Cabo Verde: International Consultant - Integrating climate change risks and opportunities into national country programming: Food Security and

Organization: UN Development Programme
Country: Cabo Verde
Closing date: 17 Sep 2014



****Country: CAPE VERDE****

****Description of the assignment: International Consultant - Integrating climate change risks and opportunities into national country programming: Food Security and Agriculture Plans****

****Project name: Building Adaptive Capacity and Resilience to Climate Change in the Water Sector in Cape Verde. UNDP/CIDA Fast Start Climate Change Facility****

****Period of assignment/services:****25 working days. Home based, with one mission to Cabo Verde

For detailed information, please refer to the Terms of Reference available in the following websites:

How to apply:

Applicaiton Procedure

Important note:Interested consultants is strongly advised to read the Individual Consultant (IC) Procurement Notice, wich can be viewed at for more detail about the terms of references, instructions to offeror, and documents to be included when submitting offer.

Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

  • The Curriculum of the consultant, containing well detailed qualifications, experience and skills and UN P11 form;
  • Introduction of the consultant, with a brief note explaining why they are most suitable for the work;
  • Proposed methodology and work plan;
  • A financial proposal, which should include all expenses (fees, travel, mission costs);
  • Sample of executive summary of a report leaded by the applicant;
  • Offeror’s letter to UNDP confirming interest and availability for the Individual Contractor (IC) assignment and Final all-inclusive price proposal with breakdown of costs as per UNDP template, which can be downloaded at

Note for Interested Candidates above the age of 62: UNDP regulations require, at their own cost, to undergo a full medical examination including x-rays. Medical evaluation documentation does not need to be submitted with the other requested documents listed above, but will be requested should the candidate be chosen.

Proposals must include all six documents. Proposals not meeting this requirement will be rejected.

Evalation Process:

The contract will be awarded to the candidate who received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria: Technical Criteria weight: 70% + Financial Criteria weight: 30%. Individual consultants will be evaluated based on Cumulative analysis.

When using this weighted scoring method, the award of the contract shall be made to the individual Consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

  • Responsive/compliant/acceptable; and
  • Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

Technical Criteria weight: 70%.

Financial Criteria weight: 30%.

Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 70% (49 points) of the total obtainable technical points would be considered for the Financial Evaluation. The Technical proposal submitted and the pre-determined questions to be asked during the interview would be in line with the below Criteria.

The selection will be made based on the educational background (10 points), experience on similar assignments (15 points) and the quality of the technical proposal - Adequacy with the Terms of reference, methodological approach, including the work plan (45 points).

Financial Proposal:

The financial score for the financial proposal will be calculated in the following manner:

Sf = 100 x Fm/F, in which Sf is the financial score, Fm is the lowest price and F the price of the proposal under consideration.

(Total Financial Maximum points = 30 points).

Total Score

The technical score attained at by each proposal will be used in determining the Total score as follows:

  • The weights given to the technical and financial proposals are: T= 0.7, F=0.3;
  • The Total score will be calculated by formula:TS = St x 0.7 + Sf x 0.3;
  • TS - Is the total score of the proposal under consideration?
  • St - is technical score of the proposal under consideration.

Sf - is financial score of the proposal under consideration.

Interested candidates are strongly advised to read the Procurement Notice for Individual Consultants and its related documents, which are available in the following websites:

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