilities

Provide technical advice and support to the field management and the health staff. Develop, lead, monitor, and evaluate the health aspects of the country programme. Coordinate and network at a senior level with national and regional health authorities and other NGOs. Lead on all health elements of proposals and reports, providing capacity building for national and international staff, promote best practice in the health programmes and contributing to the overall management of the country programme.

Take a look at Medair’sHealth & Nutritionwork.

Project Overview

Emergency health projects targeting displaced, war affected and vulnerable populations in North East Congo. Developmental projects aimed at long term and sustainable behaviour change in general population and state health employees to improve public health outcomes. Potential project includes emergency responses and/or expansion of initial programmes into areas with critical needs.


Medair is a humanitarian organisation inspired by Christian faith to relieve human suffering in some of the world’s most remote and devastated places. We bring relief and recovery to people in crisis, regardless of race, creed or nationality. As signatories of the Red Cross Code of Conduct, we believe that aid should be given to everyone who is in need, regardless of political, social or religious viewpoint. We save lives in emergencies and then stay to help people recover from crisis with dignity—working side by side with communities to leave a lasting impact. We provide a range of emergency relief and recovery services: health care and nutrition; safe water, sanitation, and hygiene; shelter and infrastructure.


Bunia, D.R. Congo. Take a look at Medair’s work inD.R. Congo.

Starting Date

October 2014

Initial Contract Details

Full time, Minimum contract of 12 – 24 months

Key Activity Areas

Health Project Technical Oversight

  • Maintain an overview of the country health programme and of the regional context, with a view to strategically developing new projects in current sites and/or surrounding regions, and proactively planning for responsible exit.
  • Give technical advice to field managers and HQ on potential involvement in new health interventions and internal health capacity for implementation.
  • Define appropriate policies, guidelines and protocols for the medical aspects of Medair’s work in country, in consultation with HQ advisors, field managers, in line with government and intl. guidelines.
  • Provide technical support to health teams in all project sites, including evaluation and impact analysis of current projects and the writing of donor proposals and reports within the required timeframes.
  • Carry out regular monitoring visits in conjunction with field managers, ensuring that project objectives are met within the stated timeframes and in accordance with recognised international standards.
  • Supervise and monitor the development of reporting systems for data collection (qualitative and quantitative), analysis and follow-up and feedback to relevant staff, donors, partners / other agencies.
  • Maintain an oversight of medicines and health supplies ordered for the health projects, supporting the health and logistics staff in the coordination and quality control of health supplies.
  • Input into the integration of beneficiary participation and accountability in all aspects of the project.


  • Develop and maintain relationships with Ministry of Health, UN, NGOs, donors, partners and other stakeholders, with the objective of raising public awareness of Medair and ensuring good co-operation and partnerships. Seek out relevant networks or task groups on specific health-related humanitarian aid issues and actively participate, if possible.
  • Represent Medair, as appropriate, at national health cluster, coordination, sector and bilateral meetings, working groups, with national and/or local government departments and any other relevant meetings or events, facilitating supportive synergies and overall progress in the health sector and avoiding duplication with the work of other agencies (e.g. NGOs, UN, etc).

Staff Management

  • Ensure that all health staff are adequately trained and, if necessary, create possibilities for capacity building, mentoring and coaching, within budget constraints. Plan and develop training material as required with support from HQ advisors as needed.

Financial Management

  • Work with the relevant field managers and HQ staff to plan and construct health budgets.
  • Ensure the health project expenditure is in line with approved budgets, advising on potential under/over spend and recommending appropriate corrective action.

Quality Management

  • Ensure health projects are implemented in line with donor proposals and requirements and in accordance with Medair, donor, country and international standards e.g. Sphere and HAP standards, WHO recommendations, etc. Regularly assess and provide feedback and recommendations to HQ advisors as well as field staff on the quality of health programmes and interventions.


  • Clinical degree or diploma (nurse, midwife or doctor), or Public Health degree; Medical doctor desirable
  • Clinical degree in Public Health strongly desirable; Degree in Tropical Medicine desirable


  • Strong working knowledge of English and French (spoken and written)

Experience / Competencies

  • 3 years’ post-qualification experience in managing Primary Health Care programmes in developing countries, with at least 1 year in a humanitarian emergency context
  • 1 year managing and coordinating emergency responses – outbreaks, displaced populations, and/or nutritional emergencies desirable
  • Competent with statistical database such as EPI Info, SPSS or STATA desirable
  • Knowledge of humanitarian principles, Sphere and HAP Standards and other international humanitarian guidelines and protocols
  • Experience in the design, monitoring of implementation and evaluation of public health programmes
  • Experience dealing with donors and govt. officials, representation at national and local levels desirable
  • Advanced leadership, project management, planning, assessment and analytical skills
  • Good report and proposal writing and negotiation skills; networking and advocacy skills desirable
  • Capacity to work under pressure and manage personal stress levels

Medair Standard Working Requirements for the Field

  • Experienced professionals in a relevant field; Overseas intercultural experience
  • Committed Christians; commitment to the Medair values
  • Strong working knowledge of English, spoken and written
  • Working knowledge of French, spoken and written, for French-speaking field programmes
  • Single or married (with no children under 18). If married, your spouse must also apply.
  • Successful completion of Medair Relief & Recovery Orientation Course (ROC)
  • Reflect the vision and values of Medair with team members, local staff, beneficiaries, external contacts
  • Able to live and work in a multicultural team under difficult conditions
  • Strong character traits, including emotional stability, adaptability, ability to handle stress, cultural and gender sensitivity, honesty, and physically fit


  • A salary based upon the grade of the position and the experience of the position-holder
  • Comprehensive briefing at our Swiss headquarters, as well as an in-country briefing
  • Security training for those going to particularly insecure environments
  • Accommodation, food, and transportation in-country
  • Return flights to and from the country programme (one return flight for every year of service)
  • Rest and recuperation (R&R) leave (including travel, accommodation, and food allowance)
  • Annual leave; Death and disability allowance
  • Contribution matching programme for retirement savings (for experienced relief workers)
  • Additional contract benefit allowance for those who commit to longer contracts
  • Comprehensive medical and emergency rescue insurance, with up to 60 days post- assignment coverage, including debriefing

Working Conditions

  • Bunia is a rural town. The improving security situation means that we are currently able to move quite freely within a specified area of Bunia, however this may change if security deteriorates.

How to apply:

Follow this link:, check if you are an Experienced or New Relief Worker and that you fit our standard working criteria, then:

a) apply for this vacancy(or another position that matches your profile),or

b) apply for a Medair ROC(where we can try and match your competencies to our vacancy needs).

Please do not make multiple applications. We will not review email applications. Only English-language applications / CVs will be reviewed. Medair does not set closing / deadline dates for applications; recruitment is on-going until the position is filled.