Kenya: TOR Loss and Grief Training

Organization: Jesuit Refugee Service
Country: Kenya
Closing date: 05 Nov 2014


Jesuit Refugee Service Kakuma, Counseling Department it seeking a qualified facilitator to conduct a 6-day capacity building training for loss and grief Facilitation to be delivered to 42 Refugee Community Counselors. The aim of the training is to empower Community Counselors with appropriate knowledge and skills on conducting professional counselling seasons to undergoing through any form of loss and be able to deliver effective therapeutic sessions to refugees in Kakuma suffering from emotional distress .The stress within the training is on practical application rather than on theoretic knowledge.The training is to be delivered in a training facility within Kakuma Refugee Camp.

Kakuma Refugee Camp

The Kakuma refugee camp was founded in 1992 in Northwestern Kenya to serve refugees arriving to Kenya from conflict zones in the region (primarily Sudan and Ethiopia). Today, the population of the camp is about 169743 refugees from 11 different countries with large tribal and language diversity within the national communities. Currently Sudan nationals from South Sudan are the majority group within the camp. Other countries represented include Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Eritrea Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda and others.

Jesuit Refugee Service Community Counselling

Jesuit Refugee Service Kakuma operates a Community Counseling Programme in Kakuma and has 113 refugee staff and one national staff to provide counseling services to refugees based in the Kakuma Refugee Camp. The refugee community counselors undergo 60-hour Basic Training in Counseling and are offered regular weekly in-service training to build their capacity. Most of these community counselors have gone through other intensive trainings including: group counseling, child counseling, Trauma, debriefing, Substance Abuse, self-awareness, group supervision and Family Therapy. Each of the mentioned trainings had a minimum of 40 hours each.

The community counselors serve in their own national communities within the camp offering counseling services to persons with emotional problems. The JRS Kakuma Counseling Program uses Psycho Social Wellbeing and Client-Centered Counseling approach.

In the light of the above, the counseling department would like to empower further its community counselors to be able to work effectively with individual clients and groups experiencing a wide variety of issues and problems which is currently overwhelming.

Mode of Delivery

The training will combine both theory and practical demonstrations and plentiful opportunities to practice the new knowledge and skills .Facilitator will take in consideration limited English language abilities of the participants. Using practical case studies/ exercises is encouraged.

De- briefing Counselling Facilitation

Date: November 16th to 22nd 2014 - TBD

Duration: 6 days; – (with breaks as appropriate)

Location: Kakuma Refugee Camp


  1. General overview of loss and grief
  2. Stages of grief
  3. Types of loss and grief
  4. Fundamental elements of loss and grief
  5. Loss and grief in a counselling concept.
  6. Coping with lose and grief
  7. Approaches and strategies in loss and grief therapy
  8. Cultural approach in grief counseling
  9. Dealing with stress, depression and grief
  10. Coping with reminders after a loss
  11. Practical aspects of grief and loss
  12. Counsellor’s role during grief and loss sessions.
  13. Practical aspects of grief and loss sessions
  14. Grief and loss process-(session)
  15. Crisis support and suicide prevention
  16. Grief and loss counselling interventions
  17. Ethical issues.


  1. Participants will acquire fundamental knowledge of loss and grief in counseling.
  2. Participants will identify the stages of grief
  3. The participants will learn and able to apply various approaches and steps of counselling loss and grief beneficiaries and apply those skills appropriately in different challenging situations including refugee set up.
  4. The participants will be able to formulate questions that assist staff in self-awareness through reflection.
  5. The participants will be able to discuss process of loss and grief
  6. Participants will gain ability of caring for the care giver.
  7. Participants will gain knowledge of basic guidelines of loss and grief in counseling
  8. After the training participants will be able to conduct loss and grief sessions to individuals and groups effectively and professionally
  9. Participants will gain solid understanding of ethical issues in bereavement.
  10. Participants will receive handouts of grief and loss while counseling office will receive notes on power point and soft copies on the same subject.
  11. After completion of the training, participants will be issued with certificates of participation.

Facilitator Qualifications:

  1. Master level education in Counseling Psychology, Clinical psychology, clinical Social Work or related field.
  2. Demonstrated experience designing and facilitating trainings
  3. Demonstrated experience facilitating debriefing of individual, family, and counseling groups.
  4. Working knowledge of refugees, conflict and displacement


  1. Facilitator’s fee TBD
  2. Transportation Nairobi/Kakuma or equivalent
  3. Accommodation and food in place of workshop

How to apply:

Interested candidates should send their letter of interest, Organization Profile, CV, and quotations via email addressed to: and a copy to not later than 5th November 2014.

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